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題名 由句法角色、語用功能、及社會限制來看插話造成的發言轉換現象
Turn-talking through interruption - syntactic, pragmatic, and social constraints
作者 王秀如
Wang, Hsiu-Ju
貢獻者 詹惠珍
Chan, Hui-Chen
Wang, Hsiu-Ju
關鍵詞 發言轉換
Social constraints
日期 1997
上傳時間 2016-04-28
摘要 在日常對話中,通常一次只有一個人說話,然而,卻常常發現有不只一個談話者同時說話的情形。這種違反常規的重疊現象(overlappings)可分為疊話(overlaps)跟插話(interruptions)。大部份的學者依據句法結構或音韻觀點來區分疊話跟插話,似仍有遺漏,故本篇論文嘗試依據插話的語意內容來區分這兩種重疊現象,又本文的重點是放在插話的研究,作者試從語法角色(grammatical roles)、順序(linear order)、語用功能、及社會因素來探討插話者如何成功的襲奪被插話者的說話權利。
Transition of turn in daily conversation is not always rule-governed. Violation of turn-taking rules may result in overlapping, which includes overlap and interruption. Differentiation of the two by syntactic and phonological criteria may sometimes fail. To remedy the problem, it is suggested that the communicative purpose of overlapping should be taken into consideration. That is, if the overlapping evokes cooperation, it should be counted as overlap; if it entails antagonism and competition, it should be judged as interruption. The focus of this study is to find out how syntactic structure, timing, pragmatic functions, and social constraints influence the emergence of interruption.
描述 碩士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#B2002002149
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 詹惠珍zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Chan, Hui-Chenen_US
dc.contributor.author (作者) 王秀如zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (作者) Wang, Hsiu-Juen_US
dc.creator (作者) 王秀如zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Wang, Hsiu-Juen_US
dc.date (日期) 1997en_US
dc.date.accessioned 2016-04-28-
dc.date.available 2016-04-28-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 2016-04-28-
dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) B2002002149en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/86886-
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 語言學研究所zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 84555005zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 在日常對話中,通常一次只有一個人說話,然而,卻常常發現有不只一個談話者同時說話的情形。這種違反常規的重疊現象(overlappings)可分為疊話(overlaps)跟插話(interruptions)。大部份的學者依據句法結構或音韻觀點來區分疊話跟插話,似仍有遺漏,故本篇論文嘗試依據插話的語意內容來區分這兩種重疊現象,又本文的重點是放在插話的研究,作者試從語法角色(grammatical roles)、順序(linear order)、語用功能、及社會因素來探討插話者如何成功的襲奪被插話者的說話權利。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Transition of turn in daily conversation is not always rule-governed. Violation of turn-taking rules may result in overlapping, which includes overlap and interruption. Differentiation of the two by syntactic and phonological criteria may sometimes fail. To remedy the problem, it is suggested that the communicative purpose of overlapping should be taken into consideration. That is, if the overlapping evokes cooperation, it should be counted as overlap; if it entails antagonism and competition, it should be judged as interruption. The focus of this study is to find out how syntactic structure, timing, pragmatic functions, and social constraints influence the emergence of interruption.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents Acknowledge-----iv
     Chinese Abstract-----viii
     English Abstract-----ix
     Transcription Convention-----xi
     List of Tables-----xii
     Chapter 1 Introduction
     1.1 The Problem-----1
     1.2 Variables of Three Dimensions-----2
      1.2.1 Interruptions vs. Overlap-----2
      1.2.2 The Syntactic Sites of the Occurrence of Interruption-----3 Syntactic Structures of Sentences-----3 Description of Syntactic Sites-----4 Five Syntactic Constituents-----4 Syntactic Junctures-----6
      1.2.3 Pragmatic functions-----7 Disagreement-----7 Clarification-----8 Confirmation-----8 Defense-----9 Correction-----9 Inquiry-----10 Topic-shifting-----10
      1.2.4 Social Factors-----11
     1.3 Hypotheses-----12
     Chapter 2 Literature Review
     2.1 Interruption vs. Overlap-----15
      2.1.1 Organization of Turn-taking-----15 Definition of Turn-----15 Turn-exchange Process-----16
      2.1.2 Differentiation of Interruption and Overlap-----16
      2.1.3 Successful Interruption vs. Unsuccessful Interruption-----20
     2.2 Pragmatic Functions of Interruption-----20
     2.3 Power and Solidarity-----22
      2.3.1 Power and Solidarity in Interruption-----22
      2.3.2 Gender Difference in Interruption-----24
     Chapter 3 Methodology
     3.1 Variables-----27
      3.1.1 Linguistic Variable-----27
      3.1.2 Pragmatic Functions-----28
      3.1.3 Social Factors-----28
     3.2 Data collection-----28
      3.2.1 Data for Quantitative Analysis-----29 Number and Types of Conversation-----29 Topics-----29 Setting-----30 Recording-----30 Sampling-----30 Data Transcription-----32
      3.2.2 Data for Qualitative Analysis-----33
     3.3 Data analysis-----33
     Chapter 4 Data Analysis: Interruptions by Structures and Pragmatic Function 4. The Result of Data Analysis-----35
     4.1 The Distribution of Interruption in Syntactic Sites and Timing-----36
      4.1.1 The Distribution of Interruption in Syntactic Sites and Timing in Syntactic Structure with Transitive Verb-----37
      4.1.2 The Distribution of Interruption in Syntactic Sites and Timing in Syntactic Structure with Intransitive Verb-----44
     4.2 Distribution of Interruption by Pragmatic Functions-----47
      4.2.1 The Frequency of Interruption by Different Pragmatic Functions-----47
      4.2.2 Distribution of Interruption for Different Pragmatic Functions in Syntactic Sites and Timing-----52
     Chapter 5 Data Analysis: Interruptions by Power and Solidarity
     5.1 Distribution of Interruption by Interrupter`s Gender-----59
      5.1.1 Frequency of Interruption by Interrupter`s Gender-----60
      5.1.2 Distribution of Interruption is Syntactic Sites and Timing by Interrupter`s Gender-----63
      5.1.3 Distribution of Interruption for Different Pragmatic Functions by Interrupters` gender-----65
      5.1.4 Distribution of Interruption for Different Pragmatic Functions by Syntactic Sites, Timing, and Interrupter`s Gender-----67
     5.2 Distribution of Interruption by Interrupter`s and Interruptee`s Gender-----74
      5.2.1 Distribution of Interruption in Syntactic Sites and Timing by Interrupter`s and Interruptee`s Gender-----78
      5.2.2 Distribution of Interruption for Different Pragmatic Functions by Interrupter`s and Interruptee`s Gender-----82
     5.3 Comparison between Distribution of Interruption by Interrupter`s Gender Only and That by Both Interrupter`s and Interruptee`s Gender-----92
     Chapter 6 Conclusion
     6.1 General Patterns-----95
      6.1.1 Interruption in Syntactic Sites and Timing-----95
      6.1.2 Interruption and Pragmatic Functions-----97
      6.1.3 Interruption and Interlocutors` Gender-----99
     6.2 Conclusion-----104
     Table 1 Definition of overlap and interruption-----17
     Table 2 Matrix of conversation by interlocutors` gender-----29
     Table 3 Social attributes of the subjects-----31
     Table 4 Categorization of overlapping-----36
     Table 5 Distribution of interruption, by syntactic sites in sentences with transitive verbs-----38
     Table 6 Distribution of interruption by syntactic constituents and syntactic junctures in sentences with transitive verbs-----38
     Table 7 Distribution of interruption by linear positions in sentences with transitive verbs-----38
     Table 8 Distribution of interruption by syntactic sites in sentences with intransitive verbs-----44
     Table 9 Distribution of interruption by syntactic constituents and syntactic junctures in sentences with intransitive verbs-----44
     Table 10 Distribution of interruption by linear positions in sentences with intransitive verbs-----45
     Table 11 Distribution of interruption by pragmatic functions-----48
     Table 12 Distribution of interruption by syntactic sites and pragmatic functions-----53
     Table 13 Distribution of interruption by syntactic constituents, syntactic junctures, and pragmatic functions-----53
     Table 14 Distribution of interruption by linear positions and pragmatic functions-----54
     Table 15 Distribution, of interruption by gender-----60
     Table 16 Distribution of interruption by syntactic sites and gender-----63
     Table 17 Distribution of interruption by syntactic constituents, syntactic junctures, and gender-----64
     Table 18 Distribution of interruption by linear positions and gender-----64
     Table 19 Time span of interruption by gender-----64
     Table 20 Distribution of interruption by pragmatic functions and gender-----66
     Table 21 Distribution of mterruption by syntactic sites, pragmatic functions, and gender-----71
     Table 22 Distribution of interruption by syntactic constituents, syntactic junctures, pragmatic functions, and gender-----71
     Table 23 Distribution of interruption by linear positions, pragmatic functions, and gender-----73
     Table 24 Time span of interruption by pragmatic functions and gender-----73
     Table 25 Distribution of interruption by interrupter`s and interruptee`s gender-----75
     Table 26 Distribution of interruption by syntactic sites, and interrupter`s and interruptee`s gender-----78
     Table 27 Distribution of interruption by syntactic constituents, syntactic junctures, and interrupter`s and interruptee`s gender-----79
     Table 28 Distribution of interruption by linear positions, and interrupter`s and interruptee`s gender-----81
     Table 29 Time span of interruption by interrupter`s and interruptee`s gender-----81
     Table 30 Distribution of interruption by pragmatic functions and interrupter`s and interruptee`s gender-----82
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#B2002002149en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 發言轉換zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 句法角色zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 語用功能zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 社會限制zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 插話zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Turn-talkingen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Interruptionen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Syntacticen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Pragmaticen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Social constraintsen_US
dc.title (題名) 由句法角色、語用功能、及社會限制來看插話造成的發言轉換現象zh_TW
dc.title (題名) Turn-talking through interruption - syntactic, pragmatic, and social constraintsen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US