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題名 於行動計算網路上建構一個具有服務品質保障之以代理人為基礎的服務系統以提供用戶及行動代理人的行動能力管理之研究
A Study on Building A QoS Agent-Based Service System in Managing Client Mobility and Agent Mobility for Mobile Computing Network
作者 黃智賢
Huang, Jyh-Shyan
貢獻者 張宏慶
Jang, Hung-Chin
Huang, Jyh-Shyan
關鍵詞 行動計算網路
Mobile Computing Network
Agent-Based Service System
Client Mobility Management
Agent Mobility Management
Quality of Service
日期 1998
上傳時間 27-四月-2016 16:43:21 (UTC+8)
摘要 本論文研究在於一行動計算網路上建構一個具有服務品質保障之以代理人為基礎的服務系統以提供用戶及行動代理人的行動能力管理。此研究主要的貢獻可分為以下三方面:
In this research, we study the issues of building a QoS agent-based service system in managing client mobility and agent mobility for mobile computing network. Our major contribution is classified into the following three categories:
中文摘要 i
     ABSTRACT ii
     1. Introduction 1
     1.1 System Architecture 2
     1.2 Client Mobility 3
     1.2.1 Mobility Classification 3
     1.2.2 Introduction of Our Client Mobility Management 4
     1.3 Agent Search 6
     1.3.1 Agent and Agent Mobility 6
     1.3.2 Introduction of Our Agent Mobility Management 7
     1.4 QoS of Agent System 7
     1.4.1 Open Service Network Architecture 7
     1.4.2 Introduction of Our Agent System 8
     2. Related Work 11
     2.1 Client Mobility 11
     2.1.1 Interim Standard 41 (IS-41) 11
     2.1.2 Distributed HLRs with Forwarding Pointers 13
     2.2 Agent Search 14
     2.2.1 Chase-From-Holder Algorithm 14
     2.2.2 Basic Binary Search (BBS) and Extended Binary Search (EBS) 14
     2.2.3 Asymmetric Binary Search (ABS) 15
     2.2.4 Intelligent Binary Search (IBS) 15
     2.3 QoS of Agent System 16
     2.3.1 Aglets Workbench 16
     2.3.2 Agent Tcl 18
     2.3.3 Mole 19
     3. Client Mobility 21
     3.1 Network Management Facility 21
     3.2 System Architecture 22
     3.3 Denotations 25
     3.4 Multiple Location Servers Decision Model (M-LSDM) 26
     3.4.1 Algorithm and Cost Evaluation of Registration 26
     3.4.2 Algorithm and Cost Evaluation of Location Tracking 28
     3.4.3 Total Cost Evacuation of M-LSDM 30
     3.4.4 Decision Method for Choosing LNMC and GNMC for Registration 31
     3.5 Multiple Location Servers Decision Model with Cache 32
     3.6 Multiple GNMCs and Relate Works 34
     3.6.1 Single GNMC vs Multiple GNMCs 34
     3.6.2 Distributed HLRs with Forwarding Pointers vs M-LSDM 35
     3.6.3 IS-41 vs M-LSDM 37
     3.6.4 Cost Comparison with IS-41 38
     3.7 Issues Discussion and Future Work 40
     3.7.1 Confirmation Issue 40
     3.7.2 Registration Issue 40
     3.7.3 Security Issue 41
     3.7.4 Database Issue 42
     3.7.5 Network Accident Issue 42
     3.7.6 Addressing and Identification Issue 42
     3.7.7 Routing Issue 42
     4. Mobile Agent Search 43
     4.1 Predictable Deterministic Path 43
     4.2 Predictable Non-Deterministic Path 44
     4.3 Non-Predictable Path 44
     4.4 Predictable Path Search (PPS) 45
     4.4.1 Maximize Excluded Servers Mechanism 47
     4.4.2 Residing Probability Estimation Mechanism 48
     4.4.3 Dynamic Switch Mechanism 50
     4.4.4 Predictable Path Search 50
     4.4.5 Using PPS to Search an Agent in a List 53
     4.4.6 Expected Probe Number Evaluating Function of PPS 54
     4.5 Non-Predictable Path Search (NPPS) 57
     4.5.1 Introduction to Cut Vertices 57
     4.5.2 Max Excluded Servers Mechanism 58
     4.5.3 Listening Agent Mechanism 60
     4.5.4 Dynamic Switch Mechanism 60
     4.5.5 Compensation between Listening Agent and Dynamic Switch Mechanisms 61
     4.5.6 Non-Predictable Path Search 63
     4.5.7 Search Example of NPPS 63
     4.5.8 Expected Probing Number Evaluating Function of NPPS 65
     4.6 Summary of Search Strategies 65
     4.6.1 Search Domain 66
     4.6.2 Maximize Excluded Servers Mechanism 66
     4.6.3 Residing Probability Estimated Mechanism 66
     4.6.4 Dynamic Switch Mechanism 67
     4.6.5 Listening Agent 67
     4.6.6 Complexity Analysis 68
     4.6.7 Summary 69
     5. QoS of Agent System 71
     5.1 Architecture Overview 73
     5.1.1 Operations Flow among Components 73
     5.2 Agent System Manager (ASM) 75
     5.2.1 Authentication Manager 75
     5.2.2 Billing Manager 76
     5.3 Agent server (AS) 77
     5.4 Agent Virtual Platform (AVP) 78
     5.4.1 Agent Interaction Proxy 78
     5.4.2 Security Filter 81
     5.4.3 Service Component Deposit 83
     5.5 Agent Control Manager (ACM) 83
     5.5.1 Security Manager 83 Agent Security Manager 84 Host Security Manager 85 Network Security Manager 85
     5.5.2 Transaction Manager 86
     5.5.3 Transfer Manager 86
     5.5.4 Agent Control Manager 87 ATP Operators 87 Agent Mobility Manager 88 Agent Controller 89 Agent Table 91
     5.5.5 Persistence Manager 92
     5.5.6 Interaction Manager 92
     5.5.7 Identification Generator 94
     5.6 QoS Agent System (QoSAS) 94
     5.6.1 Application Agent 95
     5.6.2 Mapping Agent 96 User QoS Parameters 97 System QoS Parameters 98 QoS Mapping Table 100 QoS Mapping Example 100
     5.6.3 Itinerary Agent 101 Service Component Diagram 102 Service Diagram with and without Fork Child Agent 104 Solution Path Determination 105
     5.6.4 Task Agent 106
     5.6.5 Resource Allocation Agent 108
     5.6.6 Resource Management Agent 109
     5.6.7 Monitor Agent 110
     5.7 Directory Server (DS) 111
     5.7.1 Service Component Table 113
     5.7.2 Efficiency Table 113
     5.8 Mobile Access Point (MAP) 114
     5.9 System Completion 114
     5.9.1 Security 115
     5.9.2 Portability 116
     5.9.3 Mobility 116
     5.9.4 Communication 117
     5.9.5 Resource Management 117
     5.9.6 Resource Discovery 117
     5.9.7 Identification 118
     5.9.8 Agent Control 118
     5.9.9 Data Management 118
     6 Conclusion 119
     Reference 121
     Autobiography 125
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描述 碩士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#B2002001694
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 張宏慶zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Jang, Hung-Chinen_US
dc.contributor.author (作者) 黃智賢zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (作者) Huang, Jyh-Shyanen_US
dc.creator (作者) 黃智賢zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Huang, Jyh-Shyanen_US
dc.date (日期) 1998en_US
dc.date.accessioned 27-四月-2016 16:43:21 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 27-四月-2016 16:43:21 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 27-四月-2016 16:43:21 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) B2002001694en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/86788-
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 應用數學系zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 85751003zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本論文研究在於一行動計算網路上建構一個具有服務品質保障之以代理人為基礎的服務系統以提供用戶及行動代理人的行動能力管理。此研究主要的貢獻可分為以下三方面:zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) In this research, we study the issues of building a QoS agent-based service system in managing client mobility and agent mobility for mobile computing network. Our major contribution is classified into the following three categories:en_US
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 中文摘要 i
     ABSTRACT ii
     1. Introduction 1
     1.1 System Architecture 2
     1.2 Client Mobility 3
     1.2.1 Mobility Classification 3
