題名 盧曼(N. Luhmann)論愛情的演化 作者 蔡玫琪 貢獻者 顧忠華
Chku, Chung-Hua
蔡玫琪關鍵詞 盧曼
Paradox日期 1998 上傳時間 22-四月-2016 16:49:47 (UTC+8) 摘要 摘 要
Abstract參考文獻 參考書目 西文參考書目 Ansbacher,A.H.L.& Ansbacher,R.A.(eds) 1956 The Individual Phychology of Alfred Adler,N.Y.:Harper & Row。 Arnason J.P. 1997 "Novalis,Marxandparsons:Niklas Luhmann`s Search for Modernity ", in Thesis Eleven 51,pp75-90,SAGE,Publication,London。 Aron,R. 1968 Main Currents in Sociological Thought,Garden City,N.Y.:Anchor Books。 Beck,U. 1992 Risk Society;Towards a New Modernity,London,Newbury Park,Calif.:SAGE Publications Bednar,J. Jr. 1984a "Functional Method and Phenomenology:The View of Niklas Luhmann",in Human Studies 7:343-362。 1984b "Complxity and Intersubject:Toward Theory of N.Luhmann", in Human Studies 7:55-69 。 Braiker,H.B.& Kelley,H.H. 1979 "Conflict in the Development of Close Relationship",in R.L.Burgess & T. L. Huston (eds.) Social Exchange in Developing Relationships,N.Y.:Academic Press。 Calhoun, C. 1995 Critical Social Theory:Culture,History and The Challenge of Difference,Oxford:Balackwell。 Colley, C.H. 1964 Human Nature and Social Order ,N.Y.,Sohocken。 Comell,D. 1992 "The Philosiphy of the Limit:System Theory and Feminist Legal Reform" ,in D.Comell & MrosenFeld & D.Gcarlson (eds.) Destruction and The Possiblity of Justice,pp 83-87,Routledge。 Durkheim,E. 1984 The Division of Labor in Society,W.D.Halls (tr.),Macmillan.Hong Kong。 Deaux, K. & Dane, F.C. & Wrightsman, L.S. 1993 Social Psyology in the `90s,chapter9,Pacific Grove,Calif.:Books/Cole Publication。 Derrida,J. 1981 Speech and Phenomena,pp 74-77,D.B.Allison (tr.),Northwestern Uni. Press。 Ekman, P. 1970 Universals and culture difference in facial expression of emotion,J.K.Cole (ed.),Nebraska Symposium Vol.19,University of Nebraska Press。 1981 Emotion in the Human Face,Cambridge Uni. Press。 Ekman, P. & Friesen, W.V. 1971 "Hand Movements",in Journal of Communication 22。 Goffman, E. 1959 The Presentation of Self in Everday Life,Garden City N.Y.:Doubleday。 Goldstein,K. 1939 The Organism,N.Y.,American Book Co.。 Gross,L. 1944 "A Belief Pattern Scale for Measuring Attitude Toward Romanticism",in American Sociological Review 9。 Habermas,J. 1984-1987 The Theory of Communicative Action,T. McCarthy (tr.),Boston:Beacon Press。 Hall,E.T. 1959 The Silent Language,N.Y.:Doubleday。 1966 The Hidden Dimension,Garden City,N.Y.:Doubleday 。 Herbert,G. 1967 Mind,Self,and Society,Charles W. Morris (ed.),University of Chicago Press 。 Higgins, E.T. 1981 The communication game:Implication for Social Cognition and Persuasion, E.T.Higgins & C.P.Herman & M.P.Zanna (eds.),Social Cognition:The Ontario Symposium。 Horney,K. 1950 Neurosis and Human Growth - The Struggle Toward Self-Realization,N.Y.:W.W.Norton。 Horkheimer,M. 1972 Critical Theory,N.Y.:The Seabury Press。 Husserl,E 1958 Ideas,General Introduction to Pure Phonomenology,W.R. Boyce Gibson (tr.),London,Allen & Unwin。 1969 Formal and Transcendental Logic,Dorion Cairns(tr.),The Hague,Martinus Nijhoff。 Huston ,T.L. & Cate ,R.M. 1979 Social Exchange in Developing Relationship,N.Y.:Academic Press。 Katz,J.M. 1975 "How do You Love Me?Let me Count The Ways (The Phenomenology of Being Loved )",in Sociological Inquiry 46。 Luhmann,N. 1976 " Generalized Media and the Problem of Contingency,in J.Loubser et al. (eds.) Explorations in General Theory in Social Science: Essays in Honor of Talcott Parsons,pp507-532,N.Y.:Free Press。 