
Showing 26-35 of 35
Date Title Type Full Text Scopus WOS Altmetric
2008-07 利潤稅之中立性-考慮景氣不確定性之兩階段模型 article 說明頁(533)
2007-09 低成本高補貼嗎?考慮公司稅制的情況 article 說明頁(1235)
2007-06 論所得稅損失扣除政策之福利效果 article pdf(1050)
2007-03 公司稅、租稅逃漏與最適出口貿易政策 article pdf(862)
2006-08 Tax Evasion and Limited Liability article pdf(1479)
2006-01 Tax Evasion and Government Size--A Micro-Political Theory article pdf(1598)
2005-06 論推定計稅 article pdf(967)
2004-08 Pareto Efficient Fine-cum-Tax Rate Structures article pdf(1203)
2001-07 Plea Bargaining with the IRS: Extensions and Further Results article pdf(1379)
2000-01 Taxation with Little Administration article pdf(1293)