Publications- All

Showing 1-17 of 17
Date Title Type Full Text
2024-10 A DRL-Based NOMA Power Allocation Scheme for LEO Satellite Networks conference web page(45)
2024-08 ID-Based Traitor Tracing with Relaxed Black-Box Setting for Group-Based Applications conference web page(37)
2024-04 An Incremental Learning Model for Network Intrusion Detection Systems conference web page(25)
2023-12 車聯網資訊安全通訊架構之國際標準研析與比較 conference pdf(226)
2023-11 對WN23密鑰策略屬性加密機制之密碼分析 conference pdf(3)
2023-04 從2022年智慧運輸世界大會展望國際智慧運輸發展趨勢 article web page(290)
2022-12 我國智慧運輸建設計畫影響力評估初探 conference pdf(81)
2022-09 Ethereum-based Blockchain Platform for Transportation and Its Integration with Taiwan Rural ITS Testbed conference web page(152)
2022-04 淺談國際推動車聯網與自駕車之現況-以歐盟為例 article web page(186)
2021-12 復康巴士多點路線排程平行化演算法設計 conference pdf(66)
2020-10 Applications on ITS Oriented Blockchain Model conference web page(252)
2019-12 行動即服務之資料視覺化及儀表板架構 conference pdf(80)
2019-10 自駕車時代的車聯網概念與第五代(5G)行動通訊技術 article web page(183)
2017-01 GreenCoMP: Energy-Aware Cooperation for Green Cellular Networks article web page(192)
2014-12 Joint power control and user association for traffic offloading in heterogeneous networks conference web page(213)
2014-04 Traffic offloading with rate-based cell range expansion offsets in heterogeneous networks conference web page(218)
2011-06 Utility-Based Resource Allocation for Layer-Encoded IPTV Multicast Service in Wireless Relay Networks conference web page(218)
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