1979 Trust and Power,G. Poggi,Wiely (tr.),N.Y.:Free Press。 1982 The Differentiation of Society,S.Holmes & C.Larmore (trs.),N. Y.:Columbia University Press。 1983a "Insistence on Systems Theory:Perspectives from Germany",in Social Force 61(4):987- 998。 1983b "The Self-Description of Society:Crisis Fashion and Sociological Theory",in International Journal of Comparative Sociology 25(1-2):59-72。 1984 "Society,Meanning,Religion-Based on Self-Reference",in Sociological Analysis 。 1985 A Sociological Theory of Law,E.King & M.Albrow R&K (trs.),London:RKP.。 1986a "The Autopoiesis of Social Systems",in Ceyer,F./J.van der Zouwen (eds.) Socialcybernetic Paradoxes,pp172-192,London:SAGE。 1986b Love as Passion,Jeremy Gaines & Doris L.Jones (trs.),Havard Uni. Press Cambridg,Massachusetts。 1987a "Modern Systems Theory and The Theory of Society",in Modern German Sociology pp173-186 ,V. Meja et al (eds.) N.Y.:Columbia Uni. Press。 1987b The Evolutionary Differentiation between Society and Interaction,California Uni. Press。 1988 "Tautology and Paradox in the Self-Reference of Modern Society",in Sociological Theory 6( Spring):21-37。 1989 Ecological Communication,John Bednarz ,Jr (tr.),Polity Press。 1990 Essays on Self-Reference,N. Y.:Columbia Uni. Press。 1992 "The Direction of Evolution", in Hans Haferkamp & Neil J. Smelser (eds.) Social Change and Modernity,California Uni. Press。 1995 Social Systems,John Bednarz ,Jr with Kirk Baecker (trs.),Standford Uni. Press,Standard,California。 1997 "The Control of Intransparency" in System Research and Behavior Science,Vol.14,no.1,pp 41-57,SAGE,London。 Marcus, S. 1984 Freud and The Culture of Psychoanalysis:Studies in the Transitionfrom from Victorian Humanism to Modernity,Boston:G. Allen & Unwin。 Maslow , A.H. 1970 Motivation and Personality,Harper & Row (eds.),N.Y.。 Maturana, H. 1981 "Autopoiesis",in Milan Zeleny(ed.) Autopoiesis:A Theory of Living Organization,N.Y.:North Holland。 Maturana, H. R. & Varela, F. J. 1980 Autopoiesis and Cognition:the Realization of the Living,Dordrecht,Holland,Boston:D. Reidel Pub. Co.。 1987 The Tree of Knowledge:The Biological Roots of Human Understanding,Boston,New Science Library:Distributed in the United State by Random House。 Mead,G.H., 1934 Mind,Self,and Society,Chicago,University of Chicago Press 。 Mead, M. 1950 Sex and Temperament in Three Primitive Societies,N.Y.:New American Library。 Nisbet, R.A. 1974 The Sociology of Emile Durkheim,N.Y.,Oxford University Press。 Parsons, T. 1966 Societies:Evolutionary and Comparative Perspectives,Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall。 1970 "Some Problems of General Theory of Sociology",in Theoretical Sociology:Perspectives and Developments,McKinney J.C.& Edward A.T (eds.),N.Y.。 1974 "Religion in Postindustrial America:The Problem of Secularization",in Social Research 41。 1977 Social System and Evolution of Action Theory,N.Y.:Free Press。 Parsons ,T. & Edward, S. 1951 "Some Fundamental Categories of the Theory of Action:A General Statement ", in Toward A General Theory of Action,Cambridge,MA:Harvard Uni. Press。 Patterson, M.L. 1982 "A Sequential Function Modal of Verbal Exchange",in Psychological Review 89。 1983 Nonverbal Behavior: A Functional Perspective, N.Y.:Springer-Verlag。 Podak, K. 1986 "Without Subject ,Without Reasion:Rflection on N.Luhmann`s Social Systems",in Thesis Eleven 13,London:SAGE。 