
Showing 101-125 of 258
Date Title Type Full Text
2002-12 Linear and nonlinear Granger causality in the stock price-volume relation : A perspective on the agent-based model of stock markets conference pdf(3167)
2002-09 Trading Restrictions Price Dynamics and Allocative Efficiency in Double Auction Markets: Analysis Based on Agent-Based Modelling and Simulations conference
2002-08 Agent-Based Computational Macroeconomics: A Survey conference pdf(1497)
2002-03 Sensitivity Analysis of Genetic Programming:A Case of Symbolic Regression conference
2002-03 Why Are There Sunspots? An Analysis Based on Agent-Based Artificial Stock Markets conference
2002 Economic Models of Innovations:Why GP Can Be a Possible Way Out? conference
2002 Neural Networks, VECM`s and Divisia Money: Evidence from Taiwan conference 說明頁(912)
2002 Agent-Based Computational Macroeconomics: A Survey conference pdf(1008)
2001-10 Price Discovery in Agent-Based Computational Modeling of Artificial Stock Markets conference pdf(1044)
2001-05 Genetic Programming in Economics and Finance conference
2001-05 Fundamental Issues in the Use of Genetic Programming in Agent-Based Computational Economics conference pdf(1313)
2001-03 Market Diversity and Market Efficiency: The Approach Based on Genetic Programming conference
2001-01 Evolving Bargaining Strategies with Genetic Programming: An Overview of AIE-DA Ver.2 Part1 conference
2001-01 Testing for Granger Causaltiy in the Stock Price-Volume Relation: A Perspective from the Agent-Based Model of Stock Markets conference
2001-01 The Schema Analysis of Emergent Bargaining Strategies in Agent-Based Double Auction Markets conference pdf(1301)
2001-01 Trading Strategies on Trial:A Comprehensive Review of 21 Practical Trading Strategies Over 56 Listed Stocks conference pdf(1470)
2001 John Holland`s legacy in economics: Artificial adaptive economic agents in retrospect - from 1986 to the present conference 說明頁(1217)
2000-07 Genetic Programming in Economics and Finance conference
2000-06 On Bargaining Strategies in the SFI Double Auction Tournaments: Is Genetic Programming the Answer? conference 說明頁(1263)
2000-06 On the Emergent Properties of Artificial Stock Markets: Price-Volume Relation and Sunspots conference
2000-06 Would Wavelets Help in Neural-Nets Based Forecasting of Stock Price?: Evidences from 11 Stock Market Indicies conference
2000-06 A Tutorial Guide to Agent-Based Computational Modeling of Artificial Stock Markets: With Specific Reference to the Software AIE-ASM Version 3 conference
2000-06 Statistical Analysis of Genetic Algorithms in Market Timing conference
2000-06 Price Discovery in Agent-Based Computational Modeling of Artificial Stock Markets: What Make it Work and What Don`t? conference pdf(1680)
2000-06 Toward an Integration of Social Learning and Individual Learning in Agent-Based Computational Stock Markets: The Approach Based on Population Genetic Programming conference pdf(2021)