
Showing 1-25 of 80
Date Title Type Full Text
2023-10 Examining the Public Issues of Heidegger and Confucianism from the Concept of Conscience conference pdf(103)
2019-12 談中西範例性語言的主體性:從呂格爾(利科)的敘事研究來看 conference
2019-11 To understand Heidegger via Ricoeur conference 說明頁(326)
2019-06 Existential Phenomena as In-Between or Facticity: theoretical and practical research regarding the lifespan conference
2019-01 The Universal Ethics and Religion in Practical Life: A Reflection on Husserl’s Manuscripts from 1930s conference
2019-01 Exemplary language in Western and Eastern: An investigation of Chinese narrative subjectivity in view of Ricoeur’s research of narrative conference 說明頁(303)
2019-01 The Universal Ethics and Religion in Practical Life: Under Husserl`s Consideration of the Borderline Problem (Grenzproblem) conference
2019-01 呂格爾敘事理論的實務應用 conference 說明頁(247)
2018-04 介於「哲學的神學」與「神學的哲學」之間:以胡塞爾、海德格、鄂蘭與呂格爾為例 conference
2017-11 「胡塞爾現象學」與「心理學」之間 conference
2013-11-16 從「原初理性」生成「原初語言」來談文化的再造:從海德格的討論出發來看 conference 說明頁(1193)
2012-05 How can we express what is implied in our life?– A comparative examination (Husserl, Heidegger, Arendt and Tang Chun-I) conference
2012-04 How Can We Express What Is Implied In Our Life? – A Comparative Examination conference
2011-09 On Phenomenological Method of Connection between Life and Reason: A Comparison between Husserl`s and Heidegger`s Approach conference
2011-07 Divinity and Beauty in Process of Indication – A Phenomenological Approach conference
2011-05 試論連接生命與反思的現象學方法 - 胡塞爾與海德格的比較 conference
2011-03 The Grecian and Judeo-Christian Background in Heidegger`s Conception of Dasein : A Possible Meeting-point for Eastern and Western Philosophies conference
2010-12 The Role of Thinking and Action by Phenomenological Border-crossing conference 說明頁(978)
2010-12 奧古斯丁論自然與人性的超越 ――《懺悔錄》卷十一的解析 conference
2010-10 海德格究竟主張神學性的哲學或哲學性的神學? ─ 與胡塞爾及鄂蘭立場的比較來看 conference
2010-07 \"Religious Philosophy\" or \"Philosophical Religion\". A Comparison between Chinese and Western Philosophy via Hannah Arendt`s Reflection on Image and Metaphor Language conference
2010-05 對圖像與隱喻的反省:從漢娜鄂蘭的觀點出發 conference
2009-12 胡塞爾與生命哲學 conference
2009-11 從Dasein看東西方可能的交會點 conference
2009-09 Kunstlehre" and Applied Phenomenology conference