
Showing 1-25 of 38
Date Title Type Full Text
2009-05 Digital play therapy concept model construction: A study of play intervention on children with autism spectrum disorder conference
2009-05 A study of consumer’s intention of using online shopping websites using the integrative technology acceptance model conference
2008-11 Reconsideration of Customer-Based Online Brand Equity Dimensions conference
2008-10 網站訊息可靠度在正負面口碑之下對消費者購買意願的影響 conference
2008-10 基於知識本體論與語意網路之適性化網頁檢索機制 conference
2008-06 A Research on the Localization of Brand Personality conference
2008-04 The qualitative reseach of brand relationships: the case of Chrome Hearts conference
2008-03 Building Customer-based Online Brand Equity conference
2007-11 榮民創業行為、創業績效及相關影響因素之研究 conference
2006-05 海峽兩岸電視廣告中的女性角色分析 (Comparing Female Sex Role in the TV Advertising between Taiwan and China) conference
2006-05 海峽兩岸電視廣告中的女性角色分析 (Comparing Female Sex Role in the TV Advertising between Taiwan and China) conference
2004-09 消費者自我意識覺醒的消費新世代---消費者性格與代言人性格形象一致性對廣告效果的影響 conference
2004-09 消費者自我意識覺醒的消費新世代---消費者性格與代言人性格形象一致性對廣告效果的影響 conference
2004-06 全人生涯開展課程素描 conference
2004-06 全人生涯開展課程素描 conference
2004-01 海峽兩岸網路廣告中價值觀之比較研究 conference
2004 從青少年的次文化省思當代「青年崇拜」的形式與風格 conference
2004 從青少年的次文化省思當代「青年崇拜」的形式與風格 conference
2004 海峽兩岸網路廣告中價值觀之比較研究 conference pdf(768)
2004 比較海峽兩岸電視廣告中的性別角色 conference
2004 海峽兩岸網路廣告中價值觀之比較研究(Comparison values on Web advertising between Taiwan and China) conference
2004 比較海峽兩岸電視廣告中的性別角色 conference
2003 台灣地區廣告訴求與文化價值觀之關連性研究 conference
2003 台灣地區廣告訴求與文化價值觀之關連性研究 conference
2002 網路色情訊息所建構的性世界 conference