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題名 都市環境保護政策之研究 : 臺南市政府消除髒亂個案分析
作者 杜福珍
貢獻者 張世賢
日期 1987
上傳時間 9-Mar-2016 11:06:53 (UTC+8)
摘要 參考書目
3.李本京,,七十年中美關係評估:一九一三-一九八四,台北: 黎明文化事業公司,民國七十四年二月。
10.梁敬錞,中美關係論文集,台北: 聯經出版事業公司民國七十二年七月。


2.司徒雷登原著,李宜培、潘煥昆合譯,司徒雷登回憶錄,旅華五十年記,,台北: 大華晚報社,民國四十三年。
3.艾契遜原著,居仁譯,美國對華政策,艾契遜之自白,台北: 商務出版社,民國六十一年。





1. Books
1. Acheson, Dean G. A Citizen Looks at Congress, New York: Harper & Brother, 1957.
2. --------, Present at the Creation: My Years in the State Department, New York: W. W. Norton, 1969.
3. -------, Sketches from Life of Man I Have Known, New York: Harper & Brother, 1959.
4. Almond, Gabriel A. The American People and Foreign Policy, New York: Fredrick A. Praeger, 1961.
5. Barnett, A. Doak, China and the Major Powers in East Asia, Washington, D. C.: The Brookings Institute, 1977.
6. -------. China on the Eve of Communist Takeover, New York: Fredrick A. Praeger, 1966.
7. ------- Communist China and Asia: Challenge to American Policy, New York: Random House, 1960.
8. -------, Communist China in Perspective, New York: Friedrick A. Praeger, 1961.
9. Blum, Robert M. Drawing the Line: The Origin of the American Containment Policy in East Asia, New York: W. W. Norton, 1982.
10. Borg, Dorothy and Heinrichs, Waldo, eds. Uncertain Years: Chinese-American Relations, 1947-1950, New York: Columbia University Press, 1980.
11. Brugger, Bill. China: Liberation and Transformation 1942-1962, New Jersey: Barnes and Noble Books, 1981.
12. Camilleri, Joseph, Chinese Foreign Policy: The Maoist Era and its Aftermath, Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1980.
13. Carlyle, Margaret, eds. Document on International Affair, London: The Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1953.
14. Clubb, Oliver Edmund, 20th Century China, New York: Columbia University Press, 1972.
15. Chiu Hungdah, China and the Question of Taiwan: Documents and Analysis, New York: Preger, 1973.
16. Cohen, Wanrren I., America`s Response to China, New York: John Wiley & sons, 1971.
17. -------, Dean Rusk, Totowa, New Jersey: Cooper Square Publisbers, 1980.
18. Delger, Carl Affluence and Anxiety: America Since 1949, Gleniview, Illinois; Scott, Foresman and Company, 1975.
19. Dennett, Raymond and Turner, Robert K. eds. Document on American Foreign Relations, Volume XI, New York: Princeton University, 1950.
20. Dulles, Foster Rhea, American Policy Towand Communist China: 1949-1969, New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1972.
21. Dulles, John Foster, War or Peace, New York: The Mac-Millan Company, 1955.
22. Fairbank, John King, Chinabound: A Fifty-year Memoir, New York: Harper and Row, 1982.
23. -------, China Perceives: Imagines and Policies in Chinese-American Relation, New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1974.
24. -------, The United States and China, 4th, ed. Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1971.
25. Ferrell, Robert H. American Diplomacy: A Histroy, New York: Harper & Row, 1980.
26. Freeland, Richard M. The Truman Doctrine and the Origins of McCarthyism, New York : Alfred A. Knopf , 1972.
27. Gallup, George H. The Gallup Poll: Public Opinion 1935-1970, Volume II, New York: Ransom House, 1972.
28. Gitting, John, The World and China, 1922-1972, New York: Harper & Row, 1974.
29. Graebner, Norman A. Cold War Diplomacy: American Foreign Policy, 1945-1960, New Jersey: D. Van Nostran Company, 1962.
30. Griffith, Robert The Politics of Fear: Joseph R. McCarthy and the Senate, Kentucky: University of Kentucky Press 1970.
31. Halle, Louis J. The Cold War as History, New York: Harper & Row, 1967.
32. Kalicki, J. H. The Pattern of Sino-American Crises: Political-Military Interaction in the 1950s, London: Cambridge University Press, 1975.
33. Kaplan, Lawrence S. Recent American Foreign Policy: Conflicting Interpretations, Illinois: The Dorsey Press, 1972.
34. Kennan, George F. Memoirs 1925-1950, Boston: Atlantic Monthly Press, 1967.
35. Kubek, Anthony. How the Far East Was Lost, American Policy and the Creation of Communist China, 1941-1949, New York: Twin Urcle Publishing Company, 1972.
36. Lach, Donald F. and Wehrle, Edmund S. International Politics in East Asia Since World War II., New York: Praeger, 1975.
37. Latourette, Kenneth Scott. The American Record in the Far East, 1945-1951. New York: The Mac-Millan Company, 1952.
38. May, Ernest R. and Thomson, James C. eds. American-East Asian Relations: A Survery, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1972.
39. May Ernest R. The Truman Administration and China, 1945-1949. Phildelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company, 1975.
40. McCoy, Donald R. The Presidency of Harry S. Trnman, Kansas: Kansas University Press, 1984.
41. Phillps, Cabell: The Truman Presidency: The History of a Triumph and Succession, New York: The Mac-Millan Company, 1966.
42. Purifoy, Lewis, McCarthyism and the Diplomacy of Hysteria 1947-1951, New York: A Division of Franklin Watts, 1976.
43. Rea, Kenneth W. and Brewer, John C. The Forgotten Ambassador: The Report of John Leighton Stuart, 1946-1949, Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1981.
44. Schaller Michael. The United States and China in the Twentieth Century, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1979.
45. Schlesinger, Arthur M. The Dynamics of World Power: A Documentary History of United Stats Foreign Policy 1945-1973, Volume V. The Far East, New York: Chelsen House Publishers, 1973.
46. Schram, Stuart, Mao Tse-Tung, New York: Simon and Schuster, 1966.
47. Spanier, John W. American Foreign Policy Since World War II, New York: Holt Rinehart and Winston, 1980.
48. ------- The Truman-MacArthur Contorversy and The Korean War, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1959.
49. Smith, Gaddis, Dean Acheson, New York: Cooper Square, 1972.
50. Stebbins, Richard P. The United States in World Affaris, 1949, New York: Harper & Brother, 1950.
51. -------, The United States in World Affairs, 1950 New York: Harper & Brother, 1951. 52. Stuart, John Leighton, Fifty Years in China, New York: Ransom House, 1954.
53. Stueck, William Whithey, The Road to Confrontation: American Policy Toward China and Korea, 1947-1950, Chapel Hill, North Carolina University Press, 1981.
54. Sutter, Robert G. China-Watch, Sino-American Reconcilsation, Baltimore: The John Hopkins University Press, 1978.
55. Taft, Robert A. A Foreign Policy for Americans, New York: Doubleday and Company, 1951.
56. Theoharis, Athan Seeds of Repression: Harry S. Truman and the Origins of McCarthyism, Chicago: Quadrangle Books, 1971.
57. Truman Harry S. Memoirs, Volume II: Years of Trial and Hope, 1946-1952. New York: The New American Library, 1954.
58. Tsou, Tang America`s Falure in China, 1941-1950, Chicago: Chicago University Press, 1963.
59. Tucker, Nancy Bernkopf, Pattern in the Dust: Chinese-American Relations and the Recognition Controversy , 1949-1950, New York: Columbia University Press, 1983.
60. Utley, Freda, The China Story, Chicago: Henry Regorery Campany, 1951.
61. Vandenberg, Arthur S. The Private Papers of Senator Vandenberg, Boston: Little Brown 1952.
62. Wedeymer, Albert C. Wedeymer Report! New York: Henry Holt, 1958.
63. Westerfield, H. Brandford, Foreign Policy and Politic Party: Pearl Harbour to Korea, New Haven: Yale University Press, 1955.

