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題名 殖民現代性法學:日本殖民統治下臺灣現代法學知識的發展(1895-1945)
其他題名 Jurisprudence with Colonial Modernity: The Development of Modern Knowledge of Law in Taiwan under Japanese Colonial Rule (1895~1945)
作者 王泰升
Wang, Tay-sheng
貢獻者 臺史所
關鍵詞 法學 ; 舊慣 ; 內地延長 ; 臺北帝國大學 ; 臺灣人 ; 法西斯化
Jurisprudence ; Old customs ; The extension of Mainland ; Taihoku Imperial University ; Taiwanese ; Fascist
日期 2012.12
上傳時間 6-Oct-2014 17:19:24 (UTC+8)
摘要 臺灣於一八九五年之後,方因新來的日本統治者已繼受現代法制及法學,而有可能發展現代法學知識。日治前期因日本帝國對臺灣採取特殊統治主義,而在臺灣發展出具有在地特色的「舊慣法學」,藉以支持殖民地行政、司法乃至立法上的需要,故當帝國的\\r殖民統治政策轉向「內地延長」,舊慣法學即告沒落。緊接著盛行的是「內地延長法學」,在臺灣的法學僅僅作為戰前日本法學的一個分支。一九二八年所設的臺灣第一所現代法學教育機構:臺北帝大政學科,即是以日本法律及現代法學理論的研究為主、臺灣在地法律問題為輔,故少有生產與殖民地臺灣或臺灣人有關的法學知識。不過,當時在法學大眾化上,已獲某程度的進展。且自一九二○年代起已有某些臺灣政治異議者,以現代法學知識來維護臺灣人主體及其權益,展現出「臺灣人法學」,但其幾乎被排除於臺灣學術界之外;少數得以在學術界發聲的臺灣法律人,似也只能在國家法尚尊重臺灣人習慣的親屬繼承事項上有所發揮。至日治晚期,臺灣的法學更是跟隨著進入戰爭的日本帝國,走向法西斯化。
Taiwan could not develop modern knowledge of law until she was ruled by Japanese colonialists, who had received training in modern law and jurisprudence from the West before their acquiring Taiwan. During the former period of Japanese rule, “old customs jurisprudence,” with local characteristics, was shaped for the sake of the judicial, executive, and even legislative needs in colonial Taiwan, and therefore declined after the policy of the colonial governance turned to “the extension of mainland.” Next, “jurisprudence for the extension of mainland” became prevalent. Jurisprudence in Taiwan was thus nothing but a branch of prewar Japanese jurisprudence. The first institute for modern legal education in Taiwan was established in 1928 and named as: Legal Division, College of Liberal Arts and Political Science, Taihoku Imperial University. This division, however, paid more attention to Japanese laws and modern jurisprudence than to legal issues in Taiwan. Only a limited knowledge concerning colonial Taiwan or Taiwanese was created by this institution. Nevertheless, some dissident Taiwanese advocated “Taiwanese jurisprudence” in order to protect the identity and interests of the Taiwanese. They unfortunately were excluded from the academic circle of colonial Taiwan. Few Taiwanese jurists had a voice on family and succession law, which was allowed to follow Taiwanese customs in the positive law. In the late period of Japanese rule, the fascist approach gradually dominated the legal community of Taiwan, who were forced to follow the step of wartime Japan.
關聯 法學評論 , 130 , 199-255
資料類型 article
dc.contributor 臺史所en_US
dc.creator (作者) 王泰升zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Wang, Tay-shengen_US (日期) 2012.12en_US 6-Oct-2014 17:19:24 (UTC+8)- 6-Oct-2014 17:19:24 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 6-Oct-2014 17:19:24 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 臺灣於一八九五年之後,方因新來的日本統治者已繼受現代法制及法學,而有可能發展現代法學知識。日治前期因日本帝國對臺灣採取特殊統治主義,而在臺灣發展出具有在地特色的「舊慣法學」,藉以支持殖民地行政、司法乃至立法上的需要,故當帝國的\\r殖民統治政策轉向「內地延長」,舊慣法學即告沒落。緊接著盛行的是「內地延長法學」,在臺灣的法學僅僅作為戰前日本法學的一個分支。一九二八年所設的臺灣第一所現代法學教育機構:臺北帝大政學科,即是以日本法律及現代法學理論的研究為主、臺灣在地法律問題為輔,故少有生產與殖民地臺灣或臺灣人有關的法學知識。不過,當時在法學大眾化上,已獲某程度的進展。且自一九二○年代起已有某些臺灣政治異議者,以現代法學知識來維護臺灣人主體及其權益,展現出「臺灣人法學」,但其幾乎被排除於臺灣學術界之外;少數得以在學術界發聲的臺灣法律人,似也只能在國家法尚尊重臺灣人習慣的親屬繼承事項上有所發揮。至日治晚期,臺灣的法學更是跟隨著進入戰爭的日本帝國,走向法西斯化。en_US
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Taiwan could not develop modern knowledge of law until she was ruled by Japanese colonialists, who had received training in modern law and jurisprudence from the West before their acquiring Taiwan. During the former period of Japanese rule, “old customs jurisprudence,” with local characteristics, was shaped for the sake of the judicial, executive, and even legislative needs in colonial Taiwan, and therefore declined after the policy of the colonial governance turned to “the extension of mainland.” Next, “jurisprudence for the extension of mainland” became prevalent. Jurisprudence in Taiwan was thus nothing but a branch of prewar Japanese jurisprudence. The first institute for modern legal education in Taiwan was established in 1928 and named as: Legal Division, College of Liberal Arts and Political Science, Taihoku Imperial University. This division, however, paid more attention to Japanese laws and modern jurisprudence than to legal issues in Taiwan. Only a limited knowledge concerning colonial Taiwan or Taiwanese was created by this institution. Nevertheless, some dissident Taiwanese advocated “Taiwanese jurisprudence” in order to protect the identity and interests of the Taiwanese. They unfortunately were excluded from the academic circle of colonial Taiwan. Few Taiwanese jurists had a voice on family and succession law, which was allowed to follow Taiwanese customs in the positive law. In the late period of Japanese rule, the fascist approach gradually dominated the legal community of Taiwan, who were forced to follow the step of wartime Japan.en_US
dc.format.extent 1336061 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.relation (關聯) 法學評論 , 130 , 199-255en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 法學 ; 舊慣 ; 內地延長 ; 臺北帝國大學 ; 臺灣人 ; 法西斯化en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Jurisprudence ; Old customs ; The extension of Mainland ; Taihoku Imperial University ; Taiwanese ; Fascisten_US
dc.title (題名) 殖民現代性法學:日本殖民統治下臺灣現代法學知識的發展(1895-1945)zh_TW
dc.title.alternative (其他題名) Jurisprudence with Colonial Modernity: The Development of Modern Knowledge of Law in Taiwan under Japanese Colonial Rule (1895~1945)en_US
dc.type (資料類型) articleen