Publications- All

Showing 1-20 of 20
Date Title Type Full Text
2024-03 Contradiction, Negation, and the Catuṣkoṭi: Just Several Passages from Dharmapāla's Commentary on Āryadeva's Catuḥśataka article web page(87)
2023-12 邏輯與唯識:護法《成唯識寶生論》對因明之使用 article web page(48)
2023-11 Logical or Alogical? A Reappraisal of Bhāviveka’s Proof of Emptiness in the Dasheng Zhangzhenlun conference web page(97)
2023-09 陳那《觀所緣論》前二頌之詮釋與因明問題:從護法到漢傳的傳承與演變 article web page(85)
2023-08 On āśrayāsiddha and dharmisvarūpaviparītasādhana: A Case Study Based on Dharmapāla’s Dasheng Guangbailun Shilun conference web page(132)
2023-06 陳那《觀所緣論》前二頌之詮釋與因明問題:從護法到漢傳的傳承與演變 conference pdf(163)
2023-02 陳那《觀所緣論》前二頌之詮釋與因明問題:從護法到漢傳的傳承與演變 conference web page(104)
2022-12 關於證成唯識之因明論證的幾點看法--回應John Taber所謂的稻草人論證 article web page(121)
2022-10 陳那《觀所緣論》前二頌之詮釋與因明問題:從護法到漢傳的傳承與演變 report web page(140)
2022-06 The Notion of Awareness of Self-awareness and the Problem of Infinite Regress in the Cheng Weishi Lun article web page(136)
2022-04 The Notion of Awareness of Self-awareness and the Problem of Infinite Regress in the Cheng weishi lun conference web page(147)
2022-01 Contradiction, Negation, and the Catuṣkoṭi: Just Several Passages from Dharmapāla’s Dasheng Guangbailun Shilun conference web page(163)
2021-12 Some Thoughts on the Entangled World: With a Little Help from My Buddhist Friends conference web page(99)
2019-06 佛教意識哲學專輯導言 article pdf(263)
2019-06 護法《成唯識寶生論》論知覺及其所緣:兼與當代理論之交涉 article pdf(221)
2018-07 Self-Cognition? Saṃghabhadra, Armstrong, and Introspective Consciousness article pdf(208)
2018 知覺、他者與邏輯:護法《成唯識寶生論》之哲學研究 thesis pdf(40)
2016-09 夢、記憶與知覺:《唯識二十論》及其註釋《成唯識寶生論》之研究 book/chapter web page(216)
2013-09 先果後因?關於逆時因果理論的幾點反思:以達美特與智作護的論述為主 conference pdf(394)
1994 臺商赴大陸投資與兩岸貿易互動 thesis web page(282)
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