II. Articles:
1. Armstrong, John P. "The Enigma of Senator Taft and American Foreign Policy." The Review of Politics (Aug. 1954): 206-31.
2. Beloff, Max, "Soviet Policy in China". International Affairs (July 1951): 285-96.
3. Clubb, Oliver Edmund. "Sino-American Relations and the Future of Formosa". Political Science Quarterly (March 1965): 7.
4. Dulles, John Foster. "Challenge and Response in United States Policy." Foreign Affairs (Oct. 1957) 25-43.
5. Hu Shih, "China in Stalin`s Grand Strategy." Foreign Affairs(Oct. 1950): 51-66.
6. LittleJohn, Justin. "China and Communism." International Affairs (April 1951): 137-50.
7. Rostow, W. W. "Russia and China Under Communism." World Politics (Jan. 1955): 513-31.
8. Schlesinger, Arthur M. "The New Isolationism", Atlantic Monthly (May 1952): 38.
9. Tsou, Tang, "Civil strife and Intervention: Marshall`s China Policy". Orbis. (Feb. 1962): 99-101.

III. U. S. Government Publications
1. U. S. Congress, Congressional Record. 1949-50.
2. -------, House, Committee on International Relations, Selected Executive Session Hearing of the Committee, 1943-50, Volume II, U.S. Policy in the Far East, Part I. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1976
3. U.S. Department of State, Bulletin, 1949-50.
4. -------, Foreign Relations of the United States, Diplomatic Papers, The Conference at Malta and Yalta, 1945, Washington, D. C.: Government Printing Office, 1955.
5. -------, Foreign Relations of the United States, Diplomatic Papers, 1945. Volume VII, The Far East: China, Washington D. C.: Government printing Office. 1969.
6. ----------, Foreign Relations of the United States, Diplomatic Papers, 1948, Volume VIII, The Far East: China, Washington D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1974.
7. -------, Foreign Relations of The United States, Diplomatic Papers, 1949, Volume II; The United Nations, The West Hemisphere, Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1975.
8. -------Foreign Relations of the United States, Diplomatic Papers, 1949. Volume VII, The Far East and Australasia, Part 2, Washington, D. C.: Government Printing Office, 1976.
9. ------- Foreign Relations of the United States, Diplomatic, Papers, 1949. Volume VIII, The Far East: China, Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1978.
10. ------- Foreign Relations of the United States, Diplomatic Papers, 1950, Volume II, The United Nations, The West Hemisphere, Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1976.
11. -------, Foreign Relations of The United States, Diplomatic Papers, 1950. Volume VI, East Asia and the Pacific, Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office 1976.
12. -------, United States Relations with China With Special Reference to the Period 1944-1949, Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1949.
13. U.S. General Services Administration, Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: Harry S. Truman, 1947-50, Volume II, Washington D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1965.

