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題名 海洋劃界爭端中單邊行為之法律問題
其他題名 Legal Issues Concerning Unilateral Acts in Maritime Delimitation Disptue
作者 蕭琇安
貢獻者 國際關係研究中心
關鍵詞 海洋法;海洋劃界爭端;單邊行為;武力使用;臨時性安排
Law of the Sea;Maritime Delimitation Dispute;Unilateral Acts;Use of Force;Provisional Arrangement
日期 2012
上傳時間 14-四月-2016 17:07:23 (UTC+8)
摘要 隨著現代海洋法制度之建立,傳統國家的主權及其行使範圍得以大幅擴張。海岸 相向或相鄰之國家間,因海域主張重疊的問題,尤其是兩百海浬專屬經濟海域或大陸 礁層及其外部延伸所產生的劃界糾紛時有所聞。相關國家為了強化自己在重疊區的領 土主張,或是為了國家經濟發展,往往採取各種積極手段來維護自身權益,而導致彼 此主權或利益上之競合,甚至可能爆發衝突。 國際法賦予國家以和平方式處理並解決爭端的基本義務。1982 年聯合國海洋法 公約中除重申此一原則之外,並規定國家間應該透過合作在專屬經濟海域或大陸礁層 劃界爭端解決前之過渡期間,努力達成臨時性安排;同時應避免在該期間內,危害或 阻礙糾紛最終之和平解決。不過,相關規定之內容,對於那些措施係屬合法之臨時性 安排,或那些行為恐有構成危害或阻礙和平解決爭端之虞,並無明進一步之說明。此 一問題,在 2007 年常設仲裁法院對蓋亞那(Guyana)與蘇利南(Suriname)兩國劃界爭端 所作出之仲裁意見中,首次提出相關之法律意見。此一發展對於檢視主張重疊海域內 國家單邊行為是否符合國際海洋法以及其他國際法,例如禁止武力使用原則,極具理 論參考價值。對於我國附近爭議海域之類似問題,如南海爭端,亦提供重要的思考面 向。
The development of the modern international law of the sea regime has allowed States to extend their claim and exercise of sovereignty beyond the traditional territorial domain. However, this also leads to overlapping maritime claims between two or more States whose coasts are either adjacent or opposite to one another, particularly in the 200 – nautical mile Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) or the continental shelf. States faces such kind of situation often take unilateral measures to consolidate their own claims or safeguard important economic interests, resulting in rivalry over sovereignty and national interests, sometimes even armed conflict. To manage and Settle disputes through peaceful means is a fundamental obligation of States under international law. The 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) reaffirms such a principle. Furthermore, UNCLOS stipulates that, pending a settlement on the delimitation of the EEZ or the continental shelf boundary, States concerned shall cooperate to enter into provisional arrangements, and to avoid jeopardizing or hampering the reaching of a final agreement during the transitional period. Nevertheless, the relevant provisions in the treaty fail to define what measures amount to the appropriate provisional arrangements, or which conducts may constitute acts that jeopardize or hamper the reaching of a solution. The 2007 arbitral award rendered by Permanent Court of Arbitration on the disputes between Guyana and Suriname over maritime boundary delimitation and other issues associate with the boundary dispute, provide authoritative views on the issue for the first time. The opinions of the Permanent Court of Arbitration provide an important jurisprudence for the examination of the legality and legitimacy of unilateral acts in overlapping maritime zones under the law of the sea and international law generally, e.g. the principle prohibiting threat or use of force. It also offers a further insight into Taiwan’s surrounding maritime disputes, such as the South China Sea.
關聯 計畫編號 NSC101-2410-H004-148
資料類型 report
dc.contributor 國際關係研究中心
dc.creator (作者) 蕭琇安zh_TW
dc.date (日期) 2012
dc.date.accessioned 14-四月-2016 17:07:23 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 14-四月-2016 17:07:23 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 14-四月-2016 17:07:23 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/84714-
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 隨著現代海洋法制度之建立,傳統國家的主權及其行使範圍得以大幅擴張。海岸 相向或相鄰之國家間,因海域主張重疊的問題,尤其是兩百海浬專屬經濟海域或大陸 礁層及其外部延伸所產生的劃界糾紛時有所聞。相關國家為了強化自己在重疊區的領 土主張,或是為了國家經濟發展,往往採取各種積極手段來維護自身權益,而導致彼 此主權或利益上之競合,甚至可能爆發衝突。 國際法賦予國家以和平方式處理並解決爭端的基本義務。1982 年聯合國海洋法 公約中除重申此一原則之外,並規定國家間應該透過合作在專屬經濟海域或大陸礁層 劃界爭端解決前之過渡期間,努力達成臨時性安排;同時應避免在該期間內,危害或 阻礙糾紛最終之和平解決。不過,相關規定之內容,對於那些措施係屬合法之臨時性 安排,或那些行為恐有構成危害或阻礙和平解決爭端之虞,並無明進一步之說明。此 一問題,在 2007 年常設仲裁法院對蓋亞那(Guyana)與蘇利南(Suriname)兩國劃界爭端 所作出之仲裁意見中,首次提出相關之法律意見。此一發展對於檢視主張重疊海域內 國家單邊行為是否符合國際海洋法以及其他國際法,例如禁止武力使用原則,極具理 論參考價值。對於我國附近爭議海域之類似問題,如南海爭端,亦提供重要的思考面 向。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) The development of the modern international law of the sea regime has allowed States to extend their claim and exercise of sovereignty beyond the traditional territorial domain. However, this also leads to overlapping maritime claims between two or more States whose coasts are either adjacent or opposite to one another, particularly in the 200 – nautical mile Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) or the continental shelf. States faces such kind of situation often take unilateral measures to consolidate their own claims or safeguard important economic interests, resulting in rivalry over sovereignty and national interests, sometimes even armed conflict. To manage and Settle disputes through peaceful means is a fundamental obligation of States under international law. The 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) reaffirms such a principle. Furthermore, UNCLOS stipulates that, pending a settlement on the delimitation of the EEZ or the continental shelf boundary, States concerned shall cooperate to enter into provisional arrangements, and to avoid jeopardizing or hampering the reaching of a final agreement during the transitional period. Nevertheless, the relevant provisions in the treaty fail to define what measures amount to the appropriate provisional arrangements, or which conducts may constitute acts that jeopardize or hamper the reaching of a solution. The 2007 arbitral award rendered by Permanent Court of Arbitration on the disputes between Guyana and Suriname over maritime boundary delimitation and other issues associate with the boundary dispute, provide authoritative views on the issue for the first time. The opinions of the Permanent Court of Arbitration provide an important jurisprudence for the examination of the legality and legitimacy of unilateral acts in overlapping maritime zones under the law of the sea and international law generally, e.g. the principle prohibiting threat or use of force. It also offers a further insight into Taiwan’s surrounding maritime disputes, such as the South China Sea.
dc.format.extent 371269 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.relation (關聯) 計畫編號 NSC101-2410-H004-148
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 海洋法;海洋劃界爭端;單邊行為;武力使用;臨時性安排
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Law of the Sea;Maritime Delimitation Dispute;Unilateral Acts;Use of Force;Provisional Arrangement
dc.title (題名) 海洋劃界爭端中單邊行為之法律問題zh_TW
dc.title.alternative (其他題名) Legal Issues Concerning Unilateral Acts in Maritime Delimitation Disptue
dc.type (資料類型) report