
Showing 101-125 of 163
Date Title Type Full Text
1997-12 從認知語法觀點論國語“過”的多元表徵結構 conference
1997.1 Mandarin foot rhythm book/chapter 說明頁(1419)
1997.07 台灣閩南語變調與現代語意學理論 report pdf(868)
1997-05 現代音韻學知識在華語教學上所扮演的角色 conference
1997-04 從韻律音韻學看台灣閩南語的輕聲現象 article pdf(3529)
1997-04 漢語方言中的聲調標示系統之檢討 article pdf(967)
1997-04 閩南語重疊副詞的變調分析:從「儉儉仔」談起 article pdf(749)
1997 A cognitive grammar approach to the symbolic structure of the Mandarin verb, guo (從認知語法觀點論國語「過」的動詞表徵結構) book/chapter 說明頁(1883)
1997 On the problems of the Chinese transcription system, Chuyin Fuhao (從現代音韻學角度看注音符號的缺失) book/chapter 說明頁(1374)
1996-09 An End-based Approach to Hakka Tone Sandhi conference
1996-08 特殊節奏與變調的韻律結構:變調兩極論 conference 說明頁(1124)
1996-08 華語的語言節奏與連續變調 conference
1996-07 台灣閩南語連續調與韻律學理論:韻律原則與參數 conference
1996-06 金門方言的“仔”前變調的重新分析 conference
1996-06 Cyclic Extraprosodicity in Taiwainese Southern Min conference
1996-05 再論台灣閩南語的特殊變調:-a後綴的層級排列 conference 說明頁(1242)
1996-05 苗栗四線客語的三疊變調 conference
1996-05 從台語音節連併到構詞句法與音韻介面 conference
1996 Tone sandhi of trisyllabic reduplication in Miaoli Sixian Hakka (苗栗四縣客語的三疊變調) book/chapter 說明頁(1393)
1996 Linguistic rhythm and tone sandhi in Mandarin (華語的語言節奏與連讀變調) book/chapter 說明頁(1633)
1996 Taiwanese syllable contraction and the interactions among phonology, morphology and syntax (從台語音節連併到音韻、構詞與句法之互動) book/chapter 說明頁(1789)
1995-10 The Extended X-Bar Theory and Southern Min Tone conference
1995-10 Reanalyzing Special Tone Sandhi in Southern Min:A Prossodic Account conference
1995-10 On the Tonal Typology of Three Chinese Dialects Spoken in Taiwan conference
1995-10 The Semantics and Prosody of Reduplicative Adjectives in Southern Min conference