Publications- All

Showing 1-17 of 17
Date Title Type Full Text
2023-12 民族學博物館數位典藏的知識轉向:科技發展下典藏資料價值的再詮釋 conference pdf(164)
2023-11 A Genealogy of 20th Century Tibet Amdo Intellectuals: (Re)Reading the Work of Gendun Chopel, Dhondup Gyal and Tsering Dondrup conference pdf(161)
2023-11 作為『替代性朝聖』 (Alternative pilgrimage)的西藏藝術 conference pdf(152)
2023-09 作為社會科學的藏學人類學(Tibetological Anthropology )初探 conference web page(79)
2023-06 "Knowledge and Intellectuals of Different Civilizations": The Current Situation of Chinese Ethnic Minority Intellectuals conference pdf(129)
2023-06 Tibetan Art: The Sacred Exchange of the Image World conference web page(81)
2023-04 「逆寫帝國」與當代博物館實踐 article web page(103)web page(158)
2022-12 [Book Reviews] The Battle for Fortune: State-led Development, Personhood and Power among Tibetans in China article web page(108)
2022-10 Tibetan diaspora in Taiwan: centered on the 1950-1960s conference pdf(129)
2022-07 Palden Lhamoདཔལ་ལྡན་ལྷ་མོ། and Research on Tibetan Female Intellectual Group conference web page(109)
2021-04 從「冷社會」到「熱社會」:西藏的近當代歷程初探 book/chapter web page(140)
2018-08 關於喜馬拉雅區域社會形態的民族誌書寫——[日]棚瀬慈郎著,旦卻加譯《喜馬拉雅藏族社會家庭與婚姻研究》評介 article web page(160)
2017-12 青唐記憶 article web page(194)
2015-06 「族群」與「邊界」所延伸的斷想:弗雷德理克.巴斯(Fredrik Barth)主編《族群與邊界—文化差異下的社會組織》評介 article web page(159)
2013-02 無名的造神者:熱貢唐卡藝人研究 book web page(27)
2012-02 "阿里去底著?"當代唐卡藝人的生存狀態 article web page(166)
2008-04 〈華夏邊緣〉前後 article web page(139)
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