IV. United Nations Publications:
United Nations, Yearbook of the U. N, 1949-50.
3.李本京,,七十年中美關係評估:一九一三-一九八四,台北: 黎明文化事業公司,民國七十四年二月。
10.梁敬錞,中美關係論文集,台北: 聯經出版事業公司民國七十二年七月。


2.司徒雷登原著,李宜培、潘煥昆合譯,司徒雷登回憶錄,旅華五十年記,,台北: 大華晚報社,民國四十三年。
3.艾契遜原著,居仁譯,美國對華政策,艾契遜之自白,台北: 商務出版社,民國六十一年。





1. Books
1. Acheson, Dean G. A Citizen Looks at Congress, New York: Harper & Brother, 1957.
2. --------, Present at the Creation: My Years in the State Department, New York: W. W. Norton, 1969.
3. -------, Sketches from Life of Man I Have Known, New York: Harper & Brother, 1959.
4. Almond, Gabriel A. The American People and Foreign Policy, New York: Fredrick A. Praeger, 1961.
5. Barnett, A. Doak, China and the Major Powers in East Asia, Washington, D. C.: The Brookings Institute, 1977.
6. -------. China on the Eve of Communist Takeover, New York: Fredrick A. Praeger, 1966.
7. ------- Communist China and Asia: Challenge to American Policy, New York: Random House, 1960.
8. -------, Communist China in Perspective, New York: Friedrick A. Praeger, 1961.
9. Blum, Robert M. Drawing the Line: The Origin of the American Containment Policy in East Asia, New York: W. W. Norton, 1982.
10. Borg, Dorothy and Heinrichs, Waldo, eds. Uncertain Years: Chinese-American Relations, 1947-1950, New York: Columbia University Press, 1980.
11. Brugger, Bill. China: Liberation and Transformation 1942-1962, New Jersey: Barnes and Noble Books, 1981.
12. Camilleri, Joseph, Chinese Foreign Policy: The Maoist Era and its Aftermath, Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1980.
13. Carlyle, Margaret, eds. Document on International Affair, London: The Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1953.
14. Clubb, Oliver Edmund, 20th Century China, New York: Columbia University Press, 1972.
15. Chiu Hungdah, China and the Question of Taiwan: Documents and Analysis, New York: Preger, 1973.
16. Cohen, Wanrren I., America`s Response to China, New York: John Wiley & sons, 1971.
17. -------, Dean Rusk, Totowa, New Jersey: Cooper Square Publisbers, 1980.
18. Delger, Carl Affluence and Anxiety: America Since 1949, Gleniview, Illinois; Scott, Foresman and Company, 1975.
19. Dennett, Raymond and Turner, Robert K. eds. Document on American Foreign Relations, Volume XI, New York: Princeton University, 1950.
20. Dulles, Foster Rhea, American Policy Towand Communist China: 1949-1969, New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1972.
21. Dulles, John Foster, War or Peace, New York: The Mac-Millan Company, 1955.
22. Fairbank, John King, Chinabound: A Fifty-year Memoir, New York: Harper and Row, 1982.
23. -------, China Perceives: Imagines and Policies in Chinese-American Relation, New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1974.
24. -------, The United States and China, 4th, ed. Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1971.
25. Ferrell, Robert H. American Diplomacy: A Histroy, New York: Harper & Row, 1980.
26. Freeland, Richard M. The Truman Doctrine and the Origins of McCarthyism, New York : Alfred A. Knopf , 1972.
27. Gallup, George H. The Gallup Poll: Public Opinion 1935-1970, Volume II, New York: Ransom House, 1972.
28. Gitting, John, The World and China, 1922-1972, New York: Harper & Row, 1974.
29. Graebner, Norman A. Cold War Diplomacy: American Foreign Policy, 1945-1960, New Jersey: D. Van Nostran Company, 1962.
30. Griffith, Robert The Politics of Fear: Joseph R. McCarthy and the Senate, Kentucky: University of Kentucky Press 1970.
31. Halle, Louis J. The Cold War as History, New York: Harper & Row, 1967.
32. Kalicki, J. H. The Pattern of Sino-American Crises: Political-Military Interaction in the 1950s, London: Cambridge University Press, 1975.
33. Kaplan, Lawrence S. Recent American Foreign Policy: Conflicting Interpretations, Illinois: The Dorsey Press, 1972.
34. Kennan, George F. Memoirs 1925-1950, Boston: Atlantic Monthly Press, 1967.
35. Kubek, Anthony. How the Far East Was Lost, American Policy and the Creation of Communist China, 1941-1949, New York: Twin Urcle Publishing Company, 1972.
36. Lach, Donald F. and Wehrle, Edmund S. International Politics in East Asia Since World War II., New York: Praeger, 1975.
37. Latourette, Kenneth Scott. The American Record in the Far East, 1945-1951. New York: The Mac-Millan Company, 1952.
38. May, Ernest R. and Thomson, James C. eds. American-East Asian Relations: A Survery, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1972.
39. May Ernest R. The Truman Administration and China, 1945-1949. Phildelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company, 1975.
40. McCoy, Donald R. The Presidency of Harry S. Trnman, Kansas: Kansas University Press, 1984.
41. Phillps, Cabell: The Truman Presidency: The History of a Triumph and Succession, New York: The Mac-Millan Company, 1966.
42. Purifoy, Lewis, McCarthyism and the Diplomacy of Hysteria 1947-1951, New York: A Division of Franklin Watts, 1976.
43. Rea, Kenneth W. and Brewer, John C. The Forgotten Ambassador: The Report of John Leighton Stuart, 1946-1949, Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1981.
44. Schaller Michael. The United States and China in the Twentieth Century, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1979.
45. Schlesinger, Arthur M. The Dynamics of World Power: A Documentary History of United Stats Foreign Policy 1945-1973, Volume V. The Far East, New York: Chelsen House Publishers, 1973.
46. Schram, Stuart, Mao Tse-Tung, New York: Simon and Schuster, 1966.
47. Spanier, John W. American Foreign Policy Since World War II, New York: Holt Rinehart and Winston, 1980.
48. ------- The Truman-MacArthur Contorversy and The Korean War, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1959.
49. Smith, Gaddis, Dean Acheson, New York: Cooper Square, 1972.
50. Stebbins, Richard P. The United States in World Affaris, 1949, New York: Harper & Brother, 1950.
51. -------, The United States in World Affairs, 1950 New York: Harper & Brother, 1951. 52. Stuart, John Leighton, Fifty Years in China, New York: Ransom House, 1954.
53. Stueck, William Whithey, The Road to Confrontation: American Policy Toward China and Korea, 1947-1950, Chapel Hill, North Carolina University Press, 1981.
54. Sutter, Robert G. China-Watch, Sino-American Reconcilsation, Baltimore: The John Hopkins University Press, 1978.
55. Taft, Robert A. A Foreign Policy for Americans, New York: Doubleday and Company, 1951.
56. Theoharis, Athan Seeds of Repression: Harry S. Truman and the Origins of McCarthyism, Chicago: Quadrangle Books, 1971.
57. Truman Harry S. Memoirs, Volume II: Years of Trial and Hope, 1946-1952. New York: The New American Library, 1954.
58. Tsou, Tang America`s Falure in China, 1941-1950, Chicago: Chicago University Press, 1963.
59. Tucker, Nancy Bernkopf, Pattern in the Dust: Chinese-American Relations and the Recognition Controversy , 1949-1950, New York: Columbia University Press, 1983.
60. Utley, Freda, The China Story, Chicago: Henry Regorery Campany, 1951.
61. Vandenberg, Arthur S. The Private Papers of Senator Vandenberg, Boston: Little Brown 1952.
62. Wedeymer, Albert C. Wedeymer Report! New York: Henry Holt, 1958.
63. Westerfield, H. Brandford, Foreign Policy and Politic Party: Pearl Harbour to Korea, New Haven: Yale University Press, 1955.

