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題名 中國與越南邊境貿易之研究:兼論與中俄邊貿的比較
A Study in the Border Trade between China and Vietnam: A Comparison with Sino-Russian Case
作者 林祈昱
Lin, Chi Yu
貢獻者 康榮寶
Lin, Chi Yu
關鍵詞 國界
territorial border
the border effect
China-Vietnam border area
Sino-Vietnamese border trade
Sino-Russian border trade
日期 2015
摘要 國界不只是兩個主權國家的分界線,還交織各種政治、文化、經濟等複雜內涵,國界的意義和周邊地理位置的劃定會隨著時空不斷轉移。國界在主權的作用下,對於周邊地帶的發展以及毗鄰國家的互動,兼具有「阻礙」與「促進」的效果。學者向來關注不同邊境地區的特徵,並探討國界對當地發展的影響。
This research examines the “border effect” through analyzing the evidence from the China-Vietnam border area. China and Vietnam share a border with strong ties and similarities in culture and ethnicity inasmuch as historically the northern and central parts of Vietnam were ruled by the Chinese ancient empires for over 1,000 years. The close ties are further strengthened by the recent regional economic integration between the two countries. With regard to its particular historical background, the China-Vietnam border is essentially different from other border area However, existing research of border effect focuses mostly on cases such as the borders between Canada and United States, Mexico and United States or within the European Union but fails to incorporate the China-Vietnam border—a critical case in studying the border effect in Asian context. How do we understand the development of border areas in terms of the specificities in the China-Vietnam border?
In this research, I test and reexamine the border effect theory using the China-Vietnam border trade case in three dimensions— (1) geographical and political isolation, (2) racial and cultural difference, and (3) regional integration. Focusing on the three dimensions, I firstly discuss the effects of border on either enhancement or hindrance of border regions’ development. I then conduct an empirical analysis on the China-Vietnam border trade, by which I will rethink the complexity of borders and border effects conceptually as well as theoretically. The empirical evidence shows strong effects of the border on the development of the China-Vietnam border area. At last, in order to generalize my argument, I compare the China-Vietnam border trade with the Sino-Russian case. The comparison helps assess the impact of the border transitions model on China border zone.
描述 博士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0095260501
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 康榮寶zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (作者) 林祈昱zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (作者) Lin, Chi Yuen_US
dc.creator (作者) 林祈昱zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Lin, Chi Yuen_US
dc.date (日期) 2015en_US
dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) G0095260501en_US
dc.description (描述) 博士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 東亞研究所zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 95260501zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 國界不只是兩個主權國家的分界線,還交織各種政治、文化、經濟等複雜內涵,國界的意義和周邊地理位置的劃定會隨著時空不斷轉移。國界在主權的作用下,對於周邊地帶的發展以及毗鄰國家的互動,兼具有「阻礙」與「促進」的效果。學者向來關注不同邊境地區的特徵,並探討國界對當地發展的影響。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) This research examines the “border effect” through analyzing the evidence from the China-Vietnam border area. China and Vietnam share a border with strong ties and similarities in culture and ethnicity inasmuch as historically the northern and central parts of Vietnam were ruled by the Chinese ancient empires for over 1,000 years. The close ties are further strengthened by the recent regional economic integration between the two countries. With regard to its particular historical background, the China-Vietnam border is essentially different from other border area However, existing research of border effect focuses mostly on cases such as the borders between Canada and United States, Mexico and United States or within the European Union but fails to incorporate the China-Vietnam border—a critical case in studying the border effect in Asian context. How do we understand the development of border areas in terms of the specificities in the China-Vietnam border?
In this research, I test and reexamine the border effect theory using the China-Vietnam border trade case in three dimensions— (1) geographical and political isolation, (2) racial and cultural difference, and (3) regional integration. Focusing on the three dimensions, I firstly discuss the effects of border on either enhancement or hindrance of border regions’ development. I then conduct an empirical analysis on the China-Vietnam border trade, by which I will rethink the complexity of borders and border effects conceptually as well as theoretically. The empirical evidence shows strong effects of the border on the development of the China-Vietnam border area. At last, in order to generalize my argument, I compare the China-Vietnam border trade with the Sino-Russian case. The comparison helps assess the impact of the border transitions model on China border zone.
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 導論 1
第一節 基本概念 1
一、邊疆(frontier)、邊界(border)、邊境(borderland)的定義與特色 1
二、中國和越南邊境貿易的法律規定與形式 5
第二節 研究問題與重要性 12
一、中越邊境的特殊性,如何影響邊境貿易和邊境地區的發展? 12
二、「邊境效應」理論如何應用到中越邊境的個案? 15
第三節 文獻回顧 19
一、中越邊貿的歷史脈絡與發展現狀 19
二、中越邊貿的隱憂與未來走向 23
三、文獻評論 26
第四節 理論運用與研究方法 29
一、邊界效應理論的運用 29
二、研究方法 34
三、研究限制與章節安排 36

