題名 不動產跨區購買之溢價分析
The premium analysis on purchasing of real estate in cross areas作者 梁宏富 貢獻者 陳奉瑤
Chen, Fong Yao
梁宏富關鍵詞 搜尋成本
跨區日期 2014 上傳時間 2-三月-2015 10:15:34 (UTC+8) 摘要 受到資訊不對稱與定錨行為的影響,使市場均衡價格離散分布,一價理論所指情形難以存在,利用跨區購買者與在地購買者購買不動產之交易價格差異,可對資訊不對稱及定錨效果進行分析。觀察發現高雄地區不動產交易近年價量齊揚,市場消息與媒體皆歸咎於跨區購買,本研究爰以2013年第一季至2014年第一季,就改制前高雄市之11行政區剔除旗津區並納入鳳山區範圍內之跨區購買者,透過特徵價格的估計過程反映搜尋成本與定錨效果,並對實價登錄制度之成效提出評估分析。實證結果顯示,資訊不對稱影響跨區購買者較在地購買者支付更多的購買價格,溢價率平均為3.28%;而大樓住宅的溢價率高於透天住宅,導因大樓住宅的個別條件相對透天住宅複雜多元;另跨區購買者跨入快速發展地區或平緩發展地區,其溢價率僅有些微差異且FTG檢定無法拒絕虛無假設,意謂制度影響屬全面性的,不同市場區隔的搜尋成本若有差異應是資訊數量不足所造成;又高價格認知的跨區購買者受定錨效果影響,對透天住宅加價意願可能更高,此情形亦顯示實價登錄制度實施後定錨影響仍然存在。 實價登錄制度公開市場價格資訊,實證結果發現跨區購買者溢價程度隨著制度進程逐季下降,且使跨行政區的在地購買者幾乎沒有溢價購買現象,此與相關文獻認為實價登錄實施前跨鄉鎮市區購買者有溢價購買之結論相較,制度轉變造成溢價購買情形的變化皆明確表明市場資訊不對稱情形獲得改善。制度雖有成效但仍有努力空間,後續政策應著力於提升價格資訊即時性與價格資訊以外之其他資訊的提供,並就不同建築型態特徵為登錄項目之差別建置,方能使不動產制度更臻完善及市場效率更為提升。 參考文獻 中文文獻林左裕 ,2010, 『不動產投資管理』,台北:智勝文化事業有限公司。何友鋒,吳綱立, 1993,「台中市住宅價格與住宅屬性關係之研究」,『建築學報』 8: 59-84。李春長,游淑滿,張維倫 ,2012,「公共設施, 環境品質與不動產景氣對住宅價格影響之研究─ 兼論不動產景氣之調節效果」,『住宅學報』,21: 67-68。杜宇璇,宋豐荃,曾禹瑄,葛仲寧 ,陳奉瑤 ,2013,「台灣特徵價格模型之回顧分析」,『土地問題研究季刊 』,12(2): 44-57。林祖嘉,林素菁,1993,「台灣地區環境品質與公共設施對房價與房租影響之分析」,『住宅學報』, 1: 21-45。林祖嘉,林素菁,1994,「台灣地區宅需求價格彈性與所得彈性之估計」,『住宅學報』,2: 25-48。林祖嘉,馬毓駿,2007,「 特徵方程式大量估價法在台灣不動產市場之應用」,『住宅學報』, 16: 1-22。林素菁,林祖嘉,2001,「台灣地區住宅供給彈性之估計」,『住宅學報』,10: 17-27。梁仁旭,陳奉瑤,2014,『不動產估價』,台北:財團法人中國地政研究所。廖仲仁,張金鶚,2004,「搜尋成本與定錨行爲對於購屋者價格貼水之影響」, 『住宅學報』, 13(2): 47-62。劉廷揚,王蓉莉,蘇政宏,2000,「高雄市消費者購屋決策行為之研究」, 『住宅學報』,9: 123-136。賴碧瑩,2007,「應用類神經網路於電腦輔助大量估價之研究」,『住宅學報』, 16(2): 43-65。蘇偉強,劉庭如,黃斐,陳奉瑤,2013,「特徵價格法應用的差異分析」,『土地問題研究季刊』, 12(3): 55-68。柯宏安,2003,「不同區域購屋者之購屋選擇屬性及搜尋行為研究」,東吳大學企業管理系碩士論文,台北。戚靜玟,1998,「住宅市場區隔與購屋行為之研究」, 國立台灣科技大學管理技術研究所碩士論文:台北。英文文獻Black,R.,Diaz,J.,1996, "The use of information versus asking price in the real property negotiation process", Journal of Property Research ,13(4): 287-297.Burdett,K.,Judd, K.,1983, "Equilibrium Price Dispersion", Econometrica ,51(4): 955-969.Cannaday,R.,Sunderman,M. ,1986 , "Estimation of Depreciation for Single-Family Appraisals" , Areuea Journal: Journal of the American Real Estate & Urban Economics Association , 14(2): 255-273.Coase,R.,1960, " The problem of Social Cost, " The Journal of Law and Economics,3: 1.Diaz,J.,1997, "An Investigation into the Impact of Previous Expert Value Estimates on Appraisal Judgment " ,Journal of Real Estate Research ,13(1): 57-66.Diaz,J.,1997, "How valuers use the value opinions of others." Journal of Property Valuation and Investment, 15(3): 256 - 260.Diekmann,K.A.,Tenbrunsel,A.E. ,Shah,P.P.,Schroth,H.A.and Bazerman, M.H.,1996, "The descriptive and prescriptive use of previous purchase price in negotiations." Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 66(2): 179-191.Goodman,A.C.,1978, "Hedonic prices, price indices and housing markets", Journal of Urban Economics, 5(4): 471-484.Harding,J.P., Rosenthal,S.S.and Sirmans,C., 2003, "Estimating bargaining power in the market for existing homes", Review of Economics and statistics, 85(1): 178-188.Haurin,D.,1988, "The Duration of Marketing Time of Residential Housing", Journal of the American Real Estate & Urban Economics Association, 16: 396-410.Ihlanfeldt,K.,Mayock,T., 2012, "Information, Search, and House Prices: Revisited", Journal Real Estate Finan Econ, 44: 90-115.Kain,J.F., Quigley,J.,1970, "Measuring the value of housing quality", Journal of the American Statistical Association, 65(330): 532-548.Lambson,V.E.,McQueen,G.R and Slade,B.A., 2004, "Do Out-of-State Buyers Pay More for Real Estate? An Examination of Anchoring-Induced Bias and Search Costs", Real Estate Economics, 32(1): 85-126.Lancaster,K.J.,1966, "A new approach to consumer theory", Journal of political economy ,74(2): 132.Liu,Y.,Gallimore,P.and Wiley,J.A.,2013, "Out of market buyers: anchored by local prices and proximity ", American Real Estate Society.Miller,N.G.,Sklarz,M.A.and Ordway,N., 1988, "Japanese Purchases, Exchange Rates and Speculation in Residential Real Estate Markets " Journal of Real Estate Research 3(3): 39-49.Myer,F.,Webb,J., 1992, "Sell-Offs of U.S. Real Estate: The Effect of Domestic versus Foreign Buyers on Shareholder Wealth", Journal of the American Real Estate & Urban Economics Association,20(3): 487-500.Northcraft,G.,Neale,M., 1987, "Experts, amateurs, and real estate: An anchoring-and-adjustment perspective on property pricing decisions", Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 39(1): 84-97.Poh,H.N.,Seow,E.O.and Yong,T.,2008, "Buyer Exuberance and Price Premium" ,Urban Studies ,45(2): 331-345.Quan,D.,Quigley,J.,1991, "Price Formation and the Appraisal Function in Real Estate Markets" ,Journal of Real Estate Finance & Economics ,4(2): 127-146.Rosen,S.,1974, "Hedonic prices and implicit markets: product differentiation in pure competition" ,The journal of political economy,34-55.Simon,H.,Newell,A.,1972,"Human problem solving",Pennsylvania : Carnegie-Mellon UniversityStigler,G.J.,1961, "The economics of information" ,The journal of political economy,213-225.Clauretie,T.M.,Thistle,P.D.,2007, "The Effect of Time-on-Market and Location on Search Costs and Anchoring: The Case of Single-Family Properties" ,Journal Real Estate Finan Econ ,35: 181-196.Turnbull,G.K.,Sirmans,C.F.,1993,"Information, search, and house prices" ,Regional Science and Urban Economics, 23(4): 545-557.Tversky,D.K, 1974,"Judgment under Uncertainty: Heuristics and Biases", Science, New Series 185( 4157): 1124-1131.Vanderford,S.E.,Mimura,Y. and Sweaney,A.,2005, "A Hedonic Price Comparison of Manufactured