
Showing 51-75 of 90
Date Title Type Full Text
2012-09 End at the Water`s Edge? Taiwan`s Domestic Debate over Arms Procurement from the United States article pdf(1222)
2012-08 China and the Liberal International Order: Did China`s Accession to WTO Shape Its Behavior? conference pdf(995)
2012-06 The Ties That Bind: The Emerging Asia-Pacific Regional Order and Taiwan-Korea Relations article pdf(1359)
2012-05 注定衝突?第四次美「中」戰略與經濟對話評析 article 說明頁(1085)
2012-03 當前國際關係自由主義理論之研究 report pdf(702)
2012-03 從峰會外交看習近平訪美 article
2012-03 China and the Liberal International Order: Implications for the Asia-Pacific Region book/chapter 說明頁(1334)
2012.02 從峰會外交看習近平訪美 article 說明頁(927)
2011-11 全球金融危機對新自由制度主義之衝擊:以東亞地區之安全議題為例 conference
2011-10 中國大陸國家機關角色與能源安全:以政府部門對於石油能源取得之規劃為例 conference
2011-10 理性?不理性?小布希發動伊拉克戰爭之研析 conference
2011-09 Butter versus Guns: Economic Interdependence and the Cross-Strait Relations conference pdf(1592)
2011-08 The Ties that Divide: China, the Six-Party Talks, and Peace in the Korean Peninsula conference
2011-06 From Wealth to Power?: Trade Expectations and China`s Assertive International Behavior conference
2011-05 China, the US, and the Future of G2 conference
2011-03 自由主義國際關係理論與東亞合作 book/chapter 說明頁(636)
2011-03 Regional Cooperation in East Asia: Problems and Prospects book/chapter 說明頁(1111)
2011 G20集團對全球格局發展之衝擊 article pdf(1568)
2010-12 中美關係:從「非敵非友」到「同舟共濟」? book/chapter 說明頁(1052)
2010-10 Gulliver in Lilliput: China`s Rise and Its Implications for the Asia-Pacific Region article
2010-10 G20:合作平台還是鬥爭場域? conference
2010-08 To Talk or Not to Talk: Domestic Constraints on Ma Ying-jeou`s Political Reach-Out to China conference
2010-07 ECFA之國際效應初探 article 說明頁(1309)
2010-06 論當代國際關係研究之自由主義學派 conference 說明頁(837)
2010-05 2010年「核子安全高峰會」研析 article