
Showing 26-48 of 48
Date Title Type Full Text Scopus WOS Altmetric
2010-10 復元與優勢觀點之理論內涵與實踐成效:臺灣經驗之呈現 article pdf(504)
2010-06 社會工作處遇的服務項目和結果指標:概念架構及操作定義 article pdf(905)
2008-12 增強權能策略與方法:台灣本土經驗之探索 article pdf(1038)
2008 高風險家庭兒少及家暴婦女的復元:優勢觀點社會工作處遇的理念模式、實務成果及推展議題 article 說明頁(1129)
2007 青少年復原力概念與相關研究之探究 article pdf(898)
2007 The attitudes towards and enactment of psychosocial rehabilitation principles: Discrepancies and correlates. article pdf(1318)
2006-12 社會學門(社會學、社會福利與工作、傳播)國際學術期刊與國內期刊評比研究執行成果與檢討 article pdf(2445)
2006 Measuring social capital of Persons residing in a psychiatric institution article pdf(1165)
2006 Life stress social support coping and depressive symptoms: a comparison between general population and family caregivers. article pdf(1245)
2006 增強權能量表之發展與驗證 article pdf(989)
2006 「高風險家庭關懷輔導處遇實施計畫」執行狀況初探 article pdf(3489)
2006 優點個案管理模式之介紹與運用於受暴婦女之評估結果 article pdf(3571)
2005 Community Attitudes towards the Mentally Ill—The Results of A National Survey of Taiwanese Population. article pdf(1394)
2005 精神障礙者之復健與復元—一個積極正向的觀點 article pdf(1191)
2002 精神病患照顧者負荷量表之發展與驗證─以實務應用為取向 article pdf(5207)
2001 The social functioning of chronically mentally ill patients: An empirical typology of patients and correlates of social functioning article pdf(1047)
2000 單親父母之生活壓力、因應方式、社會支持與其情緒適應之相關性研究─以高雄向日葵聯誼會為例 article pdf(1080)
1998 精神病患照顧者之憂鬱程度及其相關因素探討 article pdf(676)
1997 Predictors of Depressive Symptomatology Among Lower Social Class Caregivers of Persons With Chronic Mental Illness. article pdf(1274)
1995 The psychosocial issues of women serving time in jail article pdf(1120)
1995 Barriers to social network interventions with persons with severe persistent mental illness: A survey of mental health case managers. article pdf(1391)
1994 Predictors of burden among lower socioeconomic status caergivers of persons with chronic mental illness. article pdf(1345)
1993 Problem behaviors substance abuse and sexual use in psychiatrically hospitalized adolescents with bulimia nervosa article pdf(1200)