第二章 邊境的生態社會環境 39
第一節 邊境地理環境 39
一、現代中國疆域的形成 39
二、邊境的自然環境與基礎建設 44
三、中越邊境地理情況 47
第二節 邊境產業結構 51
一、產業與產值較落後 51
二、區域差距難以縮小 55
第三節 邊境人口與種族 60
一、邊境地區人口稀少 60
二、居民以少數民族為主 62
三、跨國界民族與跨國通婚 65
第四節 邊境社會環境 71
一、多重認同的來源 71
二、跨國界民族的認同 75
三、邊境其它社會隱憂 78

第三章 中越邊境貿易的歷史沿革 84
第一節 中越民族文化淵源 84
一、古代歷史互動 85
二、民族淵源 88
三、語言、風俗文化與建築 93
第二節 中國明清時期對越南邊境的設治管理 99
一、明朝 99
二、清代前中期 107
三、晚清時期 123
第三節 越南對中越邊境的設治管理 132
一、越南不同時期對中國立場的調整 132
二、邊境制度設置與貿易管理 135

第四章 中越邊境貿易與跨境移動 141
第一節 1949年後的中越關係與衝突 141
一、中越互動的階段性特徵 142
二、中越領土爭議 147
第二節 當代中越邊境貿易的設治管理 152
一、越南邊貿政策的演變 152
二、中國邊貿政策的演變 160
第三節 人口流動 167
一、交通建設與人員往來 168
二、頻繁互動下的中越心結 171
第四節 商貿往來與邊境發展差異 176
一、中越邊境地區建設 177
二、中越雙邊貿易情況 184
三、中越邊貿情況與發展差異 188

第五章 中越邊貿與中俄邊貿之比較分析 200
第一節 中國邊貿區、中越與中俄邊貿 200
一、邊境貿易區發展差異的原因 200
二、中國三大邊境貿易區的特色 202
三、中越與中俄邊貿的比較基礎 205
第二節 中俄邊貿的歷程 207
一、清朝時期中俄邊境的互動 207
二、中國與前蘇聯邊境的互動(1949—1991) 209
三、當代中國與俄羅斯聯邦的邊境互動 213
第三節 中俄邊境的現狀 221
一、中俄雙邊貿易情況 221
二、中俄邊境貿易情況 226
第四節 中俄邊境發展差異與中越對照 238
一、中俄邊境發展差異之原因 238
二、中俄邊貿與中越邊貿異同 247

第六章 結論 254

參考文獻 262
一、中文資料 262
二、越南文資料 295
三、英文資料 315

附錄一 中國陸地邊境縣(旗)、市(市轄區)表 329
附錄二 訪談資料 331
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0095260501en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 國界zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 邊界效應zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 中越邊境zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 中越邊貿zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 中俄邊境zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) territorial borderen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) the border effecten_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) China-Vietnam border areaen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Sino-Vietnamese border tradeen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Sino-Russian border tradeen_US
dc.title (題名) 中國與越南邊境貿易之研究:兼論與中俄邊貿的比較zh_TW
dc.title (題名) A Study in the Border Trade between China and Vietnam: A Comparison with Sino-Russian Caseen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen