題名 建置我國校長培育制度之師傅校長經驗傳承資訊網研究(Ⅳ) 其他題名 The Research of Establishing Mentor Principal Experience Inheritance Information Network of Principal Preparatation in Taiwan(Ⅳ) 作者 陳木金 貢獻者 師資培育中心 關鍵詞 校長培育;師傅校長;師傅校長經驗傳承資訊網
Principal Preparation;Mentor Principal;Mentor Principal’s Experience Inheritance Information Network日期 2012 上傳時間 12-四月-2016 16:49:20 (UTC+8) 摘要 初任校長甫接掌校務,大都希望能展現理想與抱負,準備大顯身手來經營學校。然而,經驗不足或手腕不夠靈活,會影響其經營校務的信心和效果,甚至波及爾後生涯發展與規劃。因此,在校長培訓時期及初任校長生涯過程中,若能有扶持的前輩或師傅教導的校長資訊網站之建置,可幫助其獲得更多實務經驗,使學校事務之運作更加得心應手。本年度研究計畫將聚焦於研究者歷年發展出師傅校長經驗傳承的五大向度:「瞭解學校」、「就任校長」、「推動校務」、「化解衝突」、「生涯發展」,並參考美國「The Oral History of the Principalship網站架構的風格及建置研究的模式方法,將已建置完成的師傅校長經驗傳承資訊網中文網站內容英文化,透過英文翻譯與潤飾,讓國外的網站使用者不但能以英文瀏覽本網站之資訊,也能同步使用中英文介面,推動本網站進入世界資訊平臺。 本年度(第四年)的研究以主要聚焦於將網站中文內容英文化,透過英文翻譯與潤飾,讓國外的網站使用者不但能以英文瀏覽本網站之資訊,也能同步使用中英文介面,推動本網站進入世界資訊平臺,並廣泛蒐集國內外有關校長研究之研討會及博碩士論文之資訊。其次,持續進行臺灣北、中、南、東四區師傅校長之深度訪談與焦點座談,預計針對本研究的五大向度,分別舉辦五場專家焦點座談,共邀請54位校長分享經驗傳承,進行焦點座談與訪談資料的蒐集、彙整及上傳,以充實網站內容。再者,持續研究臺灣北、中、南、東四區師傅校長經驗傳承之內涵,充實師傅校長經驗傳承資訊網,同步上傳網站故事緣起、校長經驗傳承、師傅校長專訪、校長專業發展、校長實務討論、校長研究論文、校長專書閱讀、校長社群連結、卓越校長檔案、校長學電子報、校長學資訊網等中英文內容。接著,抽樣臺灣北、中、南、東四區現任校長200人,進行「使用網站後之感受」問卷調查,作為改善本網站內容之依據。最後,至臺灣各縣市舉辦網站座談說明會,並赴美國、香港、澳門、北京等地區進行網站推廣與說明,持續推廣師傅校長經驗傳承資訊網之應用,提供師傅校長、初任校長或有志成為校長者傳承經驗與學習的園地,依據前述推廣使用及研究之成果,撰寫本研究的相關結論與建議,形成研究初稿,作為校長培育機構及實務工作者之參考,期望師傅校長經驗傳承資訊網在充實中英文網站內容之努力,能為國內外的校長專業發展殫盡棉薄之力。 本年度(第四年)之研究計畫的申請,係延續2009年(第一年已執行)、2010(第二年已執行)及2011(第三年執行中)專題研究「建置我國校長培育制度之師傅校長經驗傳承資訊網研究」之三年計畫,目前已完成中英文網站的申請與架設,進行各項中英文資料之充實、翻譯及研究,網址為「師傅校長經驗傳承資訊網(http://mentorprincipal.org/)」,而本網站自2009年10月5日開始建置至2011年12月24日以來,總計已有26個國家地區共10,687人次到訪,瀏覽量為48,579次。
When a principal is newly appointed to a school, they would show the performance and ideas. However, lack of experience usually affects their managerial confidence, and even affects their career development. Thus, when they serves as a principal, they may get supports from mentor principals or the website consisting principals’ experience, I believe that principals will get more practical experiences to manage the school smoothly. Our research team bases on experience on practical training and research findings in the Mentor Principal program that has conducted for many years , and in Mentor Principal ‘s Experience Inheritance, we summarized five points of “Understand School”, “Designate Principal”, “Promote Mission”, “Reconcile Conflict”, “Career Development”. First, in order to let foreign users who can browse the information on this network not only in Chinese but also can simultaneously apply for the global information platform synchronized with the English interface query for this website, we will translate and polish the website into English. We expect to have English and Chinese versions of the website, promote the website to enter the information platform in the world, and gather the information of research, seminars, dissertations, and theses about principals at home and abroad. Secondly, we will go on interviewing and conducting focus group discussions with excellent principals from northern, central, southern, and eastern part of Taiwan. We will invite 54 principals to share their experiences heritage. After the focus groups and interview, we will collect, compile and upload data to enrich and update the content of “Mentor Principal‘s Experience Inheritance Information Network”. Third, we will continue to research the intension of mentor principal‘s experience inheritance in northern, central, southern and eastern part of Taiwan, and to enrich the content of the network. We simultaneously upload the content of the website which includes mentor principal’s interviews, professional development for principals, practical discussions, research theses, references, principal’s communities, excellent principal profiles, e-paper, principalship network, and about the research group in Chinese and English. Fourth, we will conduct random sampling to choose principals all around Taiwan to carry out “the satisfaction of after using the website” questionnaire survey to collect the feedback from principals all around Taiwan who have used this website, and as the basis to improve the content of this website. Fifth, we will continue to promote the application of “Mentor Principal‘s Experience Inheritance Information Network”. And we hope that this would enable readers to have a better access to find out what they want to know, and provide a learning platform to learn from the excellent mentor principals of Taiwan for all new principals. In the future, we expect that the website will be able to support principals to develop professionalism into his job, assist principals to manage the school more effectively and efficiently and creatively. We expect principals to be able to construct the knowledge system of school leadership and school management. This website will become a platform for interaction among principals to share their precious experiences, and will be a good reference for practical principal training. The website is located in “ http://mentorprincipal.org/”.關聯 計畫編號 NSC101-2410-H004-127 資料類型 report dc.contributor 師資培育中心 dc.creator (作者) 陳木金 zh_TW dc.date (日期) 2012 dc.date.accessioned 12-四月-2016 16:49:20 (UTC+8) - dc.date.available 12-四月-2016 16:49:20 (UTC+8) - dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 12-四月-2016 16:49:20 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/84188 - dc.description.abstract (摘要) 初任校長甫接掌校務,大都希望能展現理想與抱負,準備大顯身手來經營學校。然而,經驗不足或手腕不夠靈活,會影響其經營校務的信心和效果,甚至波及爾後生涯發展與規劃。因此,在校長培訓時期及初任校長生涯過程中,若能有扶持的前輩或師傅教導的校長資訊網站之建置,可幫助其獲得更多實務經驗,使學校事務之運作更加得心應手。本年度研究計畫將聚焦於研究者歷年發展出師傅校長經驗傳承的五大向度:「瞭解學校」、「就任校長」、「推動校務」、「化解衝突」、「生涯發展」,並參考美國「The Oral History of the Principalship網站架構的風格及建置研究的模式方法,將已建置完成的師傅校長經驗傳承資訊網中文網站內容英文化,透過英文翻譯與潤飾,讓國外的網站使用者不但能以英文瀏覽本網站之資訊,也能同步使用中英文介面,推動本網站進入世界資訊平臺。 本年度(第四年)的研究以主要聚焦於將網站中文內容英文化,透過英文翻譯與潤飾,讓國外的網站使用者不但能以英文瀏覽本網站之資訊,也能同步使用中英文介面,推動本網站進入世界資訊平臺,並廣泛蒐集國內外有關校長研究之研討會及博碩士論文之資訊。其次,持續進行臺灣北、中、南、東四區師傅校長之深度訪談與焦點座談,預計針對本研究的五大向度,分別舉辦五場專家焦點座談,共邀請54位校長分享經驗傳承,進行焦點座談與訪談資料的蒐集、彙整及上傳,以充實網站內容。再者,持續研究臺灣北、中、南、東四區師傅校長經驗傳承之內涵,充實師傅校長經驗傳承資訊網,同步上傳網站故事緣起、校長經驗傳承、師傅校長專訪、校長專業發展、校長實務討論、校長研究論文、校長專書閱讀、校長社群連結、卓越校長檔案、校長學電子報、校長學資訊網等中英文內容。接著,抽樣臺灣北、中、南、東四區現任校長200人,進行「使用網站後之感受」問卷調查,作為改善本網站內容之依據。最後,至臺灣各縣市舉辦網站座談說明會,並赴美國、香港、澳門、北京等地區進行網站推廣與說明,持續推廣師傅校長經驗傳承資訊網之應用,提供師傅校長、初任校長或有志成為校長者傳承經驗與學習的園地,依據前述推廣使用及研究之成果,撰寫本研究的相關結論與建議,形成研究初稿,作為校長培育機構及實務工作者之參考,期望師傅校長經驗傳承資訊網在充實中英文網站內容之努力,能為國內外的校長專業發展殫盡棉薄之力。 本年度(第四年)之研究計畫的申請,係延續2009年(第一年已執行)、2010(第二年已執行)及2011(第三年執行中)專題研究「建置我國校長培育制度之師傅校長經驗傳承資訊網研究」之三年計畫,目前已完成中英文網站的申請與架設,進行各項中英文資料之充實、翻譯及研究,網址為「師傅校長經驗傳承資訊網(http://mentorprincipal.org/)」,而本網站自2009年10月5日開始建置至2011年12月24日以來,總計已有26個國家地區共10,687人次到訪,瀏覽量為48,579次。 