2015-01 |
The Informational Role of Individual Investors in Stock Pricing: Evidence from Large Individual and Small Retail Investors |
article |
pdf(1141) |
2014-09 |
IFRS:緯創資通的轉型引擎 |
book/chapter |
web page(1333) |
2014 |
The Determinants of Deposit Insurance Coverage: Evidence from 74 Countries |
article |
pdf(686) |
2014 |
借殼上市相關研究-以臺灣為例 |
report |
pdf(440) |
2013-10 |
Expiration Day Effects and Market Manipulation: Evidence from Taiwan/ Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting |
article |
pdf(1243) |
2013-09 |
Ex-dividend prices and investor trades: Evidence from Taiwan |
article |
pdf(1343) |
2013.01 |
The house money effect on investment risk taking: Evidence from Taiwan |
article |
pdf(1451) |
2013 |
個別投資人投資專注度與投資績效:臺灣的實證 |
report |
pdf(541) |
2011.07 |
The impact of investor base on the costs of capital for IPOs |
article |
pdf(990) |
2011-07 |
The impact of investor base on the costs of capital for IPOs |
article |
pdf(1096) |
2011.03 |
The performance of overconfident fund manager |
article |
pdf(1116) |
2010.09 |
台灣股票市場的長期績效 |
article |
pdf(907) |
2010 |
國際資本移動對新興國家外匯市場的影響 |
report |
pdf(1139) |
2009 |
<哈佛商業評論全球繁體中文版>個案研究 |
report |
2009 |
我國推出差價合約(CFDs)之可行性研究 |
report |
2009 |
建置OTC衍生性金融商品集中交易與結算制度(系統)可行性分析與設計芻議計畫 |
report |
2009 |
證券投資分析人員資格測驗制度之檢討與未來發展方向 |
report |
2008-04 |
光泉企業諮詢產學合作(第二年) |
report |
2008 |
光泉企業諮詢產學合作(第二年) |
report |
2008 |
從日本「金融商品交易法」來探討我國未來金融市場發展方向 |
report |
2008 |
台灣股票市場個別投資人存活率研究(II) |
report |
pdf(796) |
2007 |
光泉企業諮詢產學合作(第一年) |
report |
2007 |
我國期貨交易撮合制度之變革對市場效率性與投資人委託交易之影響 |
report |
2007 |
信託業提供資產管理服務之策略方向及相關建議 |
report |
2007 |
台灣股票市場個別投資人存活率研究(I) |
report |
pdf(157) |