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題名 技術標準必要專利與禁制令救濟之研究
A Study of Injunctive Relief and Standard Essential Patent Infringement
作者 王柏翔
Wang, Bo-Hsiang
貢獻者 沈宗倫
Shen, Chung Lun
Wang, Bo-Hsiang
關鍵詞 技術標準
Competition Law
standard essential patent; SEP; F/RAND; fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory
日期 2015
上傳時間 1-九月-2015 16:19:26 (UTC+8)
摘要 技術標準化與相關智慧財產權保護,一直以來為智慧財產權法與競爭法的交集與爭議的話題。其中又以標準必要專利侵權糾紛為主。基於標準必要專利權人與前在被授權人雙方的立場,其中目前最具爭議的問題應該涉及禁制令救濟的適用性或以F/RAND授權原則為基礎的抗辯來排除侵權。
標準制訂組織(Standard Setting Organization, SSO)訂定F/RAND授權原則承諾(Fair, Reasonable And Non-Discriminatory)於其智慧財產權政策,要求標準專利權人應以公平、合理且無歧視的授權條件,向所有標準實施者提供授權。F/RAND授權原則承諾之發展,目前趨向於強調專利權人的契約義務,以第三方受益人的立場來平衡授權當事人的談判地位;如何「符合F/RAND授權原則之授權」,目前各國尚未有明文法律解釋,對於F/RAND授權原則承諾之清楚定義與規範,目前僅有法院及競爭法主管機關之見解。
Technology standardization and intellectual property protection has been an overlapping and controversial issue between Intellectual Property laws and Competition Law, particularly when it comes to infringement on F/RAND encumbered Standard Essential Patent, SEP. From both standard essential patent owner and potential licensee’ perspectives, the most questionable issue is whether injunctive relief should be available to the holder of F/RAND encumbered SEP who committed to license on fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory (F/RAND) terms, in order to prevent a third-party implementer from practicing a standard reading on that SEP, when such implementer is willing to take a license but the parties disagree on the terms of the license.
Furthermore, the definition of F/RAND has never been clearly defined by statutes or interpreted by any judiciary; interested parties could only refer to decisions or guidelines made by the judiciaries or competition authorities in different countries. It is rather common for Taiwanese companies to face F/RAND encumbered SEP law suits as the defendants. Given the even severer threat of injunctive relief, it becomes more important to understand the position each judiciary takes on this issue to have appropriate strategies on law suits and negotiation.
This thesis is accordingly written on the following perspectives: firstly, starting with discussion about F/RAND-encumbered SEP law suits in the United States, Europe and Asia; secondly, bringing in SEP encumbered disputes or investigations into framework of Competition Law from competition authorities among different countries and lastly trying to present possibilities that F/RAND commitment as a cause of action under Contract Law can be applied as defense to overcome injunctive relief sought by F/RAND-encumbered SEP licensors. Meanwhile, this thesis is expected to provide Taiwanese companies valuable strategies to law suits or disputes involving F/RAND-encumbered SEPs.
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五、 判決

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描述 碩士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0097961233
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 沈宗倫zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Shen, Chung Lunen_US
dc.contributor.author (作者) 王柏翔zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (作者) Wang, Bo-Hsiangen_US
dc.creator (作者) 王柏翔zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Wang, Bo-Hsiangen_US
dc.date (日期) 2015en_US
dc.date.accessioned 1-九月-2015 16:19:26 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 1-九月-2015 16:19:26 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 1-九月-2015 16:19:26 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) G0097961233en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/78097-
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 法學院碩士在職專班zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 97961233zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 技術標準化與相關智慧財產權保護,一直以來為智慧財產權法與競爭法的交集與爭議的話題。其中又以標準必要專利侵權糾紛為主。基於標準必要專利權人與前在被授權人雙方的立場,其中目前最具爭議的問題應該涉及禁制令救濟的適用性或以F/RAND授權原則為基礎的抗辯來排除侵權。
標準制訂組織(Standard Setting Organization, SSO)訂定F/RAND授權原則承諾(Fair, Reasonable And Non-Discriminatory)於其智慧財產權政策,要求標準專利權人應以公平、合理且無歧視的授權條件,向所有標準實施者提供授權。F/RAND授權原則承諾之發展,目前趨向於強調專利權人的契約義務,以第三方受益人的立場來平衡授權當事人的談判地位;如何「符合F/RAND授權原則之授權」,目前各國尚未有明文法律解釋,對於F/RAND授權原則承諾之清楚定義與規範,目前僅有法院及競爭法主管機關之見解。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Technology standardization and intellectual property protection has been an overlapping and controversial issue between Intellectual Property laws and Competition Law, particularly when it comes to infringement on F/RAND encumbered Standard Essential Patent, SEP. From both standard essential patent owner and potential licensee’ perspectives, the most questionable issue is whether injunctive relief should be available to the holder of F/RAND encumbered SEP who committed to license on fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory (F/RAND) terms, in order to prevent a third-party implementer from practicing a standard reading on that SEP, when such implementer is willing to take a license but the parties disagree on the terms of the license.
