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題名 一九二○年代前期臺、日人的政治競合關係
The Political Competition and Cooperation of Taiwanese and the Resident Japanese in Early 1920s
作者 蔡蕙頻
貢獻者 戴寶村
關鍵詞 廢廳反對運動
日期 2013
摘要 過去研究日治時期臺灣政治史時,常見以「臺灣人」對抗「臺灣總督府」的思考模式,本文企圖打破這樣的二元對立,加入在臺日人的角色,透過對一九二○年代前期「廢廳反對運動」、地方制度變革下「街庄協議會員選任問題」、「臺灣議會設置請願運動」,以及臺灣總督府評議會中「臺灣人之民法繼承議題」等四項政治議題,探討臺灣人、在臺日人與臺灣總督府三方之間的競合關係。
  本文所稱之「全臺性」(Taiwan size),係指以臺灣全體為基礎之概念,「地方性」(local)則相對於此,指臺灣內部的任一微小、有機單元,它是組成「全臺性」的基本元素。清治以來,臺灣社會已出現分層的現象,到了日治時期,地域社會的發展結構仍在,一九二○年代又誕生了一批新式知識青年,而在臺日人的社會至此也進入穩定階段,他們都是推動臺灣各層級政治活動的主力。
The perspective can be usually seen as Taiwanese fight against the Taiwan Governor General’s Office (臺灣總督府Taiwan Soudokufu) when coming to the Taiwan political history study during the Japanese Ruled Period. This study intends to deconstruct the dichotomic properties of Taiwanese and Taiwan Governor General’s Office, and adds the rule of resident Japanese in Taiwan. The coopetition of the three parties, Taiwanese, Taiwan Governor General’s Office, and resident Japanese in Taiwan, will be discussed through four political events, the Movement of against Abolishing Prefectures during the early 1920s, the Election Problem of Council Members under the changing local government system, the Petition of the Establishment of Taiwan Council, and the Taiwan Civil Inheritance Issue in the Council of the Taiwan Governor General’s Office.
The “Taiwan Size” in this study means the concept of Taiwan as a whole, and the “local”, on the contrary, means any subtle, organic unit in Taiwan. The “local” is the essential that constructs the “Taiwan size.” Since the Qing ruling, the hierarchical layers took shape in Taiwan society. The layers continued to exist in the Japanese Ruled Period. During the 1920s, Taiwanese Intellectuals who received modern education started their activities, and the society of resident Japanese in Taiwan entered the stable phase. All of them are the dominating for launching political activities from every hierarchical layer in Taiwan society.
The bias treatment of Taiwanese and of Japanese in Taiwan always existed in terms of several perspectives. Though the right of resident Japanese in Taiwan was restricted by Taiwan Governor General’s Office’s law(六三體制), political status of Taiwanese was still inferior to local Japanese in Taiwan. Through layers of ruling bias, interweaving power structure and coopetition, the interaction of Taiwanese-Japanese of different social hierarchy was formed and interpreted. By the four political events mentioned previously, this study concludes that different political purposes are pursued by Taiwanese Governor General’s Office, Taiwanese, and the resident Japanese in Taiwan. The main purpose of the Taiwanese Governor General’s Office emphasizes a stable ruling status and a government-Constitutional domination. On the one hand, the Taiwanese Governor General’s Office tried to release itself from the control of the mother country Japan, and on the other hand, the Office had to answer pressure from people of the colonial Taiwan. Hence, based on a stable ruling political status, the Taiwanese Governor General’s Office appropriately release constrained political right to the colonial Taiwanese. On the contrary, the main purpose of Taiwanese people emphasize on elevating their political status and the equal treatment among Taiwanese and Japanese. For this purpose, Taiwanese and resident Japanese in Taiwan competed and cooperated with each other. The resident Japanese in Taiwan pursued the idea of “keeping the interest and their superiority.” Even if their interest was threatened and they had to cooperate with Taiwanese, the resident Japanese in Taiwan still hoped to keep the superior status to the Taiwanese. No matter the Taiwanese Governor General’s Office, Taiwanese, or the resident Japanese in Taiwan, the key for competition or cooperation in a provincial or national political activities was determined by the “interest.” If the interest of one party will be damaged, they will fight against each other. If the interest of two parties will be damaged, they will cooperate with each other and fight for their sharing interest.
描述 博士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0098158505
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 戴寶村zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (作者) 蔡蕙頻zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) 蔡蕙頻zh_TW
dc.date (日期) 2013en_US
dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) G0098158505en_US
dc.description (描述) 博士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 台灣史研究所zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 98158505zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 102zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 過去研究日治時期臺灣政治史時,常見以「臺灣人」對抗「臺灣總督府」的思考模式,本文企圖打破這樣的二元對立,加入在臺日人的角色,透過對一九二○年代前期「廢廳反對運動」、地方制度變革下「街庄協議會員選任問題」、「臺灣議會設置請願運動」,以及臺灣總督府評議會中「臺灣人之民法繼承議題」等四項政治議題,探討臺灣人、在臺日人與臺灣總督府三方之間的競合關係。
  本文所稱之「全臺性」(Taiwan size),係指以臺灣全體為基礎之概念,「地方性」(local)則相對於此,指臺灣內部的任一微小、有機單元,它是組成「全臺性」的基本元素。清治以來,臺灣社會已出現分層的現象,到了日治時期,地域社會的發展結構仍在,一九二○年代又誕生了一批新式知識青年,而在臺日人的社會至此也進入穩定階段,他們都是推動臺灣各層級政治活動的主力。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) The perspective can be usually seen as Taiwanese fight against the Taiwan Governor General’s Office (臺灣總督府Taiwan Soudokufu) when coming to the Taiwan political history study during the Japanese Ruled Period. This study intends to deconstruct the dichotomic properties of Taiwanese and Taiwan Governor General’s Office, and adds the rule of resident Japanese in Taiwan. The coopetition of the three parties, Taiwanese, Taiwan Governor General’s Office, and resident Japanese in Taiwan, will be discussed through four political events, the Movement of against Abolishing Prefectures during the early 1920s, the Election Problem of Council Members under the changing local government system, the Petition of the Establishment of Taiwan Council, and the Taiwan Civil Inheritance Issue in the Council of the Taiwan Governor General’s Office.
The “Taiwan Size” in this study means the concept of Taiwan as a whole, and the “local”, on the contrary, means any subtle, organic unit in Taiwan. The “local” is the essential that constructs the “Taiwan size.” Since the Qing ruling, the hierarchical layers took shape in Taiwan society. The layers continued to exist in the Japanese Ruled Period. During the 1920s, Taiwanese Intellectuals who received modern education started their activities, and the society of resident Japanese in Taiwan entered the stable phase. All of them are the dominating for launching political activities from every hierarchical layer in Taiwan society.
The bias treatment of Taiwanese and of Japanese in Taiwan always existed in terms of several perspectives. Though the right of resident Japanese in Taiwan was restricted by Taiwan Governor General’s Office’s law(六三體制), political status of Taiwanese was still inferior to local Japanese in Taiwan. Through layers of ruling bias, interweaving power structure and coopetition, the interaction of Taiwanese-Japanese of different social hierarchy was formed and interpreted. By the four political events mentioned previously, this study concludes that different political purposes are pursued by Taiwanese Governor General’s Office, Taiwanese, and the resident Japanese in Taiwan. The main purpose of the Taiwanese Governor General’s Office emphasizes a stable ruling status and a government-Constitutional domination. On the one hand, the Taiwanese Governor General’s Office tried to release itself from the control of the mother country Japan, and on the other hand, the Office had to answer pressure from people of the colonial Taiwan. Hence, based on a stable ruling political status, the Taiwanese Governor General’s Office appropriately release constrained political right to the colonial Taiwanese. On the contrary, the main purpose of Taiwanese people emphasize on elevating their political status and the equal treatment among Taiwanese and Japanese. For this purpose, Taiwanese and resident Japanese in Taiwan competed and cooperated with each other. The resident Japanese in Taiwan pursued the idea of “keeping the interest and their superiority.” Even if their interest was threatened and they had to cooperate with Taiwanese, the resident Japanese in Taiwan still hoped to keep the superior status to the Taiwanese. No matter the Taiwanese Governor General’s Office, Taiwanese, or the resident Japanese in Taiwan, the key for competition or cooperation in a provincial or national political activities was determined by the “interest.” If the interest of one party will be damaged, they will fight against each other. If the interest of two parties will be damaged, they will cooperate with each other and fight for their sharing interest.
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論
一、 研究動機與目的 …………………………………………………… 1
二、 研究範圍與名詞定義 ……………………………………………… 4
三、 研究回顧 …………………………………………………………… 9
四、 研究方法與史料運用 ………………………………………………… 22