and Site-Built Homes in the Non-MSA U.S", Journal of Real Estate Research ,27(1): 83-104.Watkins,C.,1998, "Are new entrants to the residential property market informationally disadvantaged?" ,Journal of Property Research, 15(1): 57-70.Yavas,A.,1994,"Economics of brokerage: an overview" ,Journal of Real Estate Literature, 2(2): 169-195.Zietz,J.Z.,Sirmans,G.,2008, "Determinants of House Prices: A Quantile Regression Approach" ,Journal of Real Estate Finance & Economics ,37(4): 317-333. 描述 碩士
103資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0100923020 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 陳奉瑤 zh_TW dc.contributor.advisor Chen, Fong Yao en_US dc.contributor.author (作者) 梁宏富 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) 梁宏富 zh_TW dc.date (日期) 2014 en_US dc.date.accessioned 2-三月-2015 10:15:34 (UTC+8) - dc.date.available 2-三月-2015 10:15:34 (UTC+8) - dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 2-三月-2015 10:15:34 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) G0100923020 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/73584 - dc.description (描述) 碩士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 地政學系碩士在職專班 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 100923020 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 103 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) 受到資訊不對稱與定錨行為的影響,使市場均衡價格離散分布,一價理論所指情形難以存在,利用跨區購買者與在地購買者購買不動產之交易價格差異,可對資訊不對稱及定錨效果進行分析。觀察發現高雄地區不動產交易近年價量齊揚,市場消息與媒體皆歸咎於跨區購買,本研究爰以2013年第一季至2014年第一季,就改制前高雄市之11行政區剔除旗津區並納入鳳山區範圍內之跨區購買者,透過特徵價格的估計過程反映搜尋成本與定錨效果,並對實價登錄制度之成效提出評估分析。實證結果顯示,資訊不對稱影響跨區購買者較在地購買者支付更多的購買價格,溢價率平均為3.28%;而大樓住宅的溢價率高於透天住宅,導因大樓住宅的個別條件相對透天住宅複雜多元;另跨區購買者跨入快速發展地區或平緩發展地區,其溢價率僅有些微差異且FTG檢定無法拒絕虛無假設,意謂制度影響屬全面性的,不同市場區隔的搜尋成本若有差異應是資訊數量不足所造成;又高價格認知的跨區購買者受定錨效果影響,對透天住宅加價意願可能更高,此情形亦顯示實價登錄制度實施後定錨影響仍然存在。 實價登錄制度公開市場價格資訊,實證結果發現跨區購買者溢價程度隨著制度進程逐季下降,且使跨行政區的在地購買者幾乎沒有溢價購買現象,此與相關文獻認為實價登錄實施前跨鄉鎮市區購買者有溢價購買之結論相較,制度轉變造成溢價購買情形的變化皆明確表明市場資訊不對稱情形獲得改善。制度雖有成效但仍有努力空間,後續政策應著力於提升價格資訊即時性與價格資訊以外之其他資訊的提供,並就不同建築型態特徵為登錄項目之差別建置,方能使不動產制度更臻完善及市場效率更為提升。 zh_TW dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒 論 1第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 研究方法與限制 6 第三節 研究架構與流程 9 第二章 文獻回顧 11第一節 搜尋成本 11 第二節 定錨行為 19 第三節 小結 22第三章 研究設計 23第一節 特徵價格模型之建構 23 第二節 資料說明與敘述統計 35 第三節 相關迴歸檢定 52 第四章 實證結果分析 55第一節 資訊不對稱對跨區購買者溢價購買之影響 55 第二節 定錨效果對跨區購買者溢價購買之影響 67 第三節 實價登錄制度之影響 73 第五章 結論與建議 79 參考文獻 84 zh_TW dc.format.extent 769815 bytes - dc.format.mimetype application/pdf - dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0100923020 en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) 搜尋成本 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 資訊不對稱 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 定錨行為 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 溢價購買 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 實價登錄 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 跨區 zh_TW dc.title (題名) 不動產跨區購買之溢價分析 zh_TW dc.title (題名) The premium analysis on purchasing of real estate in cross areas en_US dc.type (資料類型) thesis en dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 中文文獻林左裕 ,2010, 『不動產投資管理』,台北:智勝文化事業有限公司。