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題名 各層級國土空間規劃與管理之脆弱度與回復力之評估研究---以都市空間為對象(I)
其他題名 A Study on the Vulnerability and Resilience Assessment of Spatial Planning and Management in Urban Area (I)
作者 白仁德;林建元
貢獻者 地政學系
日期 2008
上傳時間 21-八月-2014 09:24:30 (UTC+8)
摘要 近年來全球環境變遷、氣候異常現象,使得台灣天然災害頻率增 加、強度增強。由於台灣山坡地地質脆弱,坡度陡峭,河川湍急短促, 加上颱風、豪雨頻繁,屢屢釀成土石流失、崩塌及土石流等天然災害, 再加上台灣約有73%的人口是居住在有三種以上災害可能衝擊之地 區。地震與颱洪災害是台灣最常面對的。特別是在921 地震後土石鬆 軟,颱風帶來得豪雨使得坡地區土石流瀕傳或低窪地區淹水。 鑒於台灣位於極易受災的地區,如何針對各層級的國土空間規劃 與管理上考慮減低其脆弱因子、提昇回復能力的手段,已成為重要的 研究課題。近年來,國內外已累積有不少探討脆弱度(vulnerability) 及回復力(resilience)之研究,將脆弱度及回復力觀念運用於探討 環境管理之相關研究,亦已成國際上新興之研究趨勢。反觀國內,有 關脆弱度及回復力觀念尚屬起步階段,而將此觀念運用於空間規劃與 管理之研究仍相當有限。因此,本研究第一年嘗試運用脆弱度及回復 力觀念,來建立都市層級可操作之評估指標與模式,第二年則以台中 都會區進行實證研究。希望透過本研究,能夠建立具體可操作、並適 用於本土之評估指標與模式,藉由整合不同層級空間研究之其他子計 畫,將可提供各級政府制定相關空間規劃政策(國土規劃、城鄉計畫、 都市計畫、農村規劃等)及災害防救政策之參考。
With the phoneme of climate change, Taiwan will face more frequently and severe natural disasters. Due to the weak geology, steep slope, high gradient and rapid velocity of stream, Taiwan was usually suffered from soil erosion, landslide and debris flow during the typhoon and torrential rainfall season. Earthquake, typhoon and flood are the most common natural disasters in Taiwan. Taiwan may be the most vulnerable area in the world, because 73% of the people live in the places where at least 3 natural hazards may impact. The 921 earthquake in 1999 caused softy of soils and sands which led to debris flow whenever there is heavy rainfall. Since Taiwan is located in disasters vulnerable area, how to reduce vulnerabilities and enhance resilience thus become very important issues for spatial planning and management in different level governments should consider some measures to reduce vulnerabilities and enhance resilience. In the past few years, many researches focused on vulnerability and resilience. Applying the concepts of vulnerability and resilience on spatial planning and management are very popular recently. However, vulnerability and resilience related studies just started in Taiwan. Very few researches have done to apply these concepts on spatial planning and management. Therefore, this study tries to applying these concepts to urban level spatial planning and management and establishes assessment indictors and model in the first year. In the second year, this study will chose Taichung metropolitan as case study area. This study will finally establish a proper vulnerability and resilience assessment model which is suitable in urban level. Through this kind of research as well as others in different spatial levels, they will provide some principles and strategies for future spatial planning and disaster management policies.
關聯 行政院國家科學委員會
資料類型 report
dc.contributor 地政學系en_US
dc.creator (作者) 白仁德;林建元zh_TW
dc.date (日期) 2008en_US
dc.date.accessioned 21-八月-2014 09:24:30 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 21-八月-2014 09:24:30 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 21-八月-2014 09:24:30 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/69080-
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 近年來全球環境變遷、氣候異常現象,使得台灣天然災害頻率增 加、強度增強。由於台灣山坡地地質脆弱,坡度陡峭,河川湍急短促, 加上颱風、豪雨頻繁,屢屢釀成土石流失、崩塌及土石流等天然災害, 再加上台灣約有73%的人口是居住在有三種以上災害可能衝擊之地 區。地震與颱洪災害是台灣最常面對的。特別是在921 地震後土石鬆 軟,颱風帶來得豪雨使得坡地區土石流瀕傳或低窪地區淹水。 鑒於台灣位於極易受災的地區,如何針對各層級的國土空間規劃 與管理上考慮減低其脆弱因子、提昇回復能力的手段,已成為重要的 研究課題。近年來,國內外已累積有不少探討脆弱度(vulnerability) 及回復力(resilience)之研究,將脆弱度及回復力觀念運用於探討 環境管理之相關研究,亦已成國際上新興之研究趨勢。反觀國內,有 關脆弱度及回復力觀念尚屬起步階段,而將此觀念運用於空間規劃與 管理之研究仍相當有限。因此,本研究第一年嘗試運用脆弱度及回復 力觀念,來建立都市層級可操作之評估指標與模式,第二年則以台中 都會區進行實證研究。希望透過本研究,能夠建立具體可操作、並適 用於本土之評估指標與模式,藉由整合不同層級空間研究之其他子計 畫,將可提供各級政府制定相關空間規劃政策(國土規劃、城鄉計畫、 都市計畫、農村規劃等)及災害防救政策之參考。en_US
dc.description.abstract (摘要) With the phoneme of climate change, Taiwan will face more frequently and severe natural disasters. Due to the weak geology, steep slope, high gradient and rapid velocity of stream, Taiwan was usually suffered from soil erosion, landslide and debris flow during the typhoon and torrential rainfall season. Earthquake, typhoon and flood are the most common natural disasters in Taiwan. Taiwan may be the most vulnerable area in the world, because 73% of the people live in the places where at least 3 natural hazards may impact. The 921 earthquake in 1999 caused softy of soils and sands which led to debris flow whenever there is heavy rainfall. Since Taiwan is located in disasters vulnerable area, how to reduce vulnerabilities and enhance resilience thus become very important issues for spatial planning and management in different level governments should consider some measures to reduce vulnerabilities and enhance resilience. In the past few years, many researches focused on vulnerability and resilience. Applying the concepts of vulnerability and resilience on spatial planning and management are very popular recently. However, vulnerability and resilience related studies just started in Taiwan. Very few researches have done to apply these concepts on spatial planning and management. Therefore, this study tries to applying these concepts to urban level spatial planning and management and establishes assessment indictors and model in the first year. In the second year, this study will chose Taichung metropolitan as case study area. This study will finally establish a proper vulnerability and resilience assessment model which is suitable in urban level. Through this kind of research as well as others in different spatial levels, they will provide some principles and strategies for future spatial planning and disaster management policies.en_US
dc.format.extent 1444012 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.relation (關聯) 行政院國家科學委員會en_US
dc.relation (關聯) 計畫編號NSC97-2621-M004-004en_US
dc.title (題名) 各層級國土空間規劃與管理之脆弱度與回復力之評估研究---以都市空間為對象(I)zh_TW
dc.title.alternative (其他題名) A Study on the Vulnerability and Resilience Assessment of Spatial Planning and Management in Urban Area (I)en_US
dc.type (資料類型) reporten