Rawls,J.B. 1971 A Theory of Justice,the Belknap Press of Havard University Press Cambridge,Massachusetts 。 Roberts,D 1997 "Paradox Preserved:From Ontology to Autology Reflections on Niklas Luhmann`s The Art of Society",in Thesis Eleven 51, pp53-74,SAGE,Publication,London。 Rubin,Z. 1950 "Measurement of Romantic Love", in Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 16。 1980 "Self Disclosure in Dating Couples:Sex Roles and the Ethics of openness",in Journal of Marriage and the Family 42。 Ruse,M. 1987 "Evolutionary Models and Social Theory:Prospects and Problems",in Evolutionary Theory in Social Science。 Scott,P.L. 1977 "Communication as An Intention,Social Systems",in Human Communication Reserch 3。 Smelser, N.J. & Erikson, E.H. 1980 "Love and Adulthood in American Culture",in Themes of Work and Love in Adulthood,Cambridge Mass 。 Spence Brown G. 1969 Laws of Form,GeorgeAllen and unwin Ltd.。 Turner, J.H. 1983 A Renewed Appreciation Beverly Hills,CA:SAGE Publication Weber, M. 1949 Max Weber on the Methodology of The Social Science,Edward A. Shilsand and Henry A.F.(trs. and eds.),N.Y.:Free Press。 1968 Economy and Society,G.Roth & C.Wittrch(eds.),Berkely:University of California Press。 中文參考書目1 (譯著) Ackerman, Diane 1993 愛之旅,莊安祺譯,時報文化出版社。 Bryan,Magee 1993 科學邏輯的開拓者:邏輯實證主義及其遺產,周穗明等譯,香港商務書館。 Foucault,M. 1990 性意識史,尚衡譯,桂冠出版社 。 Freud,S. 1986 愛情心理學,林克明譯,作家出版社。 Gehlen, Arnold 1993 科技時代的心靈,何兆武、何冰合譯,巨流出版社。 Giddens,Anthony 1992 批判的社會學導論,廖仁義譯,唐山出版社。 Glasser, William 1994 認同的社會,傅宏譯,桂冠出版社。 Hegel,Georg Wilhelm Friedrich 1984 精神現象學,賀自昭、王玖興譯,里仁書局出版。 Harrari ,J.V. & Bell ,D.F. 1994 "邁向多線通路的旅誌-賽荷(M.Serres)導論",毛榮富譯,思與言 32(2)。 Luhmann,N. 1990 "社會系統的自我再製",湯志傑 / 鄒川雄譯, 思與言 32(2)。 Lerner, Harriet Goldhor 1991 親密關係,王安娜譯,遠流出版社。 Rollo May 1984 愛與意志,蔡伸章譯,志文出版社。 Russel, B. 1989 婚姻革命,祈建國譯,遠流出版社。 Saw R.L. 1978 萊布尼茲,黃慶明譯,長橋出版社 。 Watt,Ian 1994 小說的興起,魯燕萍譯,桂冠出版社 。 Weber, M. 1993 社會學的基本概念,顧忠華譯,遠流出版社。 1989 韋伯選集2,簡惠美譯,遠流出版社。 中文參考書目2 方祖 1995 小說結構,東大圖書公司出版社。 甘紹平 1996 一般理性哲學的終結,唐山出版社。 沈清松 1993 從現代到後現代,哲學雜誌4。 洪謙 1990 邏輯經驗主義概述,邏輯實證主義論文集。 1996 維也納學派哲學。 孫中興 1993 愛、秩序、進步:社會學之父-孔德,巨流出版社。 高宣揚 1991 哈伯瑪斯論,遠流出版社。 曾昭旭 1993 永遠的浪漫愛,張老師出版社。 張春興 1993 現代心理學,東華書局出版社。 張汝倫 1997 現象學方法的多重含義,哲學雜誌 20。 湯志傑 1992 Niklas Luhmann的系統理論及其對法律的社會學分析,台大社會所論文。 楊大春 1994 解構理論,揚智出版社。 盧政春 1992 "當代社會學系統理論大師:尼可拉斯˙盧曼",當代社會思想巨擘 pp 232-269,正中出版社。 鄭淑麗 1998 十年流轉看分手,張老師月刊,1998年11月號。 蔡文輝 1973 涂爾幹和比較社會學,中國社會學刊 2。 1994 家庭社會學,五南出版社 。 顏澤賢 1993 系統理論,遠流出版社。 顧忠華 1990a 行動理論與系統理論 中國社會學刊 14,pp 187-213,台北。 1990b 「啟蒙」與「觀察」- 系統理論的認識初探 國立政治大學「研究通訊」 6,pp 27-42,台北。 1992 韋伯學說新探,唐山出版社。 關永中 1997 愛、恨、與死亡,台灣商務。 鐘芳樺 1997 法律作為系統:試論盧曼的法律社會學,台大法律所論文。 描述 碩士
84254004資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#B2002001416 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 顧忠華 zh_TW dc.contributor.advisor Chku, Chung-Hua en_US dc.contributor.author (作者) 蔡玫琪 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) 蔡玫琪 zh_TW dc.date (日期) 1998 en_US dc.date.accessioned 22-四月-2016 16:49:47 (UTC+8) - dc.date.available 22-四月-2016 16:49:47 (UTC+8) - dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 22-四月-2016 16:49:47 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) B2002001416 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/86085 - dc.description (描述) 碩士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 社會學系 