dc.contributor | 心理學系 | - |
dc.creator (作者) | 黃淑麗;廖文宏 | - |
dc.date (日期) | 2012 | - |
dc.date.accessioned | 11-四月-2016 17:15:36 (UTC+8) | - |
dc.date.available | 11-四月-2016 17:15:36 (UTC+8) | - |
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) | 11-四月-2016 17:15:36 (UTC+8) | - |
dc.identifier.uri (URI) | http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/84134 | - |
dc.description.abstract (摘要) | 美學素養是文化創意人才培育的重要課題,也是全民生活品質提升的關鍵。美學的研 究歷史悠久,但我們對於美感的本質、審美的歷程,瞭解仍相當有限。近年來由於認 知神經科學與資訊科學的迅速發展,許多傳統的研究議題,得以透過新的工具(如眼 動儀、功能性磁振造影等)與創新的研究取徑,獲得更深入的結論。本計畫希望以兩 年為期,結合視覺心理學、圖像分析、與電腦輔助學習系統等專業領域的研究者,針 對美感本質、審美歷程等方面進行一系列的跨領域研究,並嘗試初步加以應用。本計 畫將以藝術繪畫創作的賞析為主要對象,探討人們美感產生的要素以及美感知覺的歷 程,並嘗試初步的應用。我們將從視覺刺激出發,分別透過基本圖案所組成的圖像及 不同類型的藝術作品,結合圖像分析技術以及心理學實驗(美感判斷行為測量、眼動 分析)的方法,探討影響美感的視覺特徵(如形狀、對比、顏色、構圖等)、美感元素 (如平衡性、和諧性、複雜度等)以及兩者之間的關連。我們將邀請具不同美學素養 的人士參與實驗,以瞭解不同群組之間美感知覺敏銳度與審美過程的差異。這些實驗 結果所得結果,亦將應用於設計悅趣式電腦輔助學習系統(Serious Game),以提供美感 元素知覺能力訓練之輔助工具。深信此時投入人力進行美感心智活動的跨領域研究, 對我國發展文化創意產業及跨學門創新研究的發展,均有其積極正面的助益。 | - |
dc.description.abstract (摘要) | Aesthetic literacy is a dispensable issue in the training of cultural creative talents as well as a key to the promotion of life quality for all people. Despite the long history of aesthetics research, we still only have limited understandings of the nature of aesthetics and its appreciation process. In recent years, due to the rapid advances of cognitive neuroscience and computer science, many traditional research topics start to gain new insights through new tools (such as eye tracker, ERP, and fMRI) and innovative research paths. In this project, we propose to use two years to conduct a series of interdisciplinary studies on aesthetics nature, aesthetic appreciation process, and computer-aided training on artistic appreciation with the foundations in psychology of perception, image analysis, and intelligent tutoring system. We will use artistic paintings and geometric patterns as the material to study the issues of identifying key aesthetic attributes from visual perception, understanding the process, and developing an adaptive computer-aided e-learning system for aesthetic appreciation. Through the uses of image analysis technologies and psychological experiments, we will investigate the key visual features (such as contrast, color, layout, etc.) affecting aesthetic perception and their relations with aesthetic principles (such as balance, harmony, complexity, etc.) with the visual stimuli from images composed of basic shapes and images of artistic paintings, respectively. We will invite users with various degrees of aesthetic literacy to participate in the experiments to understand the differences of aesthetic perception and appreciation process for different groups of people. Based on these experimental data, we will design serious games for the aesthetic sensitivity. We believe that it is a right time to conduct interdisciplinary research on mind and brain studies for aesthetics and these efforts will positively contribute to the development of cultural creative industry and cross-field innovative research. | - |
dc.relation (關聯) | 計畫編號 NSC101-2410-H004-083 | - |
dc.subject (關鍵詞) | 視覺心理學;圖像分析;電腦輔助系統;藝術繪畫;視覺特徵;美感元素;眼動 | - |
dc.subject (關鍵詞) | Visual Perception;Image Analysis;Computer-Aided Training System;Visual features;aesthetic principles;Painting Art;Eye Movement | - |
dc.title (題名) | 繪畫圖像之美感知覺歷程研究 | - |
dc.title.alternative (其他題名) | Study of Aesthetic Perception Process for Paintings | - |
dc.type (資料類型) | report | - |