II. Articles:
1. Armstrong, John P. "The Enigma of Senator Taft and American Foreign Policy." The Review of Politics (Aug. 1954): 206-31.
2. Beloff, Max, "Soviet Policy in China". International Affairs (July 1951): 285-96.
3. Clubb, Oliver Edmund. "Sino-American Relations and the Future of Formosa". Political Science Quarterly (March 1965): 7.
4. Dulles, John Foster. "Challenge and Response in United States Policy." Foreign Affairs (Oct. 1957) 25-43.
5. Hu Shih, "China in Stalin`s Grand Strategy." Foreign Affairs(Oct. 1950): 51-66.
6. LittleJohn, Justin. "China and Communism." International Affairs (April 1951): 137-50.
7. Rostow, W. W. "Russia and China Under Communism." World Politics (Jan. 1955): 513-31.
8. Schlesinger, Arthur M. "The New Isolationism", Atlantic Monthly (May 1952): 38.
9. Tsou, Tang, "Civil strife and Intervention: Marshall`s China Policy". Orbis. (Feb. 1962): 99-101.

III. U. S. Government Publications
1. U. S. Congress, Congressional Record. 1949-50.
2. -------, House, Committee on International Relations, Selected Executive Session Hearing of the Committee, 1943-50, Volume II, U.S. Policy in the Far East, Part I. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1976
3. U.S. Department of State, Bulletin, 1949-50.
4. -------, Foreign Relations of the United States, Diplomatic Papers, The Conference at Malta and Yalta, 1945, Washington, D. C.: Government Printing Office, 1955.
5. -------, Foreign Relations of the United States, Diplomatic Papers, 1945. Volume VII, The Far East: China, Washington D. C.: Government printing Office. 1969.
6. ----------, Foreign Relations of the United States, Diplomatic Papers, 1948, Volume VIII, The Far East: China, Washington D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1974.
7. -------, Foreign Relations of The United States, Diplomatic Papers, 1949, Volume II; The United Nations, The West Hemisphere, Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1975.
8. -------Foreign Relations of the United States, Diplomatic Papers, 1949. Volume VII, The Far East and Australasia, Part 2, Washington, D. C.: Government Printing Office, 1976.
9. ------- Foreign Relations of the United States, Diplomatic, Papers, 1949. Volume VIII, The Far East: China, Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1978.
10. ------- Foreign Relations of the United States, Diplomatic Papers, 1950, Volume II, The United Nations, The West Hemisphere, Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1976.
11. -------, Foreign Relations of The United States, Diplomatic Papers, 1950. Volume VI, East Asia and the Pacific, Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office 1976.
12. -------, United States Relations with China With Special Reference to the Period 1944-1949, Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1949.
13. U.S. General Services Administration, Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: Harry S. Truman, 1947-50, Volume II, Washington D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1965.

