
Showing 1-25 of 26
Date Title Type Full Text
2014-04 Fleeting Orders Under the Microscope report pdf(751)
2002-05 以實質選擇權法評估高科技產業股價 conference
2001-06 以Adaptive Mesh Model評價重設選擇權 conference
2001-03 以分解結合法加速重設型選擇權之評價效率 conference
2000-06 Further investigation of stock index futrues and stock prices movement during the Octorber 1987 market crash conference
2000-01 選擇權 - 理論、實務與應用 conference
1999-04 The market risk of warrant positions: Value-at -risk Approach conference
1999-04 The valuation and Hedging of reset option conference
1999 The evaluation of option when the underlying asset prices under price limits conference
1998 Option Pricing When Stock Price Under Price Limits conference
1997-12 Application of Neural Networks to Financial Swaps conference
1997-05 怡富日本美元還本收益基金的設計與行銷之個案研究 conference
1997-01 An Analysis of Capital Guarantted Trust and Its Innovation Value- A Monte Carlo Approach for Pricing Average Rate Option conference
1997 An Analysis of Capital Guaranteed Trust conference
1997 A Study of the value of early ecxercise in America Option Prices conference
1996 Option Pricing When Underlying Asset Subject to Price Limits conference
1996 Capital Requirements and Market Risks of Currency Options- A VAR Approach conference
1995-04 歐式與美式外幣選擇權價格差異之實證研究 conference
1994-12 1987年股票大崩盤期間股價指數期貨基差與股價變動之研究 conference
1994-12 不完全市場下選擇權與期貨價格關係之實證研究 conference
1994-11 股票指數選擇權之資訊內涵-1987年股票大崩盤前後之實證研究 conference
1994-09 Information Technology,Market Efficiency and System Regulation :An Emprical Study of The Taiwan Stock Market Surveillance System conference
1994-04 An Empirical Test of Put-Call-Futures-Parity--A Relationship between Index Option and Futures Prices conference
1993-12 An Investigation of Stock Index Option Prices during the 1987 Stock Crash conference
1993-05 An Alternative Test of the Black-Scholes Option Pricing Models conference