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題名 高等教育評鑑的另類思維—標竿學習
其他題名 The Alternative Thinking of Higher Education Evaluation: Benchmarking
作者 郭昭佑
Guo, Chao Yu
貢獻者 教育系
日期 2013.04
上傳時間 18-九月-2015 11:57:43 (UTC+8)
摘要 近年來,隨著大學重視績效責任的潮流,世界先進各國無不以發展高等教育評鑑或是大學排名的方法,以確保高等教育的品質。然而,在高等教育的發展上,除了評鑑;排名等概念外,標竿學習(benchmarking)亦是重要概念之一。標竿學習是一種持續不斷;長期的;為改善組織績效的組織策略管理方法,期透過連續的;漸進的;向表現較佳的組織學習,以邁向卓越的共好歷程。標竿學習是一種實踐過程,藉由不斷地與其他學術機構的流程;策略;績效進行比較,分析探究對方在某方面的優異表現,並學習如何達成與對方相同優異的表現,使組織從比較中得到改善策略的資訊,逐步提升組織效能。標竿學習可以視為是有效協助策略性政策決定的現代管理工具,在高等教育環境中,要如何從標竿到標竿學習,是本研究關注的焦點。因此,本研究先探討標竿學習的意涵與標竿學習在高等教育上的應用,復以歐洲先進國家高等教育標竿學習計畫與實務作法進行探究,俾以做為臺灣高等教育評鑑未來發展方向之借鏡。
In recent year, with the trend of accountability in universities, almost every advanced country in the world strives to ensure the quality of higher education through developing higher education evaluations and university rankings. However, benchmarking might be an alternative way. Benchmarking is a managerial tool that helps to improve organizational effectiveness. Benchmarking is also an incremental learning process in pursuit of excellence. Through constantly comparing with other organizations’ process, strategies and effectiveness, organization is able to learn from others’ advantages, and then tries to perform as good as them, or even better than them. Benchmarking can be view as an effective modern managerial tool that improves strategic policy decision making process. This study explored how to step from benchmark to benchmarking. Thus, this study explores the meaning of benchmarking and its application on higher education. Then, we analyzed benchmarking programs and practices in European countries as for future reference of higher education evaluation in Taiwan.
關聯 教育研究, 228, 63-75.
資料類型 article
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.3966/168063602013040228005
dc.contributor 教育系
dc.creator (作者) 郭昭佑zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Guo, Chao Yu
dc.date (日期) 2013.04
dc.date.accessioned 18-九月-2015 11:57:43 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 18-九月-2015 11:57:43 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 18-九月-2015 11:57:43 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/78525-
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 近年來,隨著大學重視績效責任的潮流,世界先進各國無不以發展高等教育評鑑或是大學排名的方法,以確保高等教育的品質。然而,在高等教育的發展上,除了評鑑;排名等概念外,標竿學習(benchmarking)亦是重要概念之一。標竿學習是一種持續不斷;長期的;為改善組織績效的組織策略管理方法,期透過連續的;漸進的;向表現較佳的組織學習,以邁向卓越的共好歷程。標竿學習是一種實踐過程,藉由不斷地與其他學術機構的流程;策略;績效進行比較,分析探究對方在某方面的優異表現,並學習如何達成與對方相同優異的表現,使組織從比較中得到改善策略的資訊,逐步提升組織效能。標竿學習可以視為是有效協助策略性政策決定的現代管理工具,在高等教育環境中,要如何從標竿到標竿學習,是本研究關注的焦點。因此,本研究先探討標竿學習的意涵與標竿學習在高等教育上的應用,復以歐洲先進國家高等教育標竿學習計畫與實務作法進行探究,俾以做為臺灣高等教育評鑑未來發展方向之借鏡。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) In recent year, with the trend of accountability in universities, almost every advanced country in the world strives to ensure the quality of higher education through developing higher education evaluations and university rankings. However, benchmarking might be an alternative way. Benchmarking is a managerial tool that helps to improve organizational effectiveness. Benchmarking is also an incremental learning process in pursuit of excellence. Through constantly comparing with other organizations’ process, strategies and effectiveness, organization is able to learn from others’ advantages, and then tries to perform as good as them, or even better than them. Benchmarking can be view as an effective modern managerial tool that improves strategic policy decision making process. This study explored how to step from benchmark to benchmarking. Thus, this study explores the meaning of benchmarking and its application on higher education. Then, we analyzed benchmarking programs and practices in European countries as for future reference of higher education evaluation in Taiwan.
dc.format.extent 108 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype text/html-
dc.relation (關聯) 教育研究, 228, 63-75.
dc.title (題名) 高等教育評鑑的另類思維—標竿學習zh_TW
dc.title.alternative (其他題名) The Alternative Thinking of Higher Education Evaluation: Benchmarking
dc.type (資料類型) articleen
dc.identifier.doi (DOI) 10.3966/168063602013040228005
dc.doi.uri (DOI) http://dx.doi.org/10.3966/168063602013040228005