題名 中國大陸在非洲的投資及其政經成效研析
The Analysis of Chinese Investment in Africa作者 王光憲
Wang, Kuang Hsien貢獻者 魏艾
Wang, Kuang Hsien關鍵詞 新殖民主義
“going out” strategy
economic cooperation mechanism
core interest日期 2015 上傳時間 1-十月-2015 14:27:23 (UTC+8) 摘要 自中共於2000年明確提出「走出去」戰略,鼓勵具比較優勢的企業對外投資以來,中資企業的對外投資區域迅速遍及全球;投資產業則從資源開發,生產製造,工程營建,到貿易等無所不包。就整體海外投資言,中國大陸在非洲的直接投資所佔比例不高,但卻引起西方媒體注目並稱之為中國對非洲的「新殖民主義」以掠奪非洲的資源。西方媒體和部份學界「標籤化」中國大陸在非洲的投資,其原因主在觸動了非洲原有的利益格局。至於中國大陸對非洲投資的動機,西方學界大多認為:中國大陸在非洲的投資國企是資源尋求;私營企業為市場尋求;從整體言,是轉移剩餘生產力以利結構調整。 中國大陸改革開放以來,逐漸把早先對非洲的援助向「互利共贏」的經濟合作轉變。在推動「走出去」戰略之後,中共更於2006年建立「中非發展基金」和「中非經貿合作區」以做為促進經濟合作的機制。至於中國大陸在非洲的投資模式,最受矚目是「以資源換基建」的安哥拉模式,其次為普遍在非洲採行的「工程援助+投資開發模式」。但中資企業由於是後進者,非洲優良的資源資產早已在西方企業手中。中資企業只有進入高風險區域投資,中石油在蘇丹的石油投資即為一例。同時中資企業缺乏海外經驗,簡單核植國內經驗並拙於經營社區關係,以致贊比亞的中資勞動條件竟成為政治的動員工具。 除經濟利益外,政治利益才是中共在非洲的核心利益;爭取非洲國家在國際組織的支持以抵消西方國家的影響力是中共對非洲經濟合作的目標;而對非洲經濟合作的競爭力來自於中共的「不干涉」。中國大陸對非洲的直接投資,使中共能以「全球生產網路,緊密的雙邊關係及多邊機制相結合,挑戰歐盟及美國在非洲的影響力」。中國大陸的直接投資明顯改善了非洲地主國的經濟成長和就業,至於期望中資能協助地主國發展則有賴地主國的政策和當地人力資本的改進。
Since the Communist Party of China proposed the “going out” strategy in year 2000, the enterprises with comparative advantages were encouraged to make foreign investment, and the region of Chinese enterprises’ investment has been expanded rapidly throughout the world. Their investment targets are also encompassing - resource development, manufacturing, construction and trade. Compared with the whole FDI of Chinese enterprises, investment in Africa is not a high proportion. But it did catch the attention from Western media with so-called "neo-colonialism” – China as the new predator in Africa. The reason why some western media and academy “stigmatized” China’s investment in Africa lies in the tension within the original pattern of interests. Most western scholars believe: in Africa, state-owned Chinese enterprises are resource-seeking, and private Chinese enterprises are market-seeking. All in all, their goal is to transfer the productivity in surplus so as to reconstruct the domestic economyLately after China’s economic reform, China-Africa relationship changed gradually from the earlier aid to a "win-win" cooperation. Because of the "going out" strategy, in 2006 the Communist Party of China even build the "China-Africa Development Fund” and the “China-Africa trade cooperation zone" as mechanism to promote economic cooperation in 2006. Meanwhile, the most noted model of China’s investment in Africa is the Angola model (“resource-for-infrastructure”), and secondly followed by the common "engineering aid + investment model." However, Chinese enterprises are still latecomers, while Western companies hold most of the quality resources. Chinese enterprises have to invest the high-risk areas, such as the oil investments in Sudan. In addition, the lack of overseas experience and the clumsy community relations led to the case of Zambia – labor conditions unexpectedly became a tool of political mobilization.In sum, I argue that political interest - other than economical one - is the true core interest of China in Africa. The goal of China-Africa economic cooperation is to earn the support from African countries and to counteract the power of Western countries in international organizations. The economic competitiveness of China-Africa cooperation comes from the "non-interference" stance of Communist Party of China. Through this direct investment in Africa, the Party is able to “challenge the EU and US influence in Africa with a constellation of global production networks, close bilateral relations and multilateral mechanism”. This direct investment significantly improved the economic growth and employment in Africa, but local policies and reform in human capital are also required if further assistance from Chinese fund is expected.