     1.2.2 Introduction of Our Client Mobility Management 4
     1.3 Agent Search 6
     1.3.1 Agent and Agent Mobility 6
     1.3.2 Introduction of Our Agent Mobility Management 7
     1.4 QoS of Agent System 7
     1.4.1 Open Service Network Architecture 7
     1.4.2 Introduction of Our Agent System 8
     2. Related Work 11
     2.1 Client Mobility 11
     2.1.1 Interim Standard 41 (IS-41) 11
     2.1.2 Distributed HLRs with Forwarding Pointers 13
     2.2 Agent Search 14
     2.2.1 Chase-From-Holder Algorithm 14
     2.2.2 Basic Binary Search (BBS) and Extended Binary Search (EBS) 14
     2.2.3 Asymmetric Binary Search (ABS) 15
     2.2.4 Intelligent Binary Search (IBS) 15
     2.3 QoS of Agent System 16
     2.3.1 Aglets Workbench 16
     2.3.2 Agent Tcl 18
     2.3.3 Mole 19
     3. Client Mobility 21
     3.1 Network Management Facility 21
     3.2 System Architecture 22
     3.3 Denotations 25
     3.4 Multiple Location Servers Decision Model (M-LSDM) 26
     3.4.1 Algorithm and Cost Evaluation of Registration 26
     3.4.2 Algorithm and Cost Evaluation of Location Tracking 28
     3.4.3 Total Cost Evacuation of M-LSDM 30
     3.4.4 Decision Method for Choosing LNMC and GNMC for Registration 31
     3.5 Multiple Location Servers Decision Model with Cache 32
     3.6 Multiple GNMCs and Relate Works 34
     3.6.1 Single GNMC vs Multiple GNMCs 34
     3.6.2 Distributed HLRs with Forwarding Pointers vs M-LSDM 35
     3.6.3 IS-41 vs M-LSDM 37
     3.6.4 Cost Comparison with IS-41 38
     3.7 Issues Discussion and Future Work 40
     3.7.1 Confirmation Issue 40
     3.7.2 Registration Issue 40
     3.7.3 Security Issue 41
     3.7.4 Database Issue 42
     3.7.5 Network Accident Issue 42
     3.7.6 Addressing and Identification Issue 42
     3.7.7 Routing Issue 42
     4. Mobile Agent Search 43
     4.1 Predictable Deterministic Path 43
     4.2 Predictable Non-Deterministic Path 44
     4.3 Non-Predictable Path 44
     4.4 Predictable Path Search (PPS) 45
     4.4.1 Maximize Excluded Servers Mechanism 47
     4.4.2 Residing Probability Estimation Mechanism 48
     4.4.3 Dynamic Switch Mechanism 50
     4.4.4 Predictable Path Search 50
     4.4.5 Using PPS to Search an Agent in a List 53
     4.4.6 Expected Probe Number Evaluating Function of PPS 54
     4.5 Non-Predictable Path Search (NPPS) 57
     4.5.1 Introduction to Cut Vertices 57
     4.5.2 Max Excluded Servers Mechanism 58
     4.5.3 Listening Agent Mechanism 60
     4.5.4 Dynamic Switch Mechanism 60
     4.5.5 Compensation between Listening Agent and Dynamic Switch Mechanisms 61
     4.5.6 Non-Predictable Path Search 63
     4.5.7 Search Example of NPPS 63
     4.5.8 Expected Probing Number Evaluating Function of NPPS 65
     4.6 Summary of Search Strategies 65
     4.6.1 Search Domain 66
     4.6.2 Maximize Excluded Servers Mechanism 66
     4.6.3 Residing Probability Estimated Mechanism 66
     4.6.4 Dynamic Switch Mechanism 67
     4.6.5 Listening Agent 67
     4.6.6 Complexity Analysis 68
     4.6.7 Summary 69
     5. QoS of Agent System 71
     5.1 Architecture Overview 73
     5.1.1 Operations Flow among Components 73
     5.2 Agent System Manager (ASM) 75
     5.2.1 Authentication Manager 75
     5.2.2 Billing Manager 76
     5.3 Agent server (AS) 77
     5.4 Agent Virtual Platform (AVP) 78
     5.4.1 Agent Interaction Proxy 78
     5.4.2 Security Filter 81
     5.4.3 Service Component Deposit 83
     5.5 Agent Control Manager (ACM) 83
     5.5.1 Security Manager 83 Agent Security Manager 84 Host Security Manager 85 Network Security Manager 85
     5.5.2 Transaction Manager 86
     5.5.3 Transfer Manager 86
