
Showing 26-50 of 93
Date Title Type Full Text
2003-11 Theoretical Predictions of Speech Prosody: A Prosodic Phonology Perspective conference
2003-04 Mongolian Reduplication and Stress: A Theoretic Adventure conference
2003-04 The Consonantal Changes of Causative Prefixation in Puxi-Shangzhai: An OT Trial conference
2002-12 Tone Contraction conference
2002-10 OT全面追緝:開啟兩個南島語重疊後綴之鑰 conference
2002-04 The Conceptual Representations of Mandarin Guo: A Cognitive Grammar Perspective conference
2001-07 Output Constraints: the Optimal Resolution of Taiwanese Tone Sandhi conference
2001-05 Focus Alignment and Tone Change in Taiwan Southern Min conference
2000-12 優選理論對現代漢語音韻研究的影響 conference
2000-09 優選變調:台灣閩南語例舉 conference
2000-08 Tonal Phrasing in Taiwanese: A Perspective from the Optimality Theory conference
2000-06 Prosodic Phrasing in Optimality: Evidence from Taiwanese Tone Sandhi conference
2000-03 Focus Alignment in Taiwan Southern Min conference
2000-02 An Optimality Theory Approach to Hakka Tone Sandhi conference
1999-10 The Semantics of Tone: A Perspective fron Tone Loss in Chinese Languages conference
1999-10 An Optimality-Theoretic Approach to Taiwanese Tone Sandhi conference
1999-08 Interlanguage Tone Sandhi: Evidence from Mandarin-Min Code-Mixing conference
1999-05 國台語夾雜時的連讀變調 conference
1998-08 談ㄦ化與ㄦ尾的連鎖音變:縮短現代音韻與傳統聲韻的距離 conference
1998-02 The Chain Reaction of Retroflex Contraction and Suffixation: Evidence across Chinese Languages conference
1997-12 從現代語音學角度看語音符號的缺失 conference
1997-12 從認知語法觀點論國語“過”的多元表徵結構 conference
1997-05 現代音韻學知識在華語教學上所扮演的角色 conference
1996-09 An End-based Approach to Hakka Tone Sandhi conference
1996-08 特殊節奏與變調的韻律結構:變調兩極論 conference 說明頁(1124)