Publications- All

Showing 1-25 of 36
Date Title Type Full Text
2014-06 中國資產投機對全球石油價格泡沫化之影響 article pdf(788)
2014-06 The Co-movement between Oil and Agricultural Commodity Prices: Evidence from the Emerging Market of China article pdf(466)
2014.01 The Impact of Oil Price Shocks on the Large Emerging Countries’ Stock Prices: Evidence from China, India and Russia article web page(1532)
2011-10 中國資產投機對石油價格泡沫化之影響 report pdf(2079)
2011-07 股價目標區政策對股價及總體經濟穩定性效果之分析 article pdf(909)
2011-07 股價目標區政策對股價及經濟穩定性效果之分析 article pdf(1290)
2010-12 The Impact of Oil Price Shocks to the Three BRIC Countries` Stock Prices conference pdf(966)
2010-07 新凱因斯前瞻性模型下釘住名目所得政策的優越性:以利率作為操作目標之探討 article pdf(834)
2010-05 匯率目標區體制下匯率與利率差之波動:異質民眾預期的研究 article pdf(945)
2010 The Impact of Oil Price Shocks on the Returns of China’s Stock Market article pdf(1115)
2009-08 石油價格波動對中國等金磚四國股票市場之影響 report pdf(1445)
2009-03 名目所得目標區政策的穩定效果:以名目利率作為貨幣政策的操作目標 article pdf(718)
2008-12 目標區政策對農產品價格穩定性之研究 article pdf(923)
2006-12 匯率目標區體制下匯率與利率差之波動:異質民眾預期的研究 conference
2006-01 Volatility Trade-offs in Exchange Rate Target Zones article pdf(1561)
2005-12 目標區政策下對農產品價格及經濟穩定性之研究 conference
2003 Is the Volatility Trade-offs in Exchange Rate Target Zones? A Graphical Analysis report
2002-12 Targeting Nominal Income versus Targeting Price Level: A Target Zone Perspective article pdf(1273)
2002 匯率目標區理論的回顧:圖形解析 report pdf(1444)
2002 Economic Stability under Commodity Price Target Zones:Simultaneous Differential Equation Analysis report
2002 Are Honeymoon Effects Valid in the Presence of Both Exchange Rate and output Expectations? A Graphical Analysis report
2002 Are Honeymoon Effects Valid in the Presence of Both Exchange Rate and Price Expectations? A Graphical Analysis report
2002 Volatility Trade-offs in Exchange Rate Target Zones: A Graphical Analysis report
2002 Targeting Nominal Income:A Graphical Analysis report
2001 Economic Stability under Price Target Zone Policy:Another Perspective report