
Showing 26-50 of 110
Date Title Type Full Text
2006 Sensitive Taxi: Situated Practices and Patterns of Technology Sense-making conference
2006 Psychological ownership and technology adoption conference
2005 組織創新活力衡量之研究 conference
2005 知識的融合與組合對跨國科技合作的影響 conference
2005 Technology sense-making: local knowledge and patterns of technology adoption conference
2004 從創新擴散觀點看產業發展:以台灣蝴蝶蘭產業為例 conference
2004 創意文化產業的價值經營模式出探:以精緻工藝品為例 conference
2004 組織身份、網路連結與利基創造關連之研究 conference
2004 Interfirm knowledge co-evolution mechanism in sectoral innovation system conference
2004 How Does Phalaenopsis Industry Form and Develop in Taiwan? Innovation Diffusion and Complexity Science Perspective conference
2004 Inter-firm knowledge co-ecolution mechaism in sectoral innovation system conference
2003-07 韓國電影產業之發展與創新歷程 conference
2003-07 韓國科技政策之典範轉移 conference
2003 韓國國家創新系統及科技政策演進之研究 conference
2003 歐盟區域創新系統與產業創新之研討 conference
2003 Innovation through knowledge co-evolution and collaboration: An empirical case study in Taiwan semiconductor industry conference
2003 Technological change organization routine and dynamic capability: a knowledge co-evolution model of the conglomerate firms conference
2003 Diffusion of conceptual innovation: complexity theory perspective conference
2003 Innovation knowledge co-evolution of conglomerate firm conference
2003 Diffusion of conceptual innavation: complexity theory perspective conference
2003 Technological change, organization routine and dynamic capability: a knowledge co-evolution model of the conglomerate firms conference
2002-06 從產業政策、科技政策到創新政策—從歷屆全國科技會議及歐盟創新政策的觀察 conference
2002 交易模式創新與廠商疆界的動態演化過程 conference
2002 開發數位元內容交易平台技術以促進華文數位內容產業 conference
2002 我國資訊產業智慧資本評價之研究 conference