何友鋒,吳綱立, 1993,「台中市住宅價格與住宅屬性關係之研究」,『建築學報』 8: 59-84。李春長,游淑滿,張維倫 ,2012,「公共設施, 環境品質與不動產景氣對住宅價格影響之研究─ 兼論不動產景氣之調節效果」,『住宅學報』,21: 67-68。杜宇璇,宋豐荃,曾禹瑄,葛仲寧 ,陳奉瑤 ,2013,「台灣特徵價格模型之回顧分析」,『土地問題研究季刊 』,12(2): 44-57。林祖嘉,林素菁,1993,「台灣地區環境品質與公共設施對房價與房租影響之分析」,『住宅學報』, 1: 21-45。林祖嘉,林素菁,1994,「台灣地區宅需求價格彈性與所得彈性之估計」,『住宅學報』,2: 25-48。林祖嘉,馬毓駿,2007,「 特徵方程式大量估價法在台灣不動產市場之應用」,『住宅學報』, 16: 1-22。林素菁,林祖嘉,2001,「台灣地區住宅供給彈性之估計」,『住宅學報』,10: 17-27。梁仁旭,陳奉瑤,2014,『不動產估價』,台北:財團法人中國地政研究所。廖仲仁,張金鶚,2004,「搜尋成本與定錨行爲對於購屋者價格貼水之影響」, 『住宅學報』, 13(2): 47-62。劉廷揚,王蓉莉,蘇政宏,2000,「高雄市消費者購屋決策行為之研究」, 『住宅學報』,9: 123-136。賴碧瑩,2007,「應用類神經網路於電腦輔助大量估價之研究」,『住宅學報』, 16(2): 43-65。蘇偉強,劉庭如,黃斐,陳奉瑤,2013,「特徵價格法應用的差異分析」,『土地問題研究季刊』, 12(3): 55-68。柯宏安,2003,「不同區域購屋者之購屋選擇屬性及搜尋行為研究」,東吳大學企業管理系碩士論文,台北。戚靜玟,1998,「住宅市場區隔與購屋行為之研究」, 國立台灣科技大學管理技術研究所碩士論文:台北。英文文獻Black,R.,Diaz,J.,1996, "The use of information versus asking price in the real property negotiation process", Journal of Property Research ,13(4): 287-297.Burdett,K.,Judd, K.,1983, "Equilibrium Price Dispersion", Econometrica ,51(4): 955-969.Cannaday,R.,Sunderman,M. ,1986 , "Estimation of Depreciation for Single-Family Appraisals" , Areuea Journal: Journal of the American Real Estate & Urban Economics Association , 14(2): 255-273.Coase,R.,1960, " The problem of Social Cost, " The Journal of Law and Economics,3: 1.Diaz,J.,1997, "An Investigation into the Impact of Previous Expert Value Estimates on Appraisal Judgment " ,Journal of Real Estate Research ,13(1): 57-66.Diaz,J.,1997, "How valuers use the value opinions of others." Journal of Property Valuation and Investment, 15(3): 256 - 260.Diekmann,K.A.,Tenbrunsel,A.E. ,Shah,P.P.,Schroth,H.A.and Bazerman, M.H.,1996, "The descriptive and prescriptive use of previous purchase price in negotiations." Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 66(2): 179-191.Goodman,A.C.,1978, "Hedonic prices, price indices and housing markets", Journal of Urban Economics, 5(4): 471-484.Harding,J.P., Rosenthal,S.S.and Sirmans,C., 2003, "Estimating bargaining power in the market for existing homes", Review of Economics and statistics, 85(1): 178-188.Haurin,D.,1988, "The Duration of Marketing Time of Residential Housing", Journal of the American Real Estate & Urban Economics Association, 16: 396-410.Ihlanfeldt,K.,Mayock,T., 2012, "Information, Search, and House Prices: Revisited", Journal Real Estate Finan Econ, 44: 