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 84254004 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) 摘 要 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) Abstract en_US dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#B2002001416 en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) 盧曼 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 愛情 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 演化 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 期望 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 激情 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 功能 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 系統 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 矛盾 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) N.Luhmann en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Love en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Evolution en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Expecton en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Passion en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Functon en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) system en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Paradox en_US dc.title (題名) 盧曼(N. Luhmann)論愛情的演化 zh_TW dc.type (資料類型) thesis en_US dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 參考書目 西文參考書目 Ansbacher,A.H.L.& Ansbacher,R.A.(eds) 1956 The Individual Phychology of Alfred Adler,N.Y.:Harper & Row。 Arnason J.P. 1997 "Novalis,Marxandparsons:Niklas Luhmann`s Search for Modernity ", in Thesis Eleven 51,pp75-90,SAGE,Publication,London。 Aron,R. 1968 Main Currents in Sociological Thought,Garden City,N.Y.:Anchor Books。 Beck,U. 1992 Risk Society;Towards a New Modernity,London,Newbury Park,Calif.:SAGE Publications Bednar,J. Jr. 1984a "Functional Method and Phenomenology:The View of Niklas Luhmann",in Human Studies 7:343-362。 1984b "Complxity and Intersubject:Toward Theory of N.Luhmann", in Human Studies 7:55-69 。 Braiker,H.B.& Kelley,H.H. 1979 "Conflict in the Development of Close Relationship",in R.L.Burgess & T. L. Huston (eds.) Social Exchange in Developing Relationships,N.Y.:Academic Press。 Calhoun, C. 1995 Critical Social Theory:Culture,History and The Challenge of Difference,Oxford:Balackwell。 Colley, C.H. 1964 Human Nature and Social Order ,N.Y.,Sohocken。 Comell,D. 1992 "The Philosiphy of the Limit:System Theory and Feminist Legal Reform" ,in D.Comell & MrosenFeld & D.Gcarlson (eds.) Destruction and The Possiblity of Justice,pp 83-87,Routledge。 Durkheim,E. 1984 The Division of Labor in Society,W.D.Halls (tr.),Macmillan.Hong Kong。 Deaux, K. & Dane, F.C. & Wrightsman, L.S. 1993 Social Psyology in the `90s,chapter9,Pacific Grove,Calif.:Books/Cole Publication。 Derrida,J. 1981 Speech and Phenomena,pp 74-77,D.B.Allison (tr.),Northwestern Uni. Press。 Ekman, P. 1970 Universals and culture difference in facial expression of emotion,J.K.Cole (ed.),Nebraska Symposium Vol.19,University of Nebraska Press。 1981 Emotion in the Human Face,Cambridge Uni. Press。 Ekman, P. & Friesen, W.V. 1971 "Hand Movements",in Journal of Communication 22。 Goffman, E. 1959 The Presentation of Self in Everday Life,Garden City N.Y.:Doubleday。 Goldstein,K. 1939 The Organism,N.Y.,American Book Co.。 Gross,L. 1944 "A Belief Pattern Scale for Measuring Attitude Toward Romanticism",in American Sociological Review 9。 