IV. United Nations Publications:
United Nations, Yearbook of the U. N, 1949-50.
描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor 張世賢
dc.contributor 公共行政研究所
dc.creator (作者) 杜福珍zh_TW (日期) 1987 9-Mar-2016 11:06:53 (UTC+8)- 9-Mar-2016 11:06:53 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 9-Mar-2016 11:06:53 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士
dc.description (描述) 畢業學年度:75
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 參考書目
3.李本京,,七十年中美關係評估:一九一三-一九八四,台北: 黎明文化事業公司,民國七十四年二月。
10.梁敬錞,中美關係論文集,台北: 聯經出版事業公司民國七十二年七月。


2.司徒雷登原著,李宜培、潘煥昆合譯,司徒雷登回憶錄,旅華五十年記,,台北: 大華晚報社,民國四十三年。
3.艾契遜原著,居仁譯,美國對華政策,艾契遜之自白,台北: 商務出版社,民國六十一年。





1. Books
1. Acheson, Dean G. A Citizen Looks at Congress, New York: Harper & Brother, 1957.
2. --------, Present at the Creation: My Years in the State Department, New York: W. W. Norton, 1969.
3. -------, Sketches from Life of Man I Have Known, New York: Harper & Brother, 1959.
4. Almond, Gabriel A. The American People and Foreign Policy, New York: Fredrick A. Praeger, 1961.
5. Barnett, A. Doak, China and the Major Powers in East Asia, Washington, D. C.: The Brookings Institute, 1977.
6. -------. China on the Eve of Communist Takeover, New York: Fredrick A. Praeger, 1966.
7. ------- Communist China and Asia: Challenge to American Policy, New York: Random House, 1960.
8. -------, Communist China in Perspective, New York: Friedrick A. Praeger, 1961.
9. Blum, Robert M. Drawing the Line: The Origin of the American Containment Policy in East Asia, New York: W. W. Norton, 1982.
10. Borg, Dorothy and Heinrichs, Waldo, eds. Uncertain Years: Chinese-American Relations, 1947-1950, New York: Columbia University Press, 1980.
11. Brugger, Bill. China: Liberation and Transformation 1942-1962, New Jersey: Barnes and Noble Books, 1981.
12. Camilleri, Joseph, Chinese Foreign Policy: The Maoist Era and its Aftermath, Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1980.
13. Carlyle, Margaret, eds. Document on International Affair, London: The Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1953.
14. Clubb, Oliver Edmund, 20th Century China, New York: Columbia University Press, 1972.
15. Chiu Hungdah, China and the Question of Taiwan: Documents and Analysis, New York: Preger, 1973.
16. Cohen, Wanrren I., America`s Response to China, New York: John Wiley & sons, 1971.
17. -------, Dean Rusk, Totowa, New Jersey: Cooper Square Publisbers, 1980.
18. Delger, Carl Affluence and Anxiety: America Since 1949, Gleniview, Illinois; Scott, Foresman and Company, 1975.
19. Dennett, Raymond and Turner, Robert K. eds. Document on American Foreign Relations, Volume XI, New York: Princeton University, 1950.
20. Dulles, Foster Rhea, American Policy Towand Communist China: 1949-1969, New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1972.
21. Dulles, John Foster, War or Peace, New York: The Mac-Millan Company, 1955.
22. Fairbank, John King, Chinabound: A Fifty-year Memoir, New York: Harper and Row, 1982.
23. -------, China Perceives: Imagines and Policies in Chinese-American Relation, New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1974.
24. -------, The United States and China, 4th, ed. Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1971.
25. Ferrell, Robert H. American Diplomacy: A Histroy, New York: Harper & Row, 1980.
26. Freeland, Richard M. The Truman Doctrine and the Origins of McCarthyism, New York : Alfred A. Knopf , 1972.
27. Gallup, George H. The Gallup Poll: Public Opinion 1935-1970, Volume II, New York: Ransom House, 1972.
28. Gitting, John, The World and China, 1922-1972, New York: Harper & Row, 1974.
29. Graebner, Norman A. Cold War Diplomacy: American Foreign Policy, 1945-1960, New Jersey: D. Van Nostran Company, 1962.
30. Griffith, Robert The Politics of Fear: Joseph R. McCarthy and the Senate, Kentucky: University of Kentucky Press 1970.
31. Halle, Louis J. The Cold War as History, New York: Harper & Row, 1967.
32. Kalicki, J. H. The Pattern of Sino-American Crises: Political-Military Interaction in the 1950s, London: Cambridge University Press, 1975.
33. Kaplan, Lawrence S. Recent American Foreign Policy: Conflicting Interpretations, Illinois: The Dorsey Press, 1972.
34. Kennan, George F. Memoirs 1925-1950, Boston: Atlantic Monthly Press, 1967.
35. Kubek, Anthony. How the Far East Was Lost, American Policy and the Creation of Communist China, 1941-1949, New York: Twin Urcle Publishing Company, 1972.
36. Lach, Donald F. and Wehrle, Edmund S. International Politics in East Asia Since World War II., New York: Praeger, 1975.
37. Latourette, Kenneth Scott. The American Record in the Far East, 1945-1951. New York: The Mac-Millan Company, 1952.
38. May, Ernest R. and Thomson, James C. eds. American-East Asian Relations: A Survery, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1972.
39. May Ernest R. The Truman Administration and China, 1945-1949. Phildelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company, 1975.
40. McCoy, Donald R. The Presidency of Harry S. Trnman, Kansas: Kansas University Press, 1984.
41. Phillps, Cabell: The Truman Presidency: The History of a Triumph and Succession, New York: The Mac-Millan Company, 1966.
42. Purifoy, Lewis, McCarthyism and the Diplomacy of Hysteria 1947-1951, New York: A Division of Franklin Watts, 1976.
43. Rea, Kenneth W. and Brewer, John C. The Forgotten Ambassador: The Report of John Leighton Stuart, 1946-1949, Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1981.
44. Schaller Michael. The United States and China in the Twentieth Century, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1979.
45. Schlesinger, Arthur M. The Dynamics of World Power: A Documentary History of United Stats Foreign Policy 1945-1973, Volume V. The Far East, New York: Chelsen House Publishers, 1973.
46. Schram, Stuart, Mao Tse-Tung, New York: Simon and Schuster, 1966.
47. Spanier, John W. American Foreign Policy Since World War II, New York: Holt Rinehart and Winston, 1980.
48. ------- The Truman-MacArthur Contorversy and The Korean War, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1959.
49. Smith, Gaddis, Dean Acheson, New York: Cooper Square, 1972.
50. Stebbins, Richard P. The United States in World Affaris, 1949, New York: Harper & Brother, 1950.
51. -------, The United States in World Affairs, 1950 New York: Harper & Brother, 1951. 52. Stuart, John Leighton, Fifty Years in China, New York: Ransom House, 1954.
53. Stueck, William Whithey, The Road to Confrontation: American Policy Toward China and Korea, 1947-1950, Chapel Hill, North Carolina University Press, 1981.
54. Sutter, Robert G. China-Watch, Sino-American Reconcilsation, Baltimore: The John Hopkins University Press, 1978.
55. Taft, Robert A. A Foreign Policy for Americans, New York: Doubleday and Company, 1951.
56. Theoharis, Athan Seeds of Repression: Harry S. Truman and the Origins of McCarthyism, Chicago: Quadrangle Books, 1971.
57. Truman Harry S. Memoirs, Volume II: Years of Trial and Hope, 1946-1952. New York: The New American Library, 1954.
58. Tsou, Tang America`s Falure in China, 1941-1950, Chicago: Chicago University Press, 1963.
59. Tucker, Nancy Bernkopf, Pattern in the Dust: Chinese-American Relations and the Recognition Controversy , 1949-1950, New York: Columbia University Press, 1983.
60. Utley, Freda, The China Story, Chicago: Henry Regorery Campany, 1951.
61. Vandenberg, Arthur S. The Private Papers of Senator Vandenberg, Boston: Little Brown 1952.
62. Wedeymer, Albert C. Wedeymer Report! New York: Henry Holt, 1958.
63. Westerfield, H. Brandford, Foreign Policy and Politic Party: Pearl Harbour to Korea, New Haven: Yale University Press, 1955.