90-115.Kain,J.F., Quigley,J.,1970, "Measuring the value of housing quality", Journal of the American Statistical Association, 65(330): 532-548.Lambson,V.E.,McQueen,G.R and Slade,B.A., 2004, "Do Out-of-State Buyers Pay More for Real Estate? An Examination of Anchoring-Induced Bias and Search Costs", Real Estate Economics, 32(1): 85-126.Lancaster,K.J.,1966, "A new approach to consumer theory", Journal of political economy ,74(2): 132.Liu,Y.,Gallimore,P.and Wiley,J.A.,2013, "Out of market buyers: anchored by local prices and proximity ", American Real Estate Society.Miller,N.G.,Sklarz,M.A.and Ordway,N., 1988, "Japanese Purchases, Exchange Rates and Speculation in Residential Real Estate Markets " Journal of Real Estate Research 3(3): 39-49.Myer,F.,Webb,J., 1992, "Sell-Offs of U.S. Real Estate: The Effect of Domestic versus Foreign Buyers on Shareholder Wealth", Journal of the American Real Estate & Urban Economics Association,20(3): 487-500.Northcraft,G.,Neale,M., 1987, "Experts, amateurs, and real estate: An anchoring-and-adjustment perspective on property pricing decisions", Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 39(1): 84-97.Poh,H.N.,Seow,E.O.and Yong,T.,2008, "Buyer Exuberance and Price Premium" ,Urban Studies ,45(2): 331-345.Quan,D.,Quigley,J.,1991, "Price Formation and the Appraisal Function in Real Estate Markets" ,Journal of Real Estate Finance & Economics ,4(2): 127-146.Rosen,S.,1974, "Hedonic prices and implicit markets: product differentiation in pure competition" ,The journal of political economy,34-55.Simon,H.,Newell,A.,1972,"Human problem solving",Pennsylvania : Carnegie-Mellon UniversityStigler,G.J.,1961, "The economics of information" ,The journal of political economy,213-225.Clauretie,T.M.,Thistle,P.D.,2007, "The Effect of Time-on-Market and Location on Search Costs and Anchoring: The Case of Single-Family Properties" ,Journal Real Estate Finan Econ ,35: 181-196.Turnbull,G.K.,Sirmans,C.F.,1993,"Information, search, and house prices" ,Regional Science and Urban Economics, 23(4): 545-557.Tversky,D.K, 1974,"Judgment under Uncertainty: Heuristics and Biases", Science, New Series 185( 4157): 1124-1131.Vanderford,S.E.,Mimura,Y. and Sweaney,A.,2005, "A Hedonic Price Comparison of Manufactured and Site-Built Homes in the Non-MSA U.S", Journal of Real Estate Research ,27(1): 83-104.Watkins,C.,1998, "Are new entrants to the residential property market informationally disadvantaged?" ,Journal of Property Research, 15(1): 57-70.Yavas,A.,1994,"Economics of brokerage: an overview" ,Journal of Real Estate Literature, 2(2): 169-195.Zietz,J.Z.,Sirmans,G.,2008, "Determinants of House Prices: A Quantile Regression Approach" ,Journal of Real Estate Finance & Economics ,37(4): 317-333. zh_TW