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題名 台北市立國民中小學學生邏輯概念發展之橫斷研究
Development of Logical Thinking : From First to Nineth Grade
作者 邱素真
Chiu, Su-chen
貢獻者 呂秋文
關鍵詞 發展
Logico-mathematics development
Propositional logic
Piaget`s Theory
日期 1996
上傳時間 28-四月-2016 13:48:12 (UTC+8)
摘要 本研究採用分層叢集抽樣,從台北市十二行政區中,按比例抽出36所學校。受試者含1-9年級學生合計5475人,有效樣本4917人達89.8%。自編測驗信度、效度考驗:α係數達.80,效標關連效度在.21到.70之間,與智力測驗之相關在各年級均達.01顯著水準,專家效度良好。研究發現包括二部份:
參考文獻 一、主要參考書目
     吳定遠譯。 (民73 )。符號邏輯入門。台北:水牛。原著作者柏森,奧
     林清山譯。(民81 )。教育心理學:認知取向。台北:遠流。原著作者
     R. E. Mayer 。
     張身華譯。(民71 )。邏輯通論。台北:幼獅。原著作者M . R.Cohen, &
     E. Nagel 。
     陸有銓,華意蓉譯。(民78 )。兒童的早期邏輯發展。台北:五洲。原
     著作者B . Inhelder & 1. Piaget 。
     游恆山校閱,五南編輯部譯。兒童心理學。台北:五南。原著作者1. Piaget
     & B. lnhelder 。
     劉福增譯。(民57 )。現代邏輯與集合。台北:水牛。原著作者薩裴士。
     劉福增編譯。(民61 )。現代邏輯引論。台北:台灣商務。
     劉j福增著。(民71 )。邏輯與設基法。台北:東大。
     劉福增譯。(民75 )。邏輯與設基法。台北:東大。原著作者Robert
     Blanche` , 1955 年出版“L` Axiomatique" 。英譯G. B. Keene ` 1959 年出版
     “Ax lomatics" 。
     劉福增著。(民78 )。邏輯思考。台北:三民。
     劉福增編譯。(民84 )。現代邏輯引論。台北:臺灣商務。
     鄺芷人著。(民82 )。現代邏輯與布爾代數。台北:文津。
     Bart, W. M .. (1971). A generalization of Piaget` s logical mathematical
     model for the stage of formal operations. Journal of
     Mathematical Psychology, 8, 539-553.
     Brainerd, C. J.. (1976). Piaget`s Theory of intelligence. New
     Jersey: Prentice-Hall.
     Budden, F. J.. (1972). The fascination of groups. England:
     Cambridge University.
     Campbell, S. (Ed.). (1976). Piaget`s sampler: An introduction to
     Jean Piaget through his own words. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
     Davidson, P., & Easley, J.(Eds.). (1991). Toward a logic of
     meanings. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
     Ennis, R. H .. (1975). Children`s ability to handle Piaget`s
     propositional logic : A conceptual critique. Review of Educational
     Research, 45(1), 1-41.
     Hadar, N., & Henkin, L .. (1978). Children`s conditional
     reasoning part II : Towards a reliable test of conditional reasoning ability.
     Educational Studies in Mathematics, 9(1), 97-114.
     Inhelder, B., & Piaget, J .. (1958). The growth of logical thinking
     from childhood to adolescence. New York: Basic Books.
     Inhelder, B., & Piaget, J .. (1964). The early growth of logic in the
     child. New York: Harper & Row.
     Jansson, L. C .. (197 4,April). The development of deductive
     reasoning: A review of the literature. Paper presented at the meeting of
     American Educational Research Association,Chicago,Illinois. ED
     Kuhn, D .. (1977). Conditional Reasoning in children.
     Developmental Psychology, 13(4),342 - 353.
     Piaget, J .. (1952). Logic and psychology. New York: Basic
     Roberge, J. J .. (1970). A study of children`s abilities to reason
     with basic principles of deductive reasoning. American Educational
     Research Journal, 7(4),583 - 596. .
     Shapiro, B. J., & O`Brien, T. C .. (1970). Logical thinking in
     children ages six through thirteen. Child Development. 41, 823-829.
     Shigaki, I., & Wolf, W .. (1975). The development of class logic
     in children from ages four through ten. ED 183294.
     Wolf, W., & Shigaki, I.. (1983). A developmental study of young
     gifted children`s conditional reasoning ability. Gifted Child Quarterly,
     27(4),173 -179.
     Bourne, L. E., & O`Banion, K .. (1971). Conceptual rule learning
     and chronological age. Developmental Psychology 5 : 525-534.
     Brainerd, C. 1.. (1970) . The development of the formal operations
     of implication reasoning and proportionality in children and
     adolescents. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Michigan State
     Burt, C .. (1919). The development of reasoning in school children.
     Journal of Experimental Pedagogy, 5, 68-77.
     Carroll, C. A .. (1970). Low achievers` understanding of four
     logical inference forms: An analysis of difficulties and of the effect of
     instruction.Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Columbia University.
     Donaldson, M .. (1963). A study of children`s thinking. London:
     Tavistock Publication.
     Ennis, R. H .. (1971). Conditional logic and prin1ary children.
     Interchange 2: 126-132.
     Ennis, R. H., & Paulus, D. H .. (1965). Critical thinking readiness
     in grades 1-12 (Phase 1 : Deductive reasoning in adolescence). The
     Cornell Critical Thinking Project ( ERIC ED 003818 ).
     Flener, F. D .. (1973). A comparison of reasoning with general and
     singular propositions by fifth, seventh, and ninth grade students.
     Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Illinois University.
     Gardiner, W. L .. (1965). An investigation of understanding of the
     meaning of the logical operators in propositional reasoning. Unpublished
     doctoral dissertation, Illinois University.
     Glick, 1., & Wapner, S .. (1968). Developn1ent of transitivity :
     Some findings and problems of analysis. Child Development, 39(2), 621-
     Gruber, H., & Voneche, J. (Eds.). (1977). The essential Piaget.
     New York: Basic Books.
     Hill, S. A .. (1961). A study of logical abilities in children.
     Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Stanford University.
     Howell, E. N .. (1965). Recognition of selected inference patterns
     by secondary school mathematics students. Unpublished doctoral
     dissertation, Wisconsin University.
     Jansson, L. C .. (1973). The judgment of simple deductive
     arguments by pre-service elementary scho01 teachers. Mimeographed.
     Kodroff,1. K., & Roberge, J. J .. (1975). Developmental analysis
     of the conditional reasoning abilities of primary-grade children.
     Developmental Psychology 11 : 21-28.
     Nlartens, NI. A .. (1967). Use of selected rules of logical inference
     and of logical fallacies by senior high students. Unpublished doctoral
     dissertation, Wisconsin University.
     Miller, E. H .. (1955). A study of difficulty levels of selected types
     of fallacies in reasoning and their relationships to the factors of sex,
     grade level mental age and scholastic standing. Journal of Educational
     ResearchA9, 123-129.
     Miller, W .. (1968). The acceptance and recognition of six logical
     inference patterns by secondary students. Unpublished doctoral
     dissertation, Wisconsin University.
     O`Brien, T. C .. (1972). Logical thinking in adolescents.
     Educational Studies in Mathematics, 4, 401.
     O`Brien, T. C .. (1973). Logical thinking in college students.
     Educational Studies in Mathematics, 5,71-79.
     O`Brien, T., & Shapiro, B .. (1968). The development of logical
     thinking in children. American Educational Research Journal, 5, 531-
     O`Brien, T. C., Shapiro, B. J., & Reali, N. C .. (1971). Logical
     thinking-language and context. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 4,
     Paris, S. G .. (1973). Comprehension of language connectives and
     propositional logical relationships. Journal of Experimental Child
     Psychology, 16, 278-291.
     Parsons, C .. (1960). Inhelder and Piaget`s the growth of logical
     thinking, IT : A logician`s viewpoint. British Journal of Psychology, 51,
     Paulus, D. H .. (1967). A study of children`s abilities to deduce
     and judge deductions. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Cornell
     Piaget, J .. (1985). The equilibration of cognitive structures: The
     central problem of intellectual development. Chicago: Chicago
     Riley, C. A., & Trabasso, T .. (1974). Comparatives, logical
     structures, and encoding in a transitive inference task. Journal of
     Experimental Child Psychology, 11(2), 187-203.
     Roberge, J. J., & Mason, J .. (1978). Sex differences in conditional
     reasoning. The Journal of General Psychology, 99, 41-48.
     Roberge, J. J., & Paulus, D. H .. (1971). Developmental patterns
     for children`s class and conditional reasoning abilities. Developmental
     Psvchology.4, 191-200.
     Ryoti, D. E .. (1972) . Student responses to equivalent inference
     schemes in class and conditional logic. Unpublished doctoral dissertation,
     Illinois University.
     Suppes, P., & Binford, F .. (1965). Experimental teaching of
     mathematical logic in the elementary school. The Arithmetic Teacher.
     Tanner, J. M., & Inhelder, B .. (1960). Discussions on child
     development. London:Tavistock.
     Taplin, J. E., Staudenmayer, H., & Taddonio, J. L .. ( 1974).
     Developmental changes in conditional reasoning: Logical or linguistic?
     Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 17,360-373.
     Wason, P. C., & Johnson-Laird, P. N .. (1968). Thinking and
     reasoning. England: Penguin Books.
描述 碩士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#B2002002780
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 呂秋文zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Leu,Chiu-Wenen_US
dc.contributor.author (作者) 邱素真zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (作者) Chiu,Su-chenen_US
dc.creator (作者) 邱素真zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Chiu, Su-chenen_US
dc.date (日期) 1996en_US
dc.date.accessioned 28-四月-2016 13:48:12 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 28-四月-2016 13:48:12 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 28-四月-2016 13:48:12 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) B2002002780en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/87394-
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 教育學系zh_TW
dc.description (描述) G82152015zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本研究採用分層叢集抽樣,從台北市十二行政區中,按比例抽出36所學校。受試者含1-9年級學生合計5475人,有效樣本4917人達89.8%。自編測驗信度、效度考驗:α係數達.80,效標關連效度在.21到.70之間,與智力測驗之相關在各年級均達.01顯著水準,專家效度良好。研究發現包括二部份:zh_TW
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章緒論..........1
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#B2002002780en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 發展zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 邏輯概念發展zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 命題邏輯zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 皮亞傑學說zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 認知平衡zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Developmenten_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Logico-mathematics developmenten_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Propositional logicen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Piaget`s Theoryen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Equilibrationen_US
dc.title (題名) 台北市立國民中小學學生邏輯概念發展之橫斷研究zh_TW
dc.title (題名) Development of Logical Thinking : From First to Nineth Gradeen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 一、主要參考書目
     吳定遠譯。 (民73 )。符號邏輯入門。台北:水牛。原著作者柏森,奧
     林清山譯。(民81 )。教育心理學:認知取向。台北:遠流。原著作者
     R. E. Mayer 。
     張身華譯。(民71 )。邏輯通論。台北:幼獅。原著作者M . R.Cohen, &
     E. Nagel 。
     陸有銓,華意蓉譯。(民78 )。兒童的早期邏輯發展。台北:五洲。原
     著作者B . Inhelder & 1. Piaget 。
     游恆山校閱,五南編輯部譯。兒童心理學。台北:五南。原著作者1. Piaget
     & B. lnhelder 。
     劉福增譯。(民57 )。現代邏輯與集合。台北:水牛。原著作者薩裴士。
     劉福增編譯。(民61 )。現代邏輯引論。台北:台灣商務。
     劉j福增著。(民71 )。邏輯與設基法。台北:東大。
     劉福增譯。(民75 )。邏輯與設基法。台北:東大。原著作者Robert
     Blanche` , 1955 年出版“L` Axiomatique" 。英譯G. B. Keene ` 1959 年出版
     “Ax lomatics" 。
     劉福增著。(民78 )。邏輯思考。台北:三民。
     劉福增編譯。(民84 )。現代邏輯引論。台北:臺灣商務。
     鄺芷人著。(民82 )。現代邏輯與布爾代數。台北:文津。
     Bart, W. M .. (1971). A generalization of Piaget` s logical mathematical
     model for the stage of formal operations. Journal of
     Mathematical Psychology, 8, 539-553.
     Brainerd, C. J.. (1976). Piaget`s Theory of intelligence. New
     Jersey: Prentice-Hall.
     Budden, F. J.. (1972). The fascination of groups. England:
     Cambridge University.
     Campbell, S. (Ed.). (1976). Piaget`s sampler: An introduction to
     Jean Piaget through his own words. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
     Davidson, P., & Easley, J.(Eds.). (1991). Toward a logic of
     meanings. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
     Ennis, R. H .. (1975). Children`s ability to handle Piaget`s
     propositional logic : A conceptual critique. Review of Educational
     Research, 45(1), 1-41.
     Hadar, N., & Henkin, L .. (1978). Children`s conditional
     reasoning part II : Towards a reliable test of conditional reasoning ability.
     Educational Studies in Mathematics, 9(1), 97-114.
     Inhelder, B., & Piaget, J .. (1958). The growth of logical thinking
     from childhood to adolescence. New York: Basic Books.
     Inhelder, B., & Piaget, J .. (1964). The early growth of logic in the
     child. New York: Harper & Row.
     Jansson, L. C .. (197 4,April). The development of deductive
     reasoning: A review of the literature. Paper presented at the meeting of
     American Educational Research Association,Chicago,Illinois. ED
     Kuhn, D .. (1977). Conditional Reasoning in children.
     Developmental Psychology, 13(4),342 - 353.
     Piaget, J .. (1952). Logic and psychology. New York: Basic
     Roberge, J. J .. (1970). A study of children`s abilities to reason
     with basic principles of deductive reasoning. American Educational
     Research Journal, 7(4),583 - 596. .
     Shapiro, B. J., & O`Brien, T. C .. (1970). Logical thinking in
     children ages six through thirteen. Child Development. 41, 823-829.
     Shigaki, I., & Wolf, W .. (1975). The development of class logic
     in children from ages four through ten. ED 183294.
     Wolf, W., & Shigaki, I.. (1983). A developmental study of young
     gifted children`s conditional reasoning ability. Gifted Child Quarterly,
     27(4),173 -179.
     Bourne, L. E., & O`Banion, K .. (1971). Conceptual rule learning
     and chronological age. Developmental Psychology 5 : 525-534.
     Brainerd, C. 1.. (1970) . The development of the formal operations
     of implication reasoning and proportionality in children and
     adolescents. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Michigan State
     Burt, C .. (1919). The development of reasoning in school children.
     Journal of Experimental Pedagogy, 5, 68-77.
     Carroll, C. A .. (1970). Low achievers` understanding of four
     logical inference forms: An analysis of difficulties and of the effect of
     instruction.Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Columbia University.
     Donaldson, M .. (1963). A study of children`s thinking. London:
     Tavistock Publication.
     Ennis, R. H .. (1971). Conditional logic and prin1ary children.
     Interchange 2: 126-132.
     Ennis, R. H., & Paulus, D. H .. (1965). Critical thinking readiness
     in grades 1-12 (Phase 1 : Deductive reasoning in adolescence). The
     Cornell Critical Thinking Project ( ERIC ED 003818 ).
     Flener, F. D .. (1973). A comparison of reasoning with general and
     singular propositions by fifth, seventh, and ninth grade students.
     Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Illinois University.
     Gardiner, W. L .. (1965). An investigation of understanding of the
     meaning of the logical operators in propositional reasoning. Unpublished
     doctoral dissertation, Illinois University.
     Glick, 1., & Wapner, S .. (1968). Developn1ent of transitivity :
     Some findings and problems of analysis. Child Development, 39(2), 621-
     Gruber, H., & Voneche, J. (Eds.). (1977). The essential Piaget.
     New York: Basic Books.
     Hill, S. A .. (1961). A study of logical abilities in children.
     Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Stanford University.
     Howell, E. N .. (1965). Recognition of selected inference patterns
     by secondary school mathematics students. Unpublished doctoral
     dissertation, Wisconsin University.
     Jansson, L. C .. (1973). The judgment of simple deductive
     arguments by pre-service elementary scho01 teachers. Mimeographed.
     Kodroff,1. K., & Roberge, J. J .. (1975). Developmental analysis
     of the conditional reasoning abilities of primary-grade children.
     Developmental Psychology 11 : 21-28.
     Nlartens, NI. A .. (1967). Use of selected rules of logical inference
     and of logical fallacies by senior high students. Unpublished doctoral
     dissertation, Wisconsin University.
     Miller, E. H .. (1955). A study of difficulty levels of selected types
     of fallacies in reasoning and their relationships to the factors of sex,
     grade level mental age and scholastic standing. Journal of Educational
     ResearchA9, 123-129.
     Miller, W .. (1968). The acceptance and recognition of six logical
     inference patterns by secondary students. Unpublished doctoral
     dissertation, Wisconsin University.
     O`Brien, T. C .. (1972). Logical thinking in adolescents.
     Educational Studies in Mathematics, 4, 401.
     O`Brien, T. C .. (1973). Logical thinking in college students.
     Educational Studies in Mathematics, 5,71-79.
     O`Brien, T., & Shapiro, B .. (1968). The development of logical
     thinking in children. American Educational Research Journal, 5, 531-
     O`Brien, T. C., Shapiro, B. J., & Reali, N. C .. (1971). Logical
     thinking-language and context. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 4,
     Paris, S. G .. (1973). Comprehension of language connectives and
     propositional logical relationships. Journal of Experimental Child
     Psychology, 16, 278-291.
     Parsons, C .. (1960). Inhelder and Piaget`s the growth of logical
     thinking, IT : A logician`s viewpoint. British Journal of Psychology, 51,
     Paulus, D. H .. (1967). A study of children`s abilities to deduce
     and judge deductions. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Cornell
     Piaget, J .. (1985). The equilibration of cognitive structures: The
     central problem of intellectual development. Chicago: Chicago
     Riley, C. A., & Trabasso, T .. (1974). Comparatives, logical
     structures, and encoding in a transitive inference task. Journal of
     Experimental Child Psychology, 11(2), 187-203.
     Roberge, J. J., & Mason, J .. (1978). Sex differences in conditional
     reasoning. The Journal of General Psychology, 99, 41-48.
     Roberge, J. J., & Paulus, D. H .. (1971). Developmental patterns
     for children`s class and conditional reasoning abilities. Developmental
     Psvchology.4, 191-200.
     Ryoti, D. E .. (1972) . Student responses to equivalent inference
     schemes in class and conditional logic. Unpublished doctoral dissertation,
     Illinois University.
     Suppes, P., & Binford, F .. (1965). Experimental teaching of
     mathematical logic in the elementary school. The Arithmetic Teacher.
     Tanner, J. M., & Inhelder, B .. (1960). Discussions on child
     development. London:Tavistock.
     Taplin, J. E., Staudenmayer, H., & Taddonio, J. L .. ( 1974).
     Developmental changes in conditional reasoning: Logical or linguistic?
     Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 17,360-373.
     Wason, P. C., & Johnson-Laird, P. N .. (1968). Thinking and
     reasoning. England: Penguin Books.