     5.5.4 Agent Control Manager 87 ATP Operators 87 Agent Mobility Manager 88 Agent Controller 89 Agent Table 91
     5.5.5 Persistence Manager 92
     5.5.6 Interaction Manager 92
     5.5.7 Identification Generator 94
     5.6 QoS Agent System (QoSAS) 94
     5.6.1 Application Agent 95
     5.6.2 Mapping Agent 96 User QoS Parameters 97 System QoS Parameters 98 QoS Mapping Table 100 QoS Mapping Example 100
     5.6.3 Itinerary Agent 101 Service Component Diagram 102 Service Diagram with and without Fork Child Agent 104 Solution Path Determination 105
     5.6.4 Task Agent 106
     5.6.5 Resource Allocation Agent 108
     5.6.6 Resource Management Agent 109
     5.6.7 Monitor Agent 110
     5.7 Directory Server (DS) 111
     5.7.1 Service Component Table 113
     5.7.2 Efficiency Table 113
     5.8 Mobile Access Point (MAP) 114
     5.9 System Completion 114
     5.9.1 Security 115
     5.9.2 Portability 116
     5.9.3 Mobility 116
     5.9.4 Communication 117
     5.9.5 Resource Management 117
     5.9.6 Resource Discovery 117
     5.9.7 Identification 118
     5.9.8 Agent Control 118
     5.9.9 Data Management 118
     6 Conclusion 119
     Reference 121
     Autobiography 125
dc.description.tableofcontents 中文摘要 i
     ABSTRACT ii
     1. Introduction 1
     1.1 System Architecture 2
     1.2 Client Mobility 3
     1.2.1 Mobility Classification 3
     1.2.2 Introduction of Our Client Mobility Management 4
     1.3 Agent Search 6
     1.3.1 Agent and Agent Mobility 6
     1.3.2 Introduction of Our Agent Mobility Management 7
     1.4 QoS of Agent System 7
     1.4.1 Open Service Network Architecture 7
     1.4.2 Introduction of Our Agent System 8
     2. Related Work 11
     2.1 Client Mobility 11
     2.1.1 Interim Standard 41 (IS-41) 11
     2.1.2 Distributed HLRs with Forwarding Pointers 13
     2.2 Agent Search 14
     2.2.1 Chase-From-Holder Algorithm 14
     2.2.2 Basic Binary Search (BBS) and Extended Binary Search (EBS) 14
     2.2.3 Asymmetric Binary Search (ABS) 15
     2.2.4 Intelligent Binary Search (IBS) 15
     2.3 QoS of Agent System 16
     2.3.1 Aglets Workbench 16
     2.3.2 Agent Tcl 18
     2.3.3 Mole 19
     3. Client Mobility 21
     3.1 Network Management Facility 21
     3.2 System Architecture 22
     3.3 Denotations 25
     3.4 Multiple Location Servers Decision Model (M-LSDM) 26
     3.4.1 Algorithm and Cost Evaluation of Registration 26
     3.4.2 Algorithm and Cost Evaluation of Location Tracking 28
     3.4.3 Total Cost Evacuation of M-LSDM 30
     3.4.4 Decision Method for Choosing LNMC and GNMC for Registration 31
     3.5 Multiple Location Servers Decision Model with Cache 32
     3.6 Multiple GNMCs and Relate Works 34
     3.6.1 Single GNMC vs Multiple GNMCs 34
     3.6.2 Distributed HLRs with Forwarding Pointers vs M-LSDM 35
     3.6.3 IS-41 vs M-LSDM 37
     3.6.4 Cost Comparison with IS-41 38
     3.7 Issues Discussion and Future Work 40
     3.7.1 Confirmation Issue 40
     3.7.2 Registration Issue 40
     3.7.3 Security Issue 41
     3.7.4 Database Issue 42
     3.7.5 Network Accident Issue 42
     3.7.6 Addressing and Identification Issue 42
     3.7.7 Routing Issue 42
     4. Mobile Agent Search 43
     4.1 Predictable Deterministic Path 43
     4.2 Predictable Non-Deterministic Path 44
     4.3 Non-Predictable Path 44
     4.4 Predictable Path Search (PPS) 45
     4.4.1 Maximize Excluded Servers Mechanism 47
     4.4.2 Residing Probability Estimation Mechanism 48
     4.4.3 Dynamic Switch Mechanism 50
     4.4.4 Predictable Path Search 50
     4.4.5 Using PPS to Search an Agent in a List 53
     4.4.6 Expected Probe Number Evaluating Function of PPS 54