參考文獻 壹 中文一 書籍中國國際貿易促進委員會主編,2008 年中國企業「走出去」發展報告 ( 北京:人民出版社,2008 年12 月 )。王佳煌,國家發展 ( 台北:台灣書店,中華民國八十七年三月 )。朱柔若譯,W. Lawrence Neoman 著, 社會研究方法:質化與量化取向 ( 台北:揚智文化事業股份有限公司,2000 年1 月 )。李桂芳,儲賀軍著,中國企業對外直接投資分析報告2010 ( 北京:中國經濟出版社,2010 年6 月 )。沈桂龍著,中國FDI 績效研究-對經濟增長的辯證考察 ( 上海:上海人民出版社,2007 年12 月 )。沈曉雷,高明秀譯,博黛容( Debora Brautigam )著,紅色大布局 ( 台北:八旗文化,2013 年9 日 )。吳敬璉,當代中國經濟改革 ( 台北:美商麥格羅.希爾國際股份有限公司 台灣分公司,2005 年6 月 )尚安榮譯,陳禹辰校閱,Robert K. 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101260007資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1012600071 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 魏艾 zh_TW dc.contributor.author (作者) 王光憲 zh_TW dc.contributor.author (作者) Wang, Kuang Hsien en_US dc.creator (作者) 王光憲 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) Wang, Kuang Hsien en_US dc.date (日期) 2015 en_US dc.date.accessioned 1-十月-2015 14:27:23 (UTC+8) - dc.date.available 1-十月-2015 14:27:23 (UTC+8) - dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 1-十月-2015 14:27:23 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) G1012600071 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/78799 - dc.description (描述) 碩士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 東亞研究所 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 101260007 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) 自中共於2000年明確提出「走出去」戰略,鼓勵具比較優勢的企業對外投資以來,中資企業的對外投資區域迅速遍及全球;投資產業則從資源開發,生產製造,工程營建,到貿易等無所不包。就整體海外投資言,中國大陸在非洲的直接投資所佔比例不高,但卻引起西方媒體注目並稱之為中國對非洲的「新殖民主義」以掠奪非洲的資源。西方媒體和部份學界「標籤化」中國大陸在非洲的投資,其原因主在觸動了非洲原有的利益格局。至於中國大陸對非洲投資的動機,西方學界大多認為:中國大陸在非洲的投資國企是資源尋求;私營企業為市場尋求;從整體言,是轉移剩餘生產力以利結構調整。 中國大陸改革開放以來,逐漸把早先對非洲的援助向「互利共贏」的經濟合作轉變。在推動「走出去」戰略之後,中共更於2006年建立「中非發展基金」和「中非經貿合作區」以做為促進經濟合作的機制。至於中國大陸在非洲的投資模式,最受矚目是「以資源換基建」的安哥拉模式,其次為普遍在非洲採行的「工程援助+投資開發模式」。但中資企業由於是後進者,非洲優良的資源資產早已在西方企業手中。中資企業只有進入高風險區域投資,中石油在蘇丹的石油投資即為一例。同時中資企業缺乏海外經驗,簡單核植國內經驗並拙於經營社區關係,以致贊比亞的中資勞動條件竟成為政治的動員工具。 除經濟利益外,政治利益才是中共在非洲的核心利益;爭取非洲國家在國際組織的支持以抵消西方國家的影響力是中共對非洲經濟合作的目標;而對非洲經濟合作的競爭力來自於中共的「不干涉」。中國大陸對非洲的直接投資,使中共能以「全球生產網路,緊密的雙邊關係及多邊機制相結合,挑戰歐盟及美國在非洲的影響力」。中國大陸的直接投資明顯改善了非洲地主國的經濟成長和就業,至於期望中資能協助地主國發展則有賴地主國的政策和當地人力資本的改進。 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) Since the Communist Party of China proposed the “going out” strategy in year 2000, the enterprises with comparative advantages were encouraged to make foreign investment, and the region of Chinese enterprises’ investment has been expanded rapidly throughout the world. Their investment targets are also encompassing - resource development, manufacturing, construction and trade. Compared with the whole FDI of Chinese enterprises, investment in Africa is not a high proportion. But it did catch the attention from Western media with so-called "neo-colonialism” – China as the new predator in Africa. The reason why some western media and academy “stigmatized” China’s investment in Africa lies in the tension within the original pattern of interests. Most western scholars believe: in Africa, state-owned Chinese enterprises are resource-seeking, and private Chinese enterprises are market-seeking. All in all, their goal is to transfer the productivity in surplus so as to reconstruct the domestic economyLately after China’s economic reform, China-Africa relationship changed gradually from the earlier aid to a "win-win" cooperation. Because of the "going out" strategy, in 2006 the