Furthermore, the definition of F/RAND has never been clearly defined by statutes or interpreted by any judiciary; interested parties could only refer to decisions or guidelines made by the judiciaries or competition authorities in different countries. It is rather common for Taiwanese companies to face F/RAND encumbered SEP law suits as the defendants. Given the even severer threat of injunctive relief, it becomes more important to understand the position each judiciary takes on this issue to have appropriate strategies on law suits and negotiation.
This thesis is accordingly written on the following perspectives: firstly, starting with discussion about F/RAND-encumbered SEP law suits in the United States, Europe and Asia; secondly, bringing in SEP encumbered disputes or investigations into framework of Competition Law from competition authorities among different countries and lastly trying to present possibilities that F/RAND commitment as a cause of action under Contract Law can be applied as defense to overcome injunctive relief sought by F/RAND-encumbered SEP licensors. Meanwhile, this thesis is expected to provide Taiwanese companies valuable strategies to law suits or disputes involving F/RAND-encumbered SEPs.
dc.description.tableofcontents 摘要 I
誌謝. IV
目錄. V
第一章、緒論 1
第一節、研究動機 1
第二節、研究目的 2
第三節、研究範圍 2
第四節、研究限制 2
第五節、研究架構 3
第二章、專利之排他權與禁制令救濟措施 5
第一節、專利制度之本質 5
第二節、專利之排他權 6
第三節、專利侵權之禁制令救濟 8
1. 美國 8
A. 聯邦地方法院 10
i. 暫時限制令(Temporary Restraining Order, TRO) 11
ii. 初步禁制令(Preliminary Injunction) 12
iii. 永久禁制令(Permanent Injunction) 14
B. 國際貿易委員會之排除命令 18
2. 德國 23
3. 其他國家 23
第四節、小結 26
第三章、技術標準制訂與標準必要專利 28
第一節、前言 28
第二節、標準化之優缺點 30
第三節、標準的形成 36
第四節、標準制訂組織與通訊相關標準 37
1. IEEE-SA 40
2. ITU-T 40
第五節、標準必要專利 41
第六節、標準制訂組織之智慧財產權政策 46
1. 共創、共享的專利使用政策 46
2. 專利資訊的揭露義務 49
3. 公平、合理與無歧視的授權政策 50
第四章、各國標準必要專利侵權訴訟之現況 53
第一節、前言 53
第二節、 F/RAND授權原則所衍生之問題 53
1. F/RAND授權原則 53
2. 技術標準制訂組織之角色與立場 56
3. F/RAND授權原則之實務上的爭議 58
第三節、各國標準必要專利相關之案例 59
1. 美國 62
A. 聯邦法院 62
i. Apple Inc. v. Motorola Mobility, Inc.(依利諾州北區地方法院) 63
ii. Apple Inc. v Motorola Mobility, Inc.(威斯康辛西區聯邦地區法院)…74
iii. Microsoft Corp. v. Motorola Inc.(華盛頓西區聯邦地方法院) 82
iv. Realtek Semiconductor Corp. v. LSI Corp.(加州北區聯邦地方法院)87
v. 小結 92
B. 美國國際貿易委員會(ITC)發展近況 97
i. F/RAND授權原則與 ITC調查程序概述 99
a) 標準制定與FRAND授權原則承諾99
b) ITC調查程序100
ii. 標準必要專利ITC調查案的排除性救濟之核發 101
a) FRAND授權原則承諾本身並不阻卻排除性救濟措施的核發101
I. 行政法官拒絕 F/RAND授權原則相關抗辯102
(1) ITC調查案‘745(337-TA-745)102
(2) ITC調查案`752(337-TA-752)103
II. ITC目前針對 F/RAND議題最直接的裁定:(337-TA-794)106
b) 專利箝制(Hold-Up)和逆向阻擾(Reverse Hold-Up)109
I. 其他機構公開對於有F/RAND授權原則限制之標準必要專利在ITC調查程序下的權衡111
(1) 美國聯邦貿易委員會(Federal Trade Commission, FTC)的公眾利益聲明112
(2) 美國司法部(Department of Justice, DOJ)和美國專利商標局(U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, USPTO)政策聲明 美國總統否決權114
III. 後否決初步裁定:ITC調查案`868 (337-TA-868)115
c) ITC針對標準必要專利調查案核發排除令的現況116
iii. 在ITC調查案中有關F/RAND授權原則相關的抗辯 118