第二章 臺灣的人地發展與民眾的政治活動
第一節 臺灣地域社會發展與領導階層的分化 ……………………… 27
第二節 臺灣地域社會下的政治活動 ………………………………… 38
第三節 在臺日人社會的建立及其優越意識 ………………………… 48

第三章 廢廳反對運動
第一節 1920年以前地方臺、日人的商業競爭 ……………………… 66
第二節 從反對廢廳到設置州、郡運動 ……………………………… 76
第三節 廢廳反對運動的地方性格及其侷限 ………………………… 88

第四章 街庄協議會員選任問題
第一節 臺灣地方制度之變遷及其背景 ……………………………… 106
第二節 街庄協議會員選任爭議 ……………………………………… 115
第三節 從選任爭議論臺、日人的政治思考 ………………………… 135

第五章 臺灣議會設置請願運動
第一節 六三體制的確立與臺、日人的政治待遇 …………………… 147
第二節 1921年以前臺、日人的政治活動 …………………………… 158
第三節 各界反應與臺日人競合關係 ………………………………… 169

第六章 總督府評議會中臺灣人之民法繼承議題
第一節 總督府評議會之組成 ………………………………………… 184
第二節 日本民法繼承編實施與否之議論 …………………………… 192
第三節 從民法繼承編爭議論臺、日人的政治思惟 ………………… 209

第七章 結論……………………………………………………… 219

參考書目…………………………………………………………… 228
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0098158505en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 廢廳反對運動zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 街庄協議會員zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 臺灣議會設置請願運動zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 臺灣總督府評議會zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 全臺性zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 地方性zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 政治活動zh_TW
dc.title (題名) 一九二○年代前期臺、日人的政治競合關係zh_TW
dc.title (題名) The Political Competition and Cooperation of Taiwanese and the Resident Japanese in Early 1920sen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen