
Showing 1-25 of 29
Date Title Type Full Text
2009-12 亞太地區委外代工及國際分工的演變對跨國衝擊傳遞效果之影響 conference pdf(846)
2009-12 公平貿易下最適反傾銷稅訂定之探討:以中國毛巾傾銷案為例 conference pdf(1075)
2003-12 最適自製率與政治獻金 conference
2002-12 WTO新回合談判下關稅級距的最適調整 conference pdf(1603)
2002-12 WTO新回合談判下最適關稅級距之調整:以台灣之農畜產品與食品加工業為? conference pdf(1832)
2002-06 Welfare aspect of FDI to source country: An Example of the Incresing FDI to China conference pdf(2037)
2001-12 兩岸開放全面三通對亞太地區之影響 conference
2001-09 市場結構與最適民營化政策 conference
2001-09 台灣廠商全球運籌策略之初探-從外銷接單與出口之長期變化觀察 conference
2000-11 從國家安全與經濟發展之觀點預估未來東亞各國國防經費之支出 conference
2000-07 Privatization and Tariff Liberalization: An Optimal Reform Package for Transition Economies conference
2000-07 Increasing worldwide environmental consciousness and enviornmental ploicy asdjustment conference
1999-12 建構大中華經濟圈對亞太地區經貿之影響 conference
1999-12 金融風暴引爆點對亞太地區經貿之影響 conference
1999-03 海外投資對科技與人文之影響-從廠商研發與防治污染行為談起 conference 說明頁(757)
1999-02 最適關稅配額政策之探討 conference
1998-11 The Determinants of FDI in US Manufacturing by Asian MNFs. conference 說明頁(841)
1997-12 自製率政策與中間財廠商技術之選擇 conference
1997-11 垂直整合,出口補貼與技術選擇 conference
1997-11 垂直整合,出口補貼與技術選擇 conference
1997-03 有關廢除外銷退稅之兩個爭論的探討 conference
1997-03 開發中國家進口政策評估 conference
1997-03 有關廢除外銷退稅之兩個爭論的探討 conference
1996-07 The Determinants of Intra-Industry Direct Foreign Investment: Theory and Evidence for the U.S. and the Rest of the World in Manufacturing Industries conference
1996-07 The Determinants of Intra-Industry Direct Foreign Investment: Theory and Evidence for the U.S. and the Rest of the World in Manufacturing Industries conference