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題名 試圖與日本近代文學接軌,反思國族論述下的張文環文學活動
其他題名 In An Attempt to Contact with Morden Japanese Literature: A Revalution of Zhang Wen-Huan’s Literary Activity from Nationalism
作者 曾秋桂
Tseng, Chiu-Kuei
貢獻者 淡江日文系
關鍵詞 日語話;日本化;皇民化;近代化;國族主義論述
日期 2008-06
上傳時間 26-四月-2016 16:48:33 (UTC+8)
摘要 依據國族論述的觀點,檢視張文環的文學是否為皇民文學,的確有其正當性以及必要性。然太過於拘泥於此,恐怕少有建設性的發現。於是,先正視張文環豐富留日經驗,且其小說作品中投射了許多日本近代文學作品的事實,得知如下的結論。張文環有別於其他台灣文學家,張文環也和日本近代文豪夏目漱石一樣陷入極度的跨語言、跨文化書寫的苦惱之中。為了突破困境,張文環嘗試以日本人寫作為參考,如實地寫出自己生活點滴。歷經〈懷念平林彪吾〉的雜記與小說〈父親的要求〉仔細比對後,可以確定的是張文環留學東京居住本鄉時,應該看過漱石文學作品或《漱石全集》。日語化繼而日本化,可謂一九四○年代之前張文環努力朝向的目標。而一九四○年代如火如荼地推展的皇民化運動中,張文環以媒體公眾人物的身分,確實適時適地的配合推展,宛然以皇民擁護者的姿態出現在各式公共場合,發表支持皇民化言論。然而對照戰後立即對日本帝國主義毫不留情地批判,以及皇民運動中堅持不改姓名的作為,張文環應該除了公開擁護皇民運動之外,內心自有另外主張。洞察張文環言談間,發現張文環不斷強調人格、修為、自我批判精神以及台灣獨立的重要。由此不難看出張文環的真情流露與真正的主張。亦即張文環為透過皇民化改造、提升台灣人民素質與台灣文化臻於近代化。時代洪流之下,台灣走過日本帝國的殖民。身為被殖民一份子的張文環於巨變的洪流當中,雖有不同風貌的展現,但唯一不變的主張。即是張文環想承襲日語化進而日本化,繼之皇民化而迎向台灣的近代化一貫主張。此乃是跳脫出皇民文學與否的國族主義論述,與日本近代文學接軌後,獲得的是對張文環文學活動重新詮釋與評價。
To observe from the point of nationalism, it’s not only sensible but necessary for us to survey on literature of Zhang Wen- Huan as the Kou-Min-Ka literature. If we simply view from this theme, perhaps we would not be able to have a constructive discover about Kou-Min-Ka literature. Then, this research faces the Zhang Wen-Huan’s experience of studying abroad in Japan. Also, it is possible for us to recognize the fact that many literary works in Japanese modern age are projected in his novel works. Thus, we can come to the conclusion as following. Zhang Wen- Huan is different from the other Taiwanese writers. He suffered in the same way as Natume Souseki who fought with two languages in Japanese modern age. In order to break through the predicament, Zhang Wen- Huan wrote out the sketch of his own life in real fact with the composition of the Japanese as a reference. In 1940s, during extreme Kou-Min-Ka movement, Zhang Wen- Huan, a celebrity, acting as a supporter, appearing in the public and announced for supporting opinions. However, Zhang Wen- Huan always emphasized the personality, behavior, spirit of self-criticism and the importance of the Taiwan independence. He claimed the characteristic of the Taiwanese and the modernization of the Taiwan culture through the Kou-Min-Ka movement. Zhang Wen- Huan aimed toward Kou-Min-Ka movement by learning Japanese. Consequently, through the Kou-Min-Ka movement, he tried to aim toward the Taiwan modern times. His attitude and insistence was consistent. It is necessary to look at Kou-Min-Ka literature by separating from the viewpoint of nationalism. In this way, we can revaluate to the literary activity of Zhang Wen- Huan from viewpoint of the Japanese modern literature.