Habermas,J. 1984-1987 The Theory of Communicative Action,T. McCarthy (tr.),Boston:Beacon Press。 Hall,E.T. 1959 The Silent Language,N.Y.:Doubleday。 1966 The Hidden Dimension,Garden City,N.Y.:Doubleday 。 Herbert,G. 1967 Mind,Self,and Society,Charles W. Morris (ed.),University of Chicago Press 。 Higgins, E.T. 1981 The communication game:Implication for Social Cognition and Persuasion, E.T.Higgins & C.P.Herman & M.P.Zanna (eds.),Social Cognition:The Ontario Symposium。 Horney,K. 1950 Neurosis and Human Growth - The Struggle Toward Self-Realization,N.Y.:W.W.Norton。 Horkheimer,M. 1972 Critical Theory,N.Y.:The Seabury Press。 Husserl,E 1958 Ideas,General Introduction to Pure Phonomenology,W.R. Boyce Gibson (tr.),London,Allen & Unwin。 1969 Formal and Transcendental Logic,Dorion Cairns(tr.),The Hague,Martinus Nijhoff。 Huston ,T.L. & Cate ,R.M. 1979 Social Exchange in Developing Relationship,N.Y.:Academic Press。 Katz,J.M. 1975 "How do You Love Me?Let me Count The Ways (The Phenomenology of Being Loved )",in Sociological Inquiry 46。 Luhmann,N. 1976 " Generalized Media and the Problem of Contingency,in J.Loubser et al. (eds.) Explorations in General Theory in Social Science: Essays in Honor of Talcott Parsons,pp507-532,N.Y.:Free Press。 1979 Trust and Power,G. Poggi,Wiely (tr.),N.Y.:Free Press。 1982 The Differentiation of Society,S.Holmes & C.Larmore (trs.),N. Y.:Columbia University Press。 1983a "Insistence on Systems Theory:Perspectives from Germany",in Social Force 61(4):987- 998。 1983b "The Self-Description of Society:Crisis Fashion and Sociological Theory",in International Journal of Comparative Sociology 25(1-2):59-72。 1984 "Society,Meanning,Religion-Based on Self-Reference",in Sociological Analysis 。 1985 A Sociological Theory of Law,E.King & M.Albrow R&K (trs.),London:RKP.。 1986a "The Autopoiesis of Social Systems",in Ceyer,F./J.van der Zouwen (eds.) Socialcybernetic Paradoxes,pp172-192,London:SAGE。 1986b Love as Passion,Jeremy Gaines & Doris L.Jones (trs.),Havard Uni. Press Cambridg,Massachusetts。 1987a "Modern Systems Theory and The Theory of Society",in Modern German Sociology pp173-186 ,V. Meja et al (eds.) N.Y.:Columbia Uni. Press。 1987b The Evolutionary Differentiation between Society and Interaction,California Uni. Press。 1988 "Tautology and Paradox in the Self-Reference of Modern Society",in Sociological Theory 6( Spring):21-37。 1989 Ecological Communication,John Bednarz ,Jr (tr.),Polity Press。 1990 Essays on Self-Reference,N. Y.:Columbia Uni. Press。 1992 "The Direction of Evolution", in Hans Haferkamp & Neil J. Smelser (eds.) Social Change and Modernity,California Uni. Press。 1995 Social Systems,John Bednarz ,Jr with Kirk Baecker (trs.),Standford Uni. Press,Standard,California。 1997 "The Control of Intransparency" in System Research and Behavior Science,Vol.14,no.1,pp 41-57,SAGE,London。 Marcus, S. 1984 Freud and The Culture of Psychoanalysis:Studies in the Transitionfrom from Victorian Humanism to Modernity,Boston:G. Allen & Unwin。 Maslow , A.H. 1970 Motivation and Personality,Harper & Row (eds.),N.Y.。 Maturana, H. 1981 "Autopoiesis",in Milan Zeleny(ed.) Autopoiesis:A Theory of Living Organization,N.Y.:North Holland。 Maturana, H. R. & Varela, F. J. 1980 Autopoiesis and Cognition:the Realization of the Living,Dordrecht,Holland,Boston:D. Reidel Pub. 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