
Showing 51-75 of 102
Date Title Type Full Text
2006-05 Packet Fragmentation in IPv6 and IPv4 Integrated Environment conference
2005-11 Developing a Governmental Long-term Archie management System on Semantic Grid conference
2005-05 Mining Multi-Dimension Rules in Multiple Database Segmentation-On Examples of Cross-Selling conference
2005-05 以動態能力觀點建構知識管理的價值創造模式:以虛擬企業為例 conference
2005-04 GRID Clearinghouse Service Framework conference
2005-01 協同作業架構中之統計知識挖掘系統模型之研究~ 以人口預測為例 conference
2005-01 台灣金融集團共同行銷現況與資訊系統整合架構之探討, conference
2005 Internet Exchange Traffic Sharing and Market Competition article pdf(221)
2004-12 e-Business Agreements and Contracts ~ from ASP`s point of View conference
2003-11 台灣數位電視產業及相關數位內容發展之初探 conference
2003-11 由資訊休閒業發展為基礎之台、韓數位內容產業比較研究 conference
2003-11 由美國文件檔案管理架構探討我國公部門數位內容典藏發展策略 conference
2003-08 中醫醫藥 Metadata之研究 ~ 以「本草備要」為例 conference
2003-06 以專家策略為本的交易夥伴搜尋輔助 conference
2003 A Research into Interoperatable Platform for Collaborative Business conference
2002-08 國小老師的專業發展與學習創造力 conference
2002-08 知識經濟之體認與作為(會議最佳論文) conference
2002-08 商務環境中註冊機置之研究~ ebXML and UDDI conference
2002 建立;跨越產業內外流程整合與電子資料標準之資料網絡-以ebXML的架構為例 conference
2001-08 Integrative Solutions with strategy and IT for knowledge management conference
2001-08 供應鏈與五流管理之研究 conference
2000-10 Notes to the Realization of Internet-centric CALS based on STEP and XML conference
2000-09 資訊與網路經濟發展之研究 conference
2000-09 網際網路在台灣之發展與展望 conference
2000-09 使用UML於Jini網路應用程式之開發 conference