a) 默示授權(Implied License)119
b) 權利放棄(Waiver)119
c) 禁反言(Estoppel)119
d) 標準制定過程之不正當行為(Misconduct)導致專利無法實120
e) 專利濫用(Patent Misuse)120
iv. 小結 121
3. 歐洲國家 122
A. 德國 122
i. 橘皮書標準判例–F/RAND授權原則之抗辯 123
ii. 橘皮書標準判例在下級法庭之應用 125
B. 荷蘭 128
i. 禁制令核發 (Philips v SK-Kassetten) 129
ii. 禁制令未被核發 (LG Electronics v Sony) 129
C. 義大利 130
i. Philips v SK Kassetten 130
ii. Samsung v. Apple 131
D. 法國 131
i. Samsung v. Apple 131
ii. Ericsson v. TCL Mobile 132
E. 英國 132
i. Nokia v. IPCom 132
ii. Vringo v. ZTE 133
iii. Unwired Planet Int’l Ltd. v. Samsung et al. 133
4. 亞洲國家 134
A. 日本 (Samsung v. Apple) 134
B. 南韓 (Samsung v. Apple) 135
C. 中國 (Huawei v. InterDigital) 136
D. 印度 138
i. Ericsson v. Micromax 138
ii. Vringo v. ZTE 138
第五章、競爭法架構下之禁制令救濟於標準必要專利侵權訴訟的適用性 140
第一節、前言 140
第二節、美國 140
1. Apple v. Motorola案之聯邦法院意見 141
2. 美國法務部競爭法機關之調查行動 142
A. Google/Motorola 合併案 142
B. 針對Samsung之競爭法行為調查 142
3. FTC執行競爭法行動(Antitrust Enforcement Actions) 143
A. FTC Robert Bosch調查案 143
B. FTC Google/Motorola 調查案 144
C. FTC 執法行動(enforcement actions)的潛在影響 146
第三節、 歐洲地區 147
1. 歐盟委員會 (Commission of European Union, EC) 147
A. 歐盟對於濫用市場支配地位之立場 147
B. 歐盟委員會調查案 150
i. Motorola 調查案 150
ii. Samsung調查案 151
iii. 歐盟法院針對華為(Huawei)與中興通訊(ZTE)之德國專利訴訟提
出指導依據 152
a) 德國杜賽道夫法院向歐盟法院請求釋疑 152
b) 歐盟法院檢察長的裁決意見 154
c) 歐盟法院之正式判決 157
iv. 歐盟競爭法下的可能結果 159
v. 小結 160
2. 德國 161
3. 歐盟其他成員國 163
第四節、亞洲國家 163
1. 日本 163
2. 中國 164
3. 韓國 165
第六章、 結論與建議 167
第一節、 從司法管轄法院及競爭法主管機關方面來看 167
第二節、 從標準制訂組織及其智慧財產權政策方面來看 171
第三節、 從實務上面對標準必要專利訴訟來看 174
1. 各管轄法院判決與主管機關意見歸納 175
2. 標準必要專利侵權案件裡相關之不同當事人的影響 176
3. 實務上處理標準必要專利訴訟的建議思考方向 177
A. 不同管轄區域之法源依據的角度 177
B. 潛在被授權人/被控侵權人可評估之論點 178
C. 個案中當事人各自行為的細部環節 178
第四節、小結 180
參考文獻 167
附件一、標準制訂組織彙整表3-1 192
附件二、德國橘皮書標準判例流程圖 4-1 195
dc.format.extent 1150683 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0097961233en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 技術標準zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 專利侵權zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 標準制訂組織zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 禁制令zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 禁制令救濟zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 公平、合理且無歧視原則zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 競爭法zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) patenten_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) infringementen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Competition Lawen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) standardizationen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) standard essential patent; SEP; F/RAND; fair, reasonable and non-discriminatoryen_US
dc.title (題名) 技術標準必要專利與禁制令救濟之研究zh_TW
dc.title (題名) A Study of Injunctive Relief and Standard Essential Patent Infringementen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen
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五、 判決

1. Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, 509 U.S. 579 (1993)
2. New York City v. Pine, 185 U.S. 93,108(1902)
3. Apple, Inc. v. Motorola Mobility, Inc., 2012 WL 5416941, *15 W.D. Wisc. Oct. 29, 2012
4. Foster v. Am. Mach. & Foundry Co., 492 F.2d 1317, 1324 (2d Cir. 1974)
5. Apple Inc. v. Samsung Elecs. Co., 695 F. 3d 1370, 1375 Fed. Cir. 2012
6. Microsoft Corp. v. Motorola Inc., No. C10-1823-JLR (W.D. Wash. Nov. 30, 2012)
7. Hynix Semiconductor Inc. v. Rambus Inc., 609 F. Supp. 2d 951, 986 (N.D. Cal. 2009)
8. Telcordia Techs., Inc. v. Cisco Systems, Inc., 592 F. Supp. 2d 727, 748 & n.10 (D. Del. 2009)
9. Eastern R. Conference v. Noerr Motors, 365 U.S. 127 (1961)
10. United Mine Workers v. Pennington, 381 U.S. 657 (1965)
11. California Motor Transp. Co. v. Trucking Unlimited, 404 U.S. 508 (1972)
12. Negotiated-Data Solution LLC FTC No 051 0094 (2008).
13. Robert Bosch GmbH, FTC File No. 121-0081, Docket No. C-4377
14. Cont`l Paper Bag Co. v. E. Paper Bag Co., 210 U.S. 405, 422 (1908)
15. Smith Int’l., Inc. v. Hughes Tool Co., 718 F.2d 1573, 219 U.S.P.Q. (BNA) 686 , (Fed. Cir.1983)
16. Oakley Inc. v. Sunglass Hut International, 316 F.3d 1331, 1339 (Fed. Cir. 2003).
17. Jeffrey Milstein, Inc. v. Greger, Lawlor, Roth, Inc. 58 F.3d 27, 31, 35 u.S.P.Q.2d (BNA) 1284, 1286 (2d Cir. 1995)
18. High Tech Med. Instrumentation Inc. v. New Image Indus. Inc., 49 F.3d 1551 (Fed. Cir. 1995)
19. Weinberger v. Romero-Barcelo, 456 U.S. 305, 320, 102 S.Ct. 1798, 72 L.Ed.2d 91.
20. Richardson v. Suzuki Motor Co., Ltd., 868 F.2d 1226, 1247, 9 U.S.P.Q.2d (BNA) 1913, 1929 (Fed. Cir. 1989).
21. eBay Inc. v. MercExchange, LLC, 126 S.Ct. 1837 (U.S., 2006).
22. Hyundai Elects. Indus. Co. v. U.S. Int`l Trade Comm`n, 899 F.2d 1204, 1210 (Fed. Cir. 1990)
23. Realtek Semiconductor Corp. v. LSI Corp, 5:12-cv-03451-RMW
24. German Federal Supreme Court, November 23, 2000, doc. no. I ZR 93/98
25. IPCom v. Nokia, (District Court of Dusseldorf, April 24, 2012, doc. no. 4b 273/10)
26. IPCom v. HTC, (District Court of Mannheim, July 2, 2009, doc. no.7 O 94/08)
27. Navitaire Inc v. Easyjet Airline Co, [2004] EWHC 1725 (Ch)
28. Shelfer v.City of London Electric Lighting Co, [1895] 1 Ch 287
29. Broadcom Corp v Qualcomm Inc 501 F 3d 297 (3d Cir 2007)
30. Allied Tube & Conduit Corp. v. Indian Head, Inc., 486US492 (1988).
31. Spansion, Inc. v. Int’l Trade Comm’n, 629 F.3d 1331, 1359 (Fed. Cir. 2010).
32. Certain Electronic Devices, Including Wireless Communication Devices, Portable Music and Data Processing Devices, and Table Computers, Inv. No. 337-TA-794
33. Certain Wireless Devices with 3G and/or 4G Capabilities and Components Thereof, Inv. No. 337-TA-868
34. Certain Wireless Communication Devices, Portable Music and Data Processing Devices, Computers and Components Thereof, Inv. No. 337-TA-745