II. Articles:
1. Armstrong, John P. "The Enigma of Senator Taft and American Foreign Policy." The Review of Politics (Aug. 1954): 206-31.
2. Beloff, Max, "Soviet Policy in China". International Affairs (July 1951): 285-96.
3. Clubb, Oliver Edmund. "Sino-American Relations and the Future of Formosa". Political Science Quarterly (March 1965): 7.
4. Dulles, John Foster. "Challenge and Response in United States Policy." Foreign Affairs (Oct. 1957) 25-43.
5. Hu Shih, "China in Stalin`s Grand Strategy." Foreign Affairs(Oct. 1950): 51-66.
6. LittleJohn, Justin. "China and Communism." International Affairs (April 1951): 137-50.
7. Rostow, W. W. "Russia and China Under Communism." World Politics (Jan. 1955): 513-31.
8. Schlesinger, Arthur M. "The New Isolationism", Atlantic Monthly (May 1952): 38.
9. Tsou, Tang, "Civil strife and Intervention: Marshall`s China Policy". Orbis. (Feb. 1962): 99-101.

III. U. S. Government Publications
1. U. S. Congress, Congressional Record. 1949-50.
2. -------, House, Committee on International Relations, Selected Executive Session Hearing of the Committee, 1943-50, Volume II, U.S. Policy in the Far East, Part I. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1976
3. U.S. Department of State, Bulletin, 1949-50.
4. -------, Foreign Relations of the United States, Diplomatic Papers, The Conference at Malta and Yalta, 1945, Washington, D. C.: Government Printing Office, 1955.
5. -------, Foreign Relations of the United States, Diplomatic Papers, 1945. Volume VII, The Far East: China, Washington D. C.: Government printing Office. 1969.
6. ----------, Foreign Relations of the United States, Diplomatic Papers, 1948, Volume VIII, The Far East: China, Washington D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1974.
7. -------, Foreign Relations of The United States, Diplomatic Papers, 1949, Volume II; The United Nations, The West Hemisphere, Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1975.
8. -------Foreign Relations of the United States, Diplomatic Papers, 1949. Volume VII, The Far East and Australasia, Part 2, Washington, D. C.: Government Printing Office, 1976.
9. ------- Foreign Relations of the United States, Diplomatic, Papers, 1949. Volume VIII, The Far East: China, Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1978.
10. ------- Foreign Relations of the United States, Diplomatic Papers, 1950, Volume II, The United Nations, The West Hemisphere, Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1976.
11. -------, Foreign Relations of The United States, Diplomatic Papers, 1950. Volume VI, East Asia and the Pacific, Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office 1976.
12. -------, United States Relations with China With Special Reference to the Period 1944-1949, Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1949.
13. U.S. General Services Administration, Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: Harry S. Truman, 1947-50, Volume II, Washington D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1965.

