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題名 論「嚴羽劉辰翁詩論並稱」的基礎、背景和意義
作者 陳英傑
Chen, Ying-Chieh
貢獻者 中文系
關鍵詞 嚴羽 ; 劉辰翁 ; 明代復古派 ; 詩法類著作 ; 審美特質
Yan Yu ; Liu Chenweng ; revivalists in the Ming dynasty ; writings on Shifa 詩法 ; the aesthetic quality of poetry
日期 2015-06
上傳時間 27-十月-2015 17:59:17 (UTC+8)
摘要 明代中葉以後的詩學史上,出現了一種「嚴羽劉辰翁詩論並稱」的觀點。這種觀點,主要屬於復古派的建構,也透露其所承受的詩學傳統,然而尚未引起當代學者的關注。本文即針對此說的詩學基礎、背景和意義,進行系統化之考察。研究成果顯示:明人提出嚴、劉並稱之說,應是注意到兩人詩論的質性及其價值甚近似。據嚴、劉詩學原典推敲,兩人都認為詩的審美特質,乃是一種辯證超越於語言形式以外的美感,如嚴羽(1195?-1245?)所謂「興趣」,劉辰翁(1232-1297)所謂「不著一字」、「不著相」云云。這可視為兩人並稱之說的基礎。而此說之提出,當是明人緣於自身既有的某種審美觀念,由回溯詩學史而發現契合於嚴、劉,遂能照見其價值。明人觀念係延續了元代以降的詩法類著作,甚至據以作為理解、評價嚴羽詩論的「前理解」。而在此說之成型過程中,高棅(1350-1423)、李東陽(1447-1516)可能扮演了重要推手,也必須留意「傳統評價延續性」、「論述形式互補性」二因素。這可視為兩人並稱之說的背景。立足前述的研究成果,本文最後指出明人此說的兩項重要意義:一是透露明人對嚴、劉所體現的詩學史轉向已有清楚之掌握;其次是顯示宋末元初以迄明代復古派的詩學史,可視為一個連續性整體。
In Ming dynasty documents, we find passages written by authors with ties to the revivalist movement that juxtapose Yan Yu (1195?-1245?) and Liu Chen-weng (1232-1297). These juxtapositions are comparative in nature, and they show that the revivalist`s view of the poetic tradition was complex and concerned with more than just Yan`s standing and influence. This study discusses the basis, background, and significance of texts that juxtapose Yan and Liu for comparative purposes. It finds that both Yan and Liu maintained that a good poem must manifest aesthetic beauty beyond any form of language. The origin of the Yan-Liu comparison can be found in Gao Bing`s 高棅 (1350-1423) interpretation of the Tangshi pinhui 唐詩品彙. Moreover, the revivalist`s use of Yuan dynasty perspectives to interpret Yan Yu`s poetic theory constitutes the primary background for understanding the Yan-Liu comparisons. The revivalist`s view of poetic history held that Yan and Liu had moved poetry in a new direction and opened a new phase of poetic style in China.
關聯 清華中文學報,13,181-227
資料類型 article
dc.contributor 中文系
dc.creator (作者) 陳英傑zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Chen, Ying-Chieh
dc.date (日期) 2015-06
dc.date.accessioned 27-十月-2015 17:59:17 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 27-十月-2015 17:59:17 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 27-十月-2015 17:59:17 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/79077-
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 明代中葉以後的詩學史上,出現了一種「嚴羽劉辰翁詩論並稱」的觀點。這種觀點,主要屬於復古派的建構,也透露其所承受的詩學傳統,然而尚未引起當代學者的關注。本文即針對此說的詩學基礎、背景和意義,進行系統化之考察。研究成果顯示:明人提出嚴、劉並稱之說,應是注意到兩人詩論的質性及其價值甚近似。據嚴、劉詩學原典推敲,兩人都認為詩的審美特質,乃是一種辯證超越於語言形式以外的美感,如嚴羽(1195?-1245?)所謂「興趣」,劉辰翁(1232-1297)所謂「不著一字」、「不著相」云云。這可視為兩人並稱之說的基礎。而此說之提出,當是明人緣於自身既有的某種審美觀念,由回溯詩學史而發現契合於嚴、劉,遂能照見其價值。明人觀念係延續了元代以降的詩法類著作,甚至據以作為理解、評價嚴羽詩論的「前理解」。而在此說之成型過程中,高棅(1350-1423)、李東陽(1447-1516)可能扮演了重要推手,也必須留意「傳統評價延續性」、「論述形式互補性」二因素。這可視為兩人並稱之說的背景。立足前述的研究成果,本文最後指出明人此說的兩項重要意義:一是透露明人對嚴、劉所體現的詩學史轉向已有清楚之掌握;其次是顯示宋末元初以迄明代復古派的詩學史,可視為一個連續性整體。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) In Ming dynasty documents, we find passages written by authors with ties to the revivalist movement that juxtapose Yan Yu (1195?-1245?) and Liu Chen-weng (1232-1297). These juxtapositions are comparative in nature, and they show that the revivalist`s view of the poetic tradition was complex and concerned with more than just Yan`s standing and influence. This study discusses the basis, background, and significance of texts that juxtapose Yan and Liu for comparative purposes. It finds that both Yan and Liu maintained that a good poem must manifest aesthetic beauty beyond any form of language. The origin of the Yan-Liu comparison can be found in Gao Bing`s 高棅 (1350-1423) interpretation of the Tangshi pinhui 唐詩品彙. Moreover, the revivalist`s use of Yuan dynasty perspectives to interpret Yan Yu`s poetic theory constitutes the primary background for understanding the Yan-Liu comparisons. The revivalist`s view of poetic history held that Yan and Liu had moved poetry in a new direction and opened a new phase of poetic style in China.
dc.format.extent 1782362 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.relation (關聯) 清華中文學報,13,181-227
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 嚴羽 ; 劉辰翁 ; 明代復古派 ; 詩法類著作 ; 審美特質
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Yan Yu ; Liu Chenweng ; revivalists in the Ming dynasty ; writings on Shifa 詩法 ; the aesthetic quality of poetry
dc.title (題名) 論「嚴羽劉辰翁詩論並稱」的基礎、背景和意義zh_TW
dc.type (資料類型) articleen