Communist Party of China even build the "China-Africa Development Fund” and the “China-Africa trade cooperation zone" as mechanism to promote economic cooperation in 2006. Meanwhile, the most noted model of China’s investment in Africa is the Angola model (“resource-for-infrastructure”), and secondly followed by the common "engineering aid + investment model." However, Chinese enterprises are still latecomers, while Western companies hold most of the quality resources. Chinese enterprises have to invest the high-risk areas, such as the oil investments in Sudan. In addition, the lack of overseas experience and the clumsy community relations led to the case of Zambia – labor conditions unexpectedly became a tool of political mobilization.In sum, I argue that political interest - other than economical one - is the true core interest of China in Africa. The goal of China-Africa economic cooperation is to earn the support from African countries and to counteract the power of Western countries in international organizations. The economic competitiveness of China-Africa cooperation comes from the "non-interference" stance of Communist Party of China. Through this direct investment in Africa, the Party is able to “challenge the EU and US influence in Africa with a constellation of global production networks, close bilateral relations and multilateral mechanism”. This direct investment significantly improved the economic growth and employment in Africa, but local policies and reform in human capital are also required if further assistance from Chinese fund is expected. en_US dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 1第一節 研究動機與目的 3第二節 研究範圍 3第二章 理論回顧與文獻探討 5第一節 理論回顧 5第二節 中國大陸對非洲直接投資相關文獻 15第三節 西方有關中國大陸對非洲投資的研究 19第四節 研究方法與研究架構 21第三章 中國大陸對外投資政策的回顧與前贍 25第一節 中國大陸對外投資政策的發展 25第二節 中國大陸對非洲經濟合作 26第四章 中國大陸在非洲直接投資的概況 28第一節 中共非洲政策的演變 30第二節 中國大陸非洲經濟合作的機制 33第五章 個案研究:非洲國家研究 42第二節 安哥拉:以「資源換發展」 42第二節 尼日利亞:中國移民的夢土? 51第三節 蘇丹:中石油投資的泥淖 59第四節 贊比亞 :變調的全天候朋友 68第六章 個案研究:中資企業 81第一節 中國石油天然氣集團在非洲的投資 81第二節 華堅集團 90第七章 中國大陸對非洲直接投資的成效評估 93第一節 中國大陸在非洲直接投資的經濟效益 94第二節 中國大陸對非洲直接投資的政治成效 103第八章 結論 109第一節 研究結果及發現 110第二節 研究限制與建議 112附錄 114附錄一:本論文中非洲國家兩岸譯名對照表 114附錄二:趙紫陽的經濟技術合作四項原則 115附錄三:國務院關於加強海外投資項目管理的意見 115附圖附圖一:2000-2012 年中國大陸對外投資流 117附圖二:2003-2012 年中國大陸對外投資流量及對非洲投資流量比較 117附圖三:2003-2012 年非洲外資流量與中資流量比較 118附圖四:2003-2012 年安哥拉流入外資與中資比較 118附圖五:2003-2012 年尼日利亞流入外資與中資比較 119附圖六:2003-2012 年蘇丹流入外資與中資比較 119附圖七:2003-2012 年贊比亞外資流量和中資流入比較圖 120附圖八:2001-2013 年中非貿易總額 120附表附表一:中非經貿合作區 121參考文獻 122 zh_TW dc.format.extent 1245432 bytes - dc.format.mimetype application/pdf - dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1012600071 en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) 新殖民主義 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 「走出去」戰略 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 經濟合作機制 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 核心利益 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) neo-colonialism en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) “going out” strategy en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) economic cooperation mechanism en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) core interest en_US dc.title (題名) 中國大陸在非洲的投資及其政經成效研析 zh_TW dc.title (題名) The Analysis of Chinese Investment in Africa en_US dc.type (資料類型) thesis en dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 壹 中文一 書籍中國國際貿易促進委員會主編,2008 年中國企業「走出去」發展報告 ( 北京:人民出版社,2008 年12 月 )。王佳煌,國家發展 ( 台北:台灣書店,中華民國八十七年三月 )。朱柔若譯,W. 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