     4.5 Non-Predictable Path Search (NPPS) 57
     4.5.1 Introduction to Cut Vertices 57
     4.5.2 Max Excluded Servers Mechanism 58
     4.5.3 Listening Agent Mechanism 60
     4.5.4 Dynamic Switch Mechanism 60
     4.5.5 Compensation between Listening Agent and Dynamic Switch Mechanisms 61
     4.5.6 Non-Predictable Path Search 63
     4.5.7 Search Example of NPPS 63
     4.5.8 Expected Probing Number Evaluating Function of NPPS 65
     4.6 Summary of Search Strategies 65
     4.6.1 Search Domain 66
     4.6.2 Maximize Excluded Servers Mechanism 66
     4.6.3 Residing Probability Estimated Mechanism 66
     4.6.4 Dynamic Switch Mechanism 67
     4.6.5 Listening Agent 67
     4.6.6 Complexity Analysis 68
     4.6.7 Summary 69
     5. QoS of Agent System 71
     5.1 Architecture Overview 73
     5.1.1 Operations Flow among Components 73
     5.2 Agent System Manager (ASM) 75
     5.2.1 Authentication Manager 75
     5.2.2 Billing Manager 76
     5.3 Agent server (AS) 77
     5.4 Agent Virtual Platform (AVP) 78
     5.4.1 Agent Interaction Proxy 78
     5.4.2 Security Filter 81
     5.4.3 Service Component Deposit 83
     5.5 Agent Control Manager (ACM) 83
     5.5.1 Security Manager 83 Agent Security Manager 84 Host Security Manager 85 Network Security Manager 85
     5.5.2 Transaction Manager 86
     5.5.3 Transfer Manager 86
     5.5.4 Agent Control Manager 87 ATP Operators 87 Agent Mobility Manager 88 Agent Controller 89 Agent Table 91
     5.5.5 Persistence Manager 92
     5.5.6 Interaction Manager 92
     5.5.7 Identification Generator 94
     5.6 QoS Agent System (QoSAS) 94
     5.6.1 Application Agent 95
     5.6.2 Mapping Agent 96 User QoS Parameters 97 System QoS Parameters 98 QoS Mapping Table 100 QoS Mapping Example 100
     5.6.3 Itinerary Agent 101 Service Component Diagram 102 Service Diagram with and without Fork Child Agent 104 Solution Path Determination 105
     5.6.4 Task Agent 106
     5.6.5 Resource Allocation Agent 108
     5.6.6 Resource Management Agent 109
     5.6.7 Monitor Agent 110
     5.7 Directory Server (DS) 111
     5.7.1 Service Component Table 113
     5.7.2 Efficiency Table 113
     5.8 Mobile Access Point (MAP) 114
     5.9 System Completion 114
     5.9.1 Security 115
     5.9.2 Portability 116
     5.9.3 Mobility 116
     5.9.4 Communication 117
     5.9.5 Resource Management 117
     5.9.6 Resource Discovery 117
     5.9.7 Identification 118
     5.9.8 Agent Control 118
     5.9.9 Data Management 118
     6 Conclusion 119
     Reference 121
     Autobiography 125
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#B2002001694en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 行動計算網路zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 代理人服務系統zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 用戶行動能力管理zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 代理人行動能力管理zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 服務品質保證zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Mobile Computing Networken_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Agent-Based Service Systemen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Client Mobility Managementen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Agent Mobility Managementen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Quality of Serviceen_US
dc.title (題名) 於行動計算網路上建構一個具有服務品質保障之以代理人為基礎的服務系統以提供用戶及行動代理人的行動能力管理之研究zh_TW
dc.title (題名) A Study on Building A QoS Agent-Based Service System in Managing Client Mobility and Agent Mobility for Mobile Computing Networken_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
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