Publications- All

Showing 1-25 of 138
Date Title Type Full Text
2023-11 一種內嵌於機車上之智慧後方車輛接近警示系統設計與實現 conference pdf(0)
2015-07 Finding maximal quasi-cliques containing a target vertex in a graph conference web page(487)
2015 A graph structure-based asset retrieval system conference web page(1270)
2015 Determining top-k candidates by reverse constrained skyline queries conference pdf(331)
2014-11 On the semantic annotation of daily places: A machine-learning approach conference web page(999)
2014-09 On continuous spatial skyline queries over a line segment conference web page(1080)
2014-08 Finding k most favorite products based on reverse top-t queries article pdf(709)
2014-06 Top-n query processing in spatial databases considering bi-chromatic reverse k-nearest neighbors article pdf(670)
2014-05 Trends and applications in knowledge discovery and data mining: PAKDD 2014 international workshops: DANTH, BDM, mobisocial, bigEC, cloudSD, MSMV-MBI, SDA, DMDA-health, ALSIP, socnet, DMBIH, bigPMA tainan, Taiwan, may 13–16, 2014 revised selected papers conference web page(867)
2014-04 Finding targets with the nearest favor neighbor and farthest disfavor neighbor by a skyline query conference web page(825)
2014 主動式產品規劃推薦系統之資訊技術進階研究 report web page(1038)
2013-10 Verification of k-coverage on query line segments conference web page(1088)
2013 Determining k-Most Demanding Products with Maximum Expected Number of Total Customers article web page(1148)
2013 Finding leaders with maximum spread of influence through social networks article web page(857)
2013 主動式產品規劃推薦系統之資訊技術進階研究 report pdf(444)
2012.08 Energy Efficient Schemes for Accuracy-Guaranteed Sensor Data Aggregation Using Scalable Counting article pdf(996)
2012 Efficient time series disaggregation for non-intrusive appliance load monitoring conference web page(874)
2012 On continuous top-k similarity joins conference web page(1113)
2012 主動式產品規劃推薦系統之資訊技術進階研究 report pdf(434)
2012 Discovering Leaders from Social Network by Action Cascade conference pdf(570)
2011.06 Mining Frequent Itemsets over Distributed Data Streams by Continuously Maintaining a Global Synopsis article pdf(1083)
2011 合作式個人化推薦系統之進階技術研究及其應用 (III) report pdf(974)
2011 社會網絡資料分析結合地理位置服務之研究與應用:以產品推銷為例 (I) report
2011 On-line rule matching for event prediction article pdf(969)
2011 Effects of typographic variables on eye-movement measures in reading Chinese from a screen article pdf(1052)