
Showing 1-25 of 48
Date Title Type Full Text Scopus WOS Altmetric
2024-03 探討社區精神復健機構專業人員於促進復元專業才能之現況和其影響因素 article 說明頁(32)
2023-12 社會工作人員復元之相關因素初探:以增強權能和生活滿意為例 article pdf(25)
2023-07 Exploring the experiences of personal recovery among mental health consumers and their caregivers receiving strength-based family interventions article 說明頁(81)
2022-11 Correlates of community rehabilitation service utilisation among persons with psychiatric disabilities. article pdf(144)
2022-09 An Exploratory Study on the Meaning of Using Community Psychiatric Rehabilitation among Persons with Psychiatric Disabilities article 說明頁(120)
2020-06 運用優勢觀點之社福團體的組織時間觀探討:組織文化的視角 article pdf(191)
2019-06 A Validation Study on the Recovery-Promoting Relationship Scale (RPRS) in a Chinese Population article 說明頁(421)
2019-06 青少年增強權能之探究:權能程度與相關因素 article pdf(191)
2018-12 將優勢觀點導入老人照顧服務場域之實踐 article pdf(425)
2018-12 優勢觀點在軍隊社會工作應用之初探 article pdf(338)
2017-04 Predictors of personal recovery for persons with psychiatric disabilities:An examination of the Unity Model of Recovery article pdf(412)
2017-04 Predictors of personal recovery for persons with psychiatric disabilities: An examination of the Unity Model of Recovery article pdf(332)
2014.04 Implementing a strengths-based model in facilitating the recovery of persons with psychiatric disability article pdf(1533)
2014.01 台灣愛滋感染者權能增強影響因素之研究 article pdf(1069)
2013.06 The Association between the Utilisation of Empowerment Strategies and Clients’ Changes of Self in the Field of Intimate Partner Abuse: from the Perspective of Social Workers article pdf(979)
2012.12 高風險家庭關懷輔導方案之成效與影響要素 article 說明頁(1142)
2012-06 受暴婦女之復元與負向感受:輪廓與相關因素之初探 article pdf(1181)
2012.04 Service Utilization, Perceived Changes of Self, and Life Satisfaction Among Women Who Experienced Intimate Partner Abuse: The Mediation Effect of Empowerment article pdf(697)
2011.09 The Extent and Correlates of the Utilization of Empowerment Strategies: Survey on Social Workers in the Field of Partner Violence. article pdf(1245)
2011-09 The Extent and Correlates of the Utilisation of Empowerment Strategies:Survey on Social Workers in the Field of Partner Violence article pdf(1443)
2011.08 高風險家庭關懷輔導方案的回顧與展望 article 說明頁(1236)
2011.08 高風險家庭處遇模式之探究與建構 article 說明頁(1117)
2010-12 影響台灣精神疾病患者未持續或中斷就醫之風險因素探討-以精神分裂症及情感性精神病為例 article pdf(946)
2010.10 復元與優勢觀點之理論內涵與實踐成效:台灣經驗之呈現 article pdf(903)
2010-10 復元與優勢觀點之理論內涵與實踐成效:台灣經驗之呈現 article pdf(1121)