IV. United Nations Publications:
United Nations, Yearbook of the U. N, 1949-50.
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 參考書目
3.李本京,,七十年中美關係評估:一九一三-一九八四,台北: 黎明文化事業公司,民國七十四年二月。
10.梁敬錞,中美關係論文集,台北: 聯經出版事業公司民國七十二年七月。


2.司徒雷登原著,李宜培、潘煥昆合譯,司徒雷登回憶錄,旅華五十年記,,台北: 大華晚報社,民國四十三年。
3.艾契遜原著,居仁譯,美國對華政策,艾契遜之自白,台北: 商務出版社,民國六十一年。





1. Books
1. Acheson, Dean G. A Citizen Looks at Congress, New York: Harper & Brother, 1957.
2. --------, Present at the Creation: My Years in the State Department, New York: W. W. Norton, 1969.
3. -------, Sketches from Life of Man I Have Known, New York: Harper & Brother, 1959.
4. Almond, Gabriel A. The American People and Foreign Policy, New York: Fredrick A. Praeger, 1961.
5. Barnett, A. Doak, China and the Major Powers in East Asia, Washington, D. C.: The Brookings Institute, 1977.
6. -------. China on the Eve of Communist Takeover, New York: Fredrick A. Praeger, 1966.
7. ------- Communist China and Asia: Challenge to American Policy, New York: Random House, 1960.
8. -------, Communist China in Perspective, New York: Friedrick A. Praeger, 1961.
9. Blum, Robert M. Drawing the Line: The Origin of the American Containment Policy in East Asia, New York: W. W. Norton, 1982.
10. Borg, Dorothy and Heinrichs, Waldo, eds. Uncertain Years: Chinese-American Relations, 1947-1950, New York: Columbia University Press, 1980.
11. Brugger, Bill. China: Liberation and Transformation 1942-1962, New Jersey: Barnes and Noble Books, 1981.
12. Camilleri, Joseph, Chinese Foreign Policy: The Maoist Era and its Aftermath, Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1980.
13. Carlyle, Margaret, eds. Document on International Affair, London: The Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1953.
14. Clubb, Oliver Edmund, 20th Century China, New York: Columbia University Press, 1972.
15. Chiu Hungdah, China and the Question of Taiwan: Documents and Analysis, New York: Preger, 1973.
16. Cohen, Wanrren I., America`s Response to China, New York: John Wiley & sons, 1971.
17. -------, Dean Rusk, Totowa, New Jersey: Cooper Square Publisbers, 1980.
18. Delger, Carl Affluence and Anxiety: America Since 1949, Gleniview, Illinois; Scott, Foresman and Company, 1975.
19. Dennett, Raymond and Turner, Robert K. eds. Document on American Foreign Relations, Volume XI, New York: Princeton University, 1950.
20. Dulles, Foster Rhea, American Policy Towand Communist China: 1949-1969, New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1972.
21. Dulles, John Foster, War or Peace, New York: The Mac-Millan Company, 1955.
22. Fairbank, John King, Chinabound: A Fifty-year Memoir, New York: Harper and Row, 1982.
23. -------, China Perceives: Imagines and Policies in Chinese-American Relation, New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1974.
24. -------, The United States and China, 4th, ed. Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1971.
25. Ferrell, Robert H. American Diplomacy: A Histroy, New York: Harper & Row, 1980.
26. Freeland, Richard M. The Truman Doctrine and the Origins of McCarthyism, New York : Alfred A. Knopf , 1972.
27. Gallup, George H. The Gallup Poll: Public Opinion 1935-1970, Volume II, New York: Ransom House, 1972.
28. Gitting, John, The World and China, 1922-1972, New York: Harper & Row, 1974.
29. Graebner, Norman A. Cold War Diplomacy: American Foreign Policy, 1945-1960, New Jersey: D. Van Nostran Company, 1962.
30. Griffith, Robert The Politics of Fear: Joseph R. McCarthy and the Senate, Kentucky: University of Kentucky Press 1970.
31. Halle, Louis J. The Cold War as History, New York: Harper & Row, 1967.
32. Kalicki, J. H. The Pattern of Sino-American Crises: Political-Military Interaction in the 1950s, London: Cambridge University Press, 1975.
33. Kaplan, Lawrence S. Recent American Foreign Policy: Conflicting Interpretations, Illinois: The Dorsey Press, 1972.
34. Kennan, George F. Memoirs 1925-1950, Boston: Atlantic Monthly Press, 1967.
35. Kubek, Anthony. How the Far East Was Lost, American Policy and the Creation of Communist China, 1941-1949, New York: Twin Urcle Publishing Company, 1972.
36. Lach, Donald F. and Wehrle, Edmund S. International Politics in East Asia Since World War II., New York: Praeger, 1975.
37. Latourette, Kenneth Scott. The American Record in the Far East, 1945-1951. New York: The Mac-Millan Company, 1952.
38. May, Ernest R. and Thomson, James C. eds. American-East Asian Relations: A Survery, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1972.
39. May Ernest R. The Truman Administration and China, 1945-1949. Phildelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company, 1975.
40. McCoy, Donald R. The Presidency of Harry S. Trnman, Kansas: Kansas University Press, 1984.
41. Phillps, Cabell: The Truman Presidency: The History of a Triumph and Succession, New York: The Mac-Millan Company, 1966.
42. Purifoy, Lewis, McCarthyism and the Diplomacy of Hysteria 1947-1951, New York: A Division of Franklin Watts, 1976.
43. Rea, Kenneth W. and Brewer, John C. The Forgotten Ambassador: The Report of John Leighton Stuart, 1946-1949, Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1981.
44. Schaller Michael. The United States and China in the Twentieth Century, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1979.
45. Schlesinger, Arthur M. The Dynamics of World Power: A Documentary History of United Stats Foreign Policy 1945-1973, Volume V. The Far East, New York: Chelsen House Publishers, 1973.
46. Schram, Stuart, Mao Tse-Tung, New York: Simon and Schuster, 1966.
47. Spanier, John W. American Foreign Policy Since World War II, New York: Holt Rinehart and Winston, 1980.
48. ------- The Truman-MacArthur Contorversy and The Korean War, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1959.
49. Smith, Gaddis, Dean Acheson, New York: Cooper Square, 1972.
50. Stebbins, Richard P. The United States in World Affaris, 1949, New York: Harper & Brother, 1950.
51. -------, The United States in World Affairs, 1950 New York: Harper & Brother, 1951. 52. Stuart, John Leighton, Fifty Years in China, New York: Ransom House, 1954.
53. Stueck, William Whithey, The Road to Confrontation: American Policy Toward China and Korea, 1947-1950, Chapel Hill, North Carolina University Press, 1981.
54. Sutter, Robert G. China-Watch, Sino-American Reconcilsation, Baltimore: The John Hopkins University Press, 1978.
55. Taft, Robert A. A Foreign Policy for Americans, New York: Doubleday and Company, 1951.
56. Theoharis, Athan Seeds of Repression: Harry S. Truman and the Origins of McCarthyism, Chicago: Quadrangle Books, 1971.
57. Truman Harry S. Memoirs, Volume II: Years of Trial and Hope, 1946-1952. New York: The New American Library, 1954.
58. Tsou, Tang America`s Falure in China, 1941-1950, Chicago: Chicago University Press, 1963.
59. Tucker, Nancy Bernkopf, Pattern in the Dust: Chinese-American Relations and the Recognition Controversy , 1949-1950, New York: Columbia University Press, 1983.
60. Utley, Freda, The China Story, Chicago: Henry Regorery Campany, 1951.
61. Vandenberg, Arthur S. The Private Papers of Senator Vandenberg, Boston: Little Brown 1952.
62. Wedeymer, Albert C. Wedeymer Report! New York: Henry Holt, 1958.
63. Westerfield, H. Brandford, Foreign Policy and Politic Party: Pearl Harbour to Korea, New Haven: Yale University Press, 1955.

