
Showing 1-11 of 11
Date Title Type Full Text
2024-08 Digital Storytelling and Sustainable Systems Education for Children: Reflections on Participatory Learning conference web page(157)
2024-08 Towards SDGs Education with Sustainable System Development for Yushan National Park in Taiwan conference web page(235)
2024-06 Digital Storytelling and Sustainable Systems Education for Children conference web page(141)
2024-06 Driving Learning Societies and Regional Developments with Sustainable System Education–Taiwan Experience conference web page(135)
2024-06 Education Policy Management with Systems Thinking and Strategic Architecture- A Case Study of Taiwan's Higher Education System conference web page(141)
2024-06 ESG Business Transformation and Pathway Management with Net-Zero Policy– A Case Study of Nangang Software Park conference web page(102)
2024-06 Sustainable Business System Design and Strategic Carbon Management: A Case Study of Industrial Park conference web page(136)
2024-06 Sustainable System and STEM Education with Transformative Learning in Cultural Ecosystem Environment conference web page(116)
2024-06 Systems Thinking and STEAM Education with Bits Intelligent Technology in Early Childhood to Primary School conference web page(125)
2023-06 Managing Knowledge for Sustainable City System: Cultural Ecosystem Service Innovation and Social Impacts in Taiwan conference pdf(0)
2023-06 Towards K-12 Education Innovation with Systems Thinking and Sustainable System Development in Taiwan conference pdf(0)
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