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題名 描繪丁文江:論胡適《丁文江的傳記》
其他題名 Depicting Ting Wen-Chiang: On Hu Shih’s A Biography of Ting Wen-Chiang
作者 任育德
Jen, Yu-Te
貢獻者 歷史學系
關鍵詞 胡適; 丁文江;《丁文江的傳記》
Hu Shih; Ting Wen-chiang; Ting Wen-chinag Ti Chuan-chi (A Biography of Ting Wen-chiang)
日期 2013-12
上傳時間 12-一月-2015 10:57:49 (UTC+8)
摘要 《丁文江的傳記》是胡適晚年完稿出版的史學研究成果,也是一篇重要的人物傳記,為研究丁文江的學人提供重要參考。胡適與傅斯年兩位丁氏知交均有意寫傳而不輕易下筆,1950 年傅斯年過世,只有「中國文藝復興運動」的「老兵」胡適最有資格為同時代的人物立傳。1956 年,《丁傳》完稿出版,亦正值中國大陸批判胡適思想運動的高峰。中國重要的自由主義者胡適透過書寫丁文江的教育背景、個人經歷、地質探勘經驗及學術爭辯,呈現傳主在學科建制、學術行政、從政等方面之多重活動。胡適面對史料匱乏的困境,勉力而為,其書寫不以成王敗寇、革命史觀的格局看待傳主的從政經歷,在官方史觀之外另樹新局,甚為特殊。在 1950 年代的國際冷戰、反共環境,與臺灣內部強調支持蔣介石領導反共的環境下,胡適評估丁氏的蘇俄之行,表現出研究者的「後見之明」與反映作品的時代性。胡適也指出丁氏具有堅定的民族立場,為國家建設盡心力;但於丁氏與執政者之互動則點到為止,著重於學人形象。事實上,丁氏亦兼具政治邊緣人的形象。
Ting Wen-chiang Ti Chuan-chi (A Biography of Ting Wen-chiang), written by Hu Shih in 1956, is an important reference material to studies of republican era historical figures. Hu shih, as a scholar, published his important historical monographs in 1950s. Although with highly willingness, Hu and Fu Ssu-nien, two intimate friends of Ting Wen-chiang (aka. V. K. Ting), are hesitated to write monograph or biography on Ting. After pass-away of Fu, as the “old soldier in Chinese Renaissance Movement”, Hu is most appropriated one to complete monograph about figure in the movement. Biography was completed and published in 1956, twentieth year after Ting’s depature, is also during high-tide of “criticizing Hu Shih’s Thinking” political movement in mainland china. As an important figure in Chinese liberalism, Hu Shih analyzed Ting’s educational background, personal experiences, exploration works of geology, and academic arguments to show multiple activities in disciplinary institutionalization, academic administration and political participation of Ting. Albeit lacking in historical material, Hu did his best effort, and did not make judgment such as “winner takes all” or revolutionary preference often be read in modern chinese revolutionary-orientation historical narration. It is different and new viewpoint from official viewpoint in China. During cold war era, anti-communist environment and pro-Chiang Kai-shek to recovery china in 1950s, Hu’s evaluation on Ting’s soviet inspection tour shows his historian hindsight and reflection on era. Hu also mentioned Ting as one insist patriot, did much effort to achieve nationbuilding of modern China. Hu mentioned little about interaction between Ting and Chiang Kai-shek. Hu just depicted Ting as a scholar; in fact, Ting was also a marginal man between academic and politics.
關聯 國史館館刊, 34, 67-108
資料類型 article
dc.contributor 歷史學系
dc.creator (作者) 任育德zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Jen, Yu-Te
dc.date (日期) 2013-12
dc.date.accessioned 12-一月-2015 10:57:49 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 12-一月-2015 10:57:49 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 12-一月-2015 10:57:49 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/72780-
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 《丁文江的傳記》是胡適晚年完稿出版的史學研究成果,也是一篇重要的人物傳記,為研究丁文江的學人提供重要參考。胡適與傅斯年兩位丁氏知交均有意寫傳而不輕易下筆,1950 年傅斯年過世,只有「中國文藝復興運動」的「老兵」胡適最有資格為同時代的人物立傳。1956 年,《丁傳》完稿出版,亦正值中國大陸批判胡適思想運動的高峰。中國重要的自由主義者胡適透過書寫丁文江的教育背景、個人經歷、地質探勘經驗及學術爭辯,呈現傳主在學科建制、學術行政、從政等方面之多重活動。胡適面對史料匱乏的困境,勉力而為,其書寫不以成王敗寇、革命史觀的格局看待傳主的從政經歷,在官方史觀之外另樹新局,甚為特殊。在 1950 年代的國際冷戰、反共環境,與臺灣內部強調支持蔣介石領導反共的環境下,胡適評估丁氏的蘇俄之行,表現出研究者的「後見之明」與反映作品的時代性。胡適也指出丁氏具有堅定的民族立場,為國家建設盡心力;但於丁氏與執政者之互動則點到為止,著重於學人形象。事實上,丁氏亦兼具政治邊緣人的形象。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Ting Wen-chiang Ti Chuan-chi (A Biography of Ting Wen-chiang), written by Hu Shih in 1956, is an important reference material to studies of republican era historical figures. Hu shih, as a scholar, published his important historical monographs in 1950s. Although with highly willingness, Hu and Fu Ssu-nien, two intimate friends of Ting Wen-chiang (aka. V. K. Ting), are hesitated to write monograph or biography on Ting. After pass-away of Fu, as the “old soldier in Chinese Renaissance Movement”, Hu is most appropriated one to complete monograph about figure in the movement. Biography was completed and published in 1956, twentieth year after Ting’s depature, is also during high-tide of “criticizing Hu Shih’s Thinking” political movement in mainland china. As an important figure in Chinese liberalism, Hu Shih analyzed Ting’s educational background, personal experiences, exploration works of geology, and academic arguments to show multiple activities in disciplinary institutionalization, academic administration and political participation of Ting. Albeit lacking in historical material, Hu did his best effort, and did not make judgment such as “winner takes all” or revolutionary preference often be read in modern chinese revolutionary-orientation historical narration. It is different and new viewpoint from official viewpoint in China. During cold war era, anti-communist environment and pro-Chiang Kai-shek to recovery china in 1950s, Hu’s evaluation on Ting’s soviet inspection tour shows his historian hindsight and reflection on era. Hu also mentioned Ting as one insist patriot, did much effort to achieve nationbuilding of modern China. Hu mentioned little about interaction between Ting and Chiang Kai-shek. Hu just depicted Ting as a scholar; in fact, Ting was also a marginal man between academic and politics.
dc.format.extent 1381182 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.relation (關聯) 國史館館刊, 34, 67-108
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 胡適; 丁文江;《丁文江的傳記》
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Hu Shih; Ting Wen-chiang; Ting Wen-chinag Ti Chuan-chi (A Biography of Ting Wen-chiang)
dc.title (題名) 描繪丁文江:論胡適《丁文江的傳記》zh_TW
dc.title.alternative (其他題名) Depicting Ting Wen-Chiang: On Hu Shih’s A Biography of Ting Wen-Chiang
dc.type (資料類型) articleen