II. Articles:
1. Armstrong, John P. "The Enigma of Senator Taft and American Foreign Policy." The Review of Politics (Aug. 1954): 206-31.
2. Beloff, Max, "Soviet Policy in China". International Affairs (July 1951): 285-96.
3. Clubb, Oliver Edmund. "Sino-American Relations and the Future of Formosa". Political Science Quarterly (March 1965): 7.
4. Dulles, John Foster. "Challenge and Response in United States Policy." Foreign Affairs (Oct. 1957) 25-43.
5. Hu Shih, "China in Stalin`s Grand Strategy." Foreign Affairs(Oct. 1950): 51-66.
6. LittleJohn, Justin. "China and Communism." International Affairs (April 1951): 137-50.
7. Rostow, W. W. "Russia and China Under Communism." World Politics (Jan. 1955): 513-31.
8. Schlesinger, Arthur M. "The New Isolationism", Atlantic Monthly (May 1952): 38.
9. Tsou, Tang, "Civil strife and Intervention: Marshall`s China Policy". Orbis. (Feb. 1962): 99-101.

III. U. S. Government Publications
1. U. S. Congress, Congressional Record. 1949-50.
2. -------, House, Committee on International Relations, Selected Executive Session Hearing of the Committee, 1943-50, Volume II, U.S. Policy in the Far East, Part I. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1976
3. U.S. Department of State, Bulletin, 1949-50.
4. -------, Foreign Relations of the United States, Diplomatic Papers, The Conference at Malta and Yalta, 1945, Washington, D. C.: Government Printing Office, 1955.
5. -------, Foreign Relations of the United States, Diplomatic Papers, 1945. Volume VII, The Far East: China, Washington D. C.: Government printing Office. 1969.
6. ----------, Foreign Relations of the United States, Diplomatic Papers, 1948, Volume VIII, The Far East: China, Washington D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1974.
7. -------, Foreign Relations of The United States, Diplomatic Papers, 1949, Volume II; The United Nations, The West Hemisphere, Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1975.
8. -------Foreign Relations of the United States, Diplomatic Papers, 1949. Volume VII, The Far East and Australasia, Part 2, Washington, D. C.: Government Printing Office, 1976.
9. ------- Foreign Relations of the United States, Diplomatic, Papers, 1949. Volume VIII, The Far East: China, Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1978.
10. ------- Foreign Relations of the United States, Diplomatic Papers, 1950, Volume II, The United Nations, The West Hemisphere, Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1976.
11. -------, Foreign Relations of The United States, Diplomatic Papers, 1950. Volume VI, East Asia and the Pacific, Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office 1976.
12. -------, United States Relations with China With Special Reference to the Period 1944-1949, Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1949.
13. U.S. General Services Administration, Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: Harry S. Truman, 1947-50, Volume II, Washington D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1965.

IV. United Nations Publications:
United Nations, Yearbook of the U. N, 1949-50.
dc.format.extent 580 bytes-
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dc.title (題名) 都市環境保護政策之研究 : 臺南市政府消除髒亂個案分析zh_TW
dc.type (資料類型) thesis