dc.description.abstract (摘要) When a principal is newly appointed to a school, they would show the performance and ideas. However, lack of experience usually affects their managerial confidence, and even affects their career development. Thus, when they serves as a principal, they may get supports from mentor principals or the website consisting principals’ experience, I believe that principals will get more practical experiences to manage the school smoothly. Our research team bases on experience on practical training and research findings in the Mentor Principal program that has conducted for many years , and in Mentor Principal ‘s Experience Inheritance, we summarized five points of “Understand School”, “Designate Principal”, “Promote Mission”, “Reconcile Conflict”, “Career Development”. First, in order to let foreign users who can browse the information on this network not only in Chinese but also can simultaneously apply for the global information platform synchronized with the English interface query for this website, we will translate and polish the website into English. We expect to have English and Chinese versions of the website, promote the website to enter the information platform in the world, and gather the information of research, seminars, dissertations, and theses about principals at home and abroad. Secondly, we will go on interviewing and conducting focus group discussions with excellent principals from northern, central, southern, and eastern part of Taiwan. We will invite 54 principals to share their experiences heritage. After the focus groups and interview, we will collect, compile and upload data to enrich and update the content of “Mentor Principal‘s Experience Inheritance Information Network”. Third, we will continue to research the intension of mentor principal‘s experience inheritance in northern, central, southern and eastern part of Taiwan, and to enrich the content of the network. We simultaneously upload the content of the website which includes mentor principal’s interviews, professional development for principals, practical discussions, research theses, references, principal’s communities, excellent principal profiles, e-paper, principalship network, and about the research group in Chinese and English. Fourth, we will conduct random sampling to choose principals all around Taiwan to carry out “the satisfaction of after using the website” questionnaire survey to collect the feedback from principals all around Taiwan who have used this website, and as the basis to improve the content of this website. Fifth, we will continue to promote the application of “Mentor Principal‘s Experience Inheritance Information Network”. And we hope that this would enable readers to have a better access to find out what they want to know, and provide a learning platform to learn from the excellent mentor principals of Taiwan for all new principals. In the future, we expect that the website will be able to support principals to develop professionalism into his job, assist principals to manage the school more effectively and efficiently and creatively. We expect principals to be able to construct the knowledge system of school leadership and school management. This website will become a platform for interaction among principals to share their precious experiences, and will be a good reference for practical principal training. The website is located in “ http://mentorprincipal.org/”. dc.format.extent 9871004 bytes - dc.format.mimetype application/pdf - dc.relation (關聯) 計畫編號 NSC101-2410-H004-127 dc.subject (關鍵詞) 校長培育;師傅校長;師傅校長經驗傳承資訊網 dc.subject (關鍵詞) Principal Preparation;Mentor Principal;Mentor Principal’s Experience Inheritance Information Network dc.title (題名) 建置我國校長培育制度之師傅校長經驗傳承資訊網研究(Ⅳ) zh_TW dc.title.alternative (其他題名) The Research of Establishing Mentor Principal Experience Inheritance Information Network of Principal Preparatation in Taiwan(Ⅳ) dc.type (資料類型) report