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題名 和光同塵與天地遊—論當代美感素養
作者 馮朝霖
貢獻者 教育系
關鍵詞 公民美學;生態美學;存在美學;美感素養;靈性美學
citizenship aesthetics;ecological aesthetics;aesthetics of Dasein;aesthetic literacy;aesthetics of spirituality
日期 2013-12
上傳時間 26-十二月-2014 17:02:48 (UTC+8)
摘要 當代法國哲學家E. Morin認為,所有真正的人類發展都意謂著個體自主性、社群參與及人類歸屬感這三者的統整發展。Morin的三元人類圖像為當代美學範疇論述提供了理論的出發點,個體存在範疇恰好對應於「存在美學」;社會範疇對應於「公民美學」;人類歸屬感範疇則對應於「生態美學」。其次,本文主張美感素養的系統性論述應該含括人性的動力來源、認知、實踐、情意及彰顯的價值等五項根本要素。三大美學範疇各有五項不同之美學素養構成要素,共同組構成為當代社會美感素養之整全內涵。以美學拯救生態、拯救地球與人類文明,此應是當前時代講求美學素養的最迫切性體認,然首先必須有適切的人類圖像作奠基。
The discourse of the cotemporary aesthetic literacy of this essay starts from the implication of the human-picture issued by Edgar Morin, the French philosopher, as he asserted that "all truly human development means joint development of individual autonomies, community participation, and a sense of belonging to the human species." Morin`s threefold human-picture offers the corresponding framework for the constitution of aesthetic category, namely the aesthetics of Dasein, the citizenship aesthetics, and the ecological aesthetics (the aesthetics of spirituality). On the other hand, this essay argues that the holistic construction of the aesthetic literacy should include five fundamental elements, namely the human inner dynamics, cognition, praxis, affect, and the desired objective value. To save the ecology, the earth and the human civilization, we need the aesthetics. That should be the mostly urgent realization for the discourse about the contemporary aesthetic literacy, but we need above all a proper human-picture as its reasonable and meaningful fundament.
關聯 教育研究月刊, 236, 29-43
資料類型 article
dc.contributor 教育系en_US
dc.creator (作者) 馮朝霖zh_TW
dc.date (日期) 2013-12en_US
dc.date.accessioned 26-十二月-2014 17:02:48 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 26-十二月-2014 17:02:48 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 26-十二月-2014 17:02:48 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/72389-
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 當代法國哲學家E. Morin認為,所有真正的人類發展都意謂著個體自主性、社群參與及人類歸屬感這三者的統整發展。Morin的三元人類圖像為當代美學範疇論述提供了理論的出發點,個體存在範疇恰好對應於「存在美學」;社會範疇對應於「公民美學」;人類歸屬感範疇則對應於「生態美學」。其次,本文主張美感素養的系統性論述應該含括人性的動力來源、認知、實踐、情意及彰顯的價值等五項根本要素。三大美學範疇各有五項不同之美學素養構成要素,共同組構成為當代社會美感素養之整全內涵。以美學拯救生態、拯救地球與人類文明,此應是當前時代講求美學素養的最迫切性體認,然首先必須有適切的人類圖像作奠基。en_US
dc.description.abstract (摘要) The discourse of the cotemporary aesthetic literacy of this essay starts from the implication of the human-picture issued by Edgar Morin, the French philosopher, as he asserted that "all truly human development means joint development of individual autonomies, community participation, and a sense of belonging to the human species." Morin`s threefold human-picture offers the corresponding framework for the constitution of aesthetic category, namely the aesthetics of Dasein, the citizenship aesthetics, and the ecological aesthetics (the aesthetics of spirituality). On the other hand, this essay argues that the holistic construction of the aesthetic literacy should include five fundamental elements, namely the human inner dynamics, cognition, praxis, affect, and the desired objective value. To save the ecology, the earth and the human civilization, we need the aesthetics. That should be the mostly urgent realization for the discourse about the contemporary aesthetic literacy, but we need above all a proper human-picture as its reasonable and meaningful fundament.en_US
dc.format.extent 110 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype text/html-
dc.language.iso en_US-
dc.relation (關聯) 教育研究月刊, 236, 29-43en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 公民美學;生態美學;存在美學;美感素養;靈性美學en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) citizenship aesthetics;ecological aesthetics;aesthetics of Dasein;aesthetic literacy;aesthetics of spiritualityen_US
dc.title (題名) 和光同塵與天地遊—論當代美感素養zh_TW
dc.type (資料類型) articleen