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題名 戰前山東地區的漁業競爭與漁輪機動化發展(1921-1937)
其他題名 The Development of the Motorized Junks and the Modern Fishing Industry in Shandong, 1921-1937
作者 侯嘉星
Ho, Chia-hsing
貢獻者 歷史系
關鍵詞 漁業技術;漁業競爭;漁輪機動化;山東地區;modern fishery;fishing disputed;motorized junks;Shandong
日期 2011-12
上傳時間 9-二月-2015 15:17:58 (UTC+8)
摘要 20世紀初新式柴電動力漁輪問世以來,漁輪機動化成為現代漁業一項重要指標,1921年山東煙臺的商人藉由日本幫助引進第一艘新式機動漁船,隨後蘇粵浙各省也加入漁輪機動化行列。1930年代進一步由以往主要購入二手漁輪轉變為購置新船,同時沿海港口港埠設備也相應更新,青島、煙臺、威海衛並稱為三大機動船停泊基地。這波象徵著現代漁業的漁輪機動化發展,以往史學界較少論及,而山東地區在此發展中有幾點特殊之處,值得注意:一是開風氣之先,乃中國最早引進新式機動化漁輪,同時也是新式船舶數量統計較多的地區。二是與日本漁業競爭激列,山東密邇遼東及朝鮮,與日本亦相當接近,1920年代以後日本因新式機動漁船漁劇增與漁撈環境變遷,大舉進入中國沿海從事漁撈,中國舊式風帆動力漁船競爭力有限,因此也加速山東漁業機動化發展。然而此時漁民大都向日本購買新式漁輪,其目的多是為了與日本進行漁業競爭,故日本扮演重要角色,既是最主要競爭對手,也是最主要技術來源。新式漁輪相較風帆動力漁船,成本明顯較高,然亦因利潤高,依然吸引國人投資。通過漁輪機動化的考察,除能探索中國漁權之抬頭外,亦能窺見近代生產事業現代化過程中,後進地區與先進地區技術引進與產業競爭的複雜關係。
Since the new diesel engine had used in fishing industry in Japan in early 20(superscript th) century, the development of motorized junks became an important indicator of modern fishery, and replaced the traditional fishing junks at a short time. Chinese merchants in Chefoo imported the first new motorized junks from Japan in 1921, soon, Kiaochow, Chefoo and Weihaiwei, were known as the three most important ports for motorized junks and the fishing industry ports in 1930`s. This article attempts to analyze the development of motorized junks in Shandong during 1920`s - 1930`s, and also discussed the Japan`s role among a major competitor and source of technology. In addition, the development of motorized junks improved the fishing disputed between China and Japan, and also made the Nanjing Government`s fishery policy and the fishery environmental changed about during 1920`s - 1937.
關聯 政大史粹,21, 27-62
資料類型 article
dc.contributor 歷史系
dc.creator (作者) 侯嘉星zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Ho, Chia-hsing
dc.date (日期) 2011-12
dc.date.accessioned 9-二月-2015 15:17:58 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 9-二月-2015 15:17:58 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 9-二月-2015 15:17:58 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/73392-
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 20世紀初新式柴電動力漁輪問世以來,漁輪機動化成為現代漁業一項重要指標,1921年山東煙臺的商人藉由日本幫助引進第一艘新式機動漁船,隨後蘇粵浙各省也加入漁輪機動化行列。1930年代進一步由以往主要購入二手漁輪轉變為購置新船,同時沿海港口港埠設備也相應更新,青島、煙臺、威海衛並稱為三大機動船停泊基地。這波象徵著現代漁業的漁輪機動化發展,以往史學界較少論及,而山東地區在此發展中有幾點特殊之處,值得注意:一是開風氣之先,乃中國最早引進新式機動化漁輪,同時也是新式船舶數量統計較多的地區。二是與日本漁業競爭激列,山東密邇遼東及朝鮮,與日本亦相當接近,1920年代以後日本因新式機動漁船漁劇增與漁撈環境變遷,大舉進入中國沿海從事漁撈,中國舊式風帆動力漁船競爭力有限,因此也加速山東漁業機動化發展。然而此時漁民大都向日本購買新式漁輪,其目的多是為了與日本進行漁業競爭,故日本扮演重要角色,既是最主要競爭對手,也是最主要技術來源。新式漁輪相較風帆動力漁船,成本明顯較高,然亦因利潤高,依然吸引國人投資。通過漁輪機動化的考察,除能探索中國漁權之抬頭外,亦能窺見近代生產事業現代化過程中,後進地區與先進地區技術引進與產業競爭的複雜關係。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Since the new diesel engine had used in fishing industry in Japan in early 20(superscript th) century, the development of motorized junks became an important indicator of modern fishery, and replaced the traditional fishing junks at a short time. Chinese merchants in Chefoo imported the first new motorized junks from Japan in 1921, soon, Kiaochow, Chefoo and Weihaiwei, were known as the three most important ports for motorized junks and the fishing industry ports in 1930`s. This article attempts to analyze the development of motorized junks in Shandong during 1920`s - 1930`s, and also discussed the Japan`s role among a major competitor and source of technology. In addition, the development of motorized junks improved the fishing disputed between China and Japan, and also made the Nanjing Government`s fishery policy and the fishery environmental changed about during 1920`s - 1937.
dc.format.extent 3331096 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.relation (關聯) 政大史粹,21, 27-62
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 漁業技術;漁業競爭;漁輪機動化;山東地區;modern fishery;fishing disputed;motorized junks;Shandong
dc.title (題名) 戰前山東地區的漁業競爭與漁輪機動化發展(1921-1937)zh_TW
dc.title.alternative (其他題名) The Development of the Motorized Junks and the Modern Fishing Industry in Shandong, 1921-1937
dc.type (資料類型) articleen