35. Certain Wireless Devices with 3G Capabilities and Components Thereof, Inv. No. 337-TA-800
36. Orange Book Standard, (German Federal Supreme Court, May 6, 2009, doc. no. KZR 39/06)
37. Philips v. SonyEricsson, (District Court of Mannheim, May 27, 2011, doc. no. 7 O 65/10).
38. Motorola v. Apple, (Court of Appeal in Karlsruhe, February 27, 2012, doc. no. 6 U 136/11).
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42. Philips v. SonyEricsson, (District Court of Mannheim, May 27, 2011, doc. no. 7 O 65/10)
43. Motorola v. Apple,(District Court of Mannheim, December 9, 2011, doc. no. 7 O 122/11)
44. Huawei v. ZTE, (District Court of Dusseldorf, March 21, 2013, 4b chamber)
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47. Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. v. Apple Inc. et. al., Rechtbank `s-Gravenhage, 14 March 2012, Docket n°: 400367 / HA ZA 11-2212, 400376 / HA ZA 11-2213 and 400385 / HA ZA 11-2215
48. Koninklijke Philips Electronic N.V. v. Computer Support Italcard s.r.l. Court of Genoa, 7 May 2004, 14 October 2004 and 15 November 2004
49. Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd, and Samsung Electronics Italia S.p.a. v. Apple Inc. et. al., Tribunale de Milano, Court Order of 5 January 2012, N.R.G. 45629-1-2011 and N.R.G.59734-2011
50. Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. and Samsung Electronics France v. Apple France S.A.R.L., Tribunal de Grande Instance, Paris, France, 8 December 2011, Case No. 11/58301
51. Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson v. TCT Mobile Europe SAS and TCT Mobile International Ltd., Tribunal de Grande Instance de Paris, 29 November 2013, Docket № 12/14922.
52. Shelfer v City of London Electric Lighting Co Shelfer v. City of London Electric Lighting Company and Meux’s Brewery Company v. City of London Electric Lighting Company, [1895] 1 Ch. 287
53. Nokia Corp. v. IPCom GmbH & Co. KG, [2012] EWHC 1446 (Ch)
54. Vringo Infrastructure, Inc. v. ZTE Corp., et. al., [2013] EWHC 1591 (Pat)
55. Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., et. al. v. Apple Japan, Inc., et. al., and Apple Inc. et. al. v. Samsung JapanCorp., et. al., Tokyo District Court, 28 February 2013, Cases nos Tokyo District Ct. 2011 (YO) 22027, 2011(YO) 22098, and Case no. 2011 (WA) 38969.
56. Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. v. Apple Korea Ltd, Seoul Central District Court, 24 August 2012, Case no. 2011 GaHap 39552
57. Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson v. Micromax Informatics Ltd. and Mercury Electronics Ltd., High Court of Delhi at New Delhi, Court order of 6 March 2013, Docket no. C.S. (OS) 442/2013.
58. Micromax Informatics Ltd. and Mercury Electronics Ltd. V. Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson, High Court ofDelhi at New Delhi, Court order of 12 March 2013, Docket no. FAO(OS) 143/2013.
59. Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson v. Micromax Informatics Ltd. and Mercury Electronics Ltd., High Court ofDelhi at New Delhi, Court order of 6 March 2013, Docket no. C.S. (OS) 442/2013.
60. Vringo Infrastructure, Inc., v. ZTE Corp., et. al., High Court of Delhi at New Delhi, Court order of November 8, 2013, Docket no. CS(OS) 2168/2013
61. ZTE Corp., et. al. v. Vringo Infrastructure, Inc., High Court of Delhi at New Delhi, Court order of December 12, 2013, Docket no. FAO(OS) 573/2013, CAV. 1141/2013, C.M. APPL. 19754/2013 and 19755/2013.
62. EC, MEMO/12/1021 “Samsung – Enforcement of ETSI standards essential patents (SEPs),” [December 12, 2012].
63. ECJ, Advocate General’s Opinion in Case C-170/13, Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd v ZTE Corp., ZTE Deutschland GmbH [20 November, 2014]
64. ECJ, Case C-170/13, Huawei Technologiws Co. Ltd. V, ZTE Corp. and ZTE Deutschland GmbH [16 July, 2015].
65. EC, Case No COMP/M.6381,– Google/Motorola Mobility [February 13, 2012].
66. Samsung v. Apple (District Court of The Hague, March 14, 2012, doc. no. 400367/HA ZA 11-2212)

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