關聯 臺灣文學學報,12,1-26
資料類型 article
dc.contributor 淡江日文系
dc.creator (作者) 曾秋桂zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Tseng, Chiu-Kuei
dc.date (日期) 2008-06
dc.date.accessioned 26-四月-2016 16:48:33 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 26-四月-2016 16:48:33 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 26-四月-2016 16:48:33 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/86190-
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 依據國族論述的觀點,檢視張文環的文學是否為皇民文學,的確有其正當性以及必要性。然太過於拘泥於此,恐怕少有建設性的發現。於是,先正視張文環豐富留日經驗,且其小說作品中投射了許多日本近代文學作品的事實,得知如下的結論。張文環有別於其他台灣文學家,張文環也和日本近代文豪夏目漱石一樣陷入極度的跨語言、跨文化書寫的苦惱之中。為了突破困境,張文環嘗試以日本人寫作為參考,如實地寫出自己生活點滴。歷經〈懷念平林彪吾〉的雜記與小說〈父親的要求〉仔細比對後,可以確定的是張文環留學東京居住本鄉時,應該看過漱石文學作品或《漱石全集》。日語化繼而日本化,可謂一九四○年代之前張文環努力朝向的目標。而一九四○年代如火如荼地推展的皇民化運動中,張文環以媒體公眾人物的身分,確實適時適地的配合推展,宛然以皇民擁護者的姿態出現在各式公共場合,發表支持皇民化言論。然而對照戰後立即對日本帝國主義毫不留情地批判,以及皇民運動中堅持不改姓名的作為,張文環應該除了公開擁護皇民運動之外,內心自有另外主張。洞察張文環言談間,發現張文環不斷強調人格、修為、自我批判精神以及台灣獨立的重要。由此不難看出張文環的真情流露與真正的主張。亦即張文環為透過皇民化改造、提升台灣人民素質與台灣文化臻於近代化。時代洪流之下,台灣走過日本帝國的殖民。身為被殖民一份子的張文環於巨變的洪流當中,雖有不同風貌的展現,但唯一不變的主張。即是張文環想承襲日語化進而日本化,繼之皇民化而迎向台灣的近代化一貫主張。此乃是跳脫出皇民文學與否的國族主義論述,與日本近代文學接軌後,獲得的是對張文環文學活動重新詮釋與評價。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) To observe from the point of nationalism, it’s not only sensible but necessary for us to survey on literature of Zhang Wen- Huan as the Kou-Min-Ka literature. If we simply view from this theme, perhaps we would not be able to have a constructive discover about Kou-Min-Ka literature. Then, this research faces the Zhang Wen-Huan’s experience of studying abroad in Japan. Also, it is possible for us to recognize the fact that many literary works in Japanese modern age are projected in his novel works. Thus, we can come to the conclusion as following. Zhang Wen- Huan is different from the other Taiwanese writers. He suffered in the same way as Natume Souseki who fought with two languages in Japanese modern age. In order to break through the predicament, Zhang Wen- Huan wrote out the sketch of his own life in real fact with the composition of the Japanese as a reference. In 1940s, during extreme Kou-Min-Ka movement, Zhang Wen- Huan, a celebrity, acting as a supporter, appearing in the public and announced for supporting opinions. However, Zhang Wen- Huan always emphasized the personality, behavior, spirit of self-criticism and the importance of the Taiwan independence. He claimed the characteristic of the Taiwanese and the modernization of the Taiwan culture through the Kou-Min-Ka movement. Zhang Wen- Huan aimed toward Kou-Min-Ka movement by learning Japanese. Consequently, through the Kou-Min-Ka movement, he tried to aim toward the Taiwan modern times. His attitude and insistence was consistent. It is necessary to look at Kou-Min-Ka literature by separating from the viewpoint of nationalism. In this way, we can revaluate to the literary activity of Zhang Wen- Huan from viewpoint of the Japanese modern literature.
dc.format.extent 2884528 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.relation (關聯) 臺灣文學學報,12,1-26
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 日語話;日本化;皇民化;近代化;國族主義論述
dc.title (題名) 試圖與日本近代文學接軌,反思國族論述下的張文環文學活動zh_TW
dc.title.alternative (其他題名) In An Attempt to Contact with Morden Japanese Literature: A Revalution of Zhang Wen-Huan’s Literary Activity from Nationalism
dc.type (資料類型) articleen