Publications- All

Showing 1-25 of 36
Date Title Type Full Text
2014-01 Biomarker selection for medical diagnosis using the partial area under the ROC curve article pdf(618)
2013-06 Biomarker Selection in Medical Diagnosis conference web page(1060)
2013.05 A modified area under the ROC curve and its application to marker selection and classification article pdf(1039)
2013.05 Multiple-stage sampling procedure for covariate-adjusted response-adaptive designs article pdf(977)
2013.05 Maximizing an ROC-type measure via linear combination of markers when the gold reference is continuous, article pdf(1077)
2013.01 Sequential estimate for linear regression models with uncertain number of effective variables article pdf(1108)
2013.01 Sequential estimation for covariate-adjusted response-adaptive designs, article pdf(862)
2012.01 Identifying Differential Gene Sets using the Linear Combination of Genes with Maximum AUC article pdf(855)
2012 接受者操作特徵曲線之部份線下面積之極大化 report pdf(551)
2011.01 Optimal sampling in retrospective logistic regression via two-stage method article pdf(1012)
2011.01 Markers selection via maximizing the partial area under ROC curve of linear risk scores article web page(1066)
2011.01 Sequential estimate of partial area under ROC curve with $\\beta $-protection and optimal ratio of cases to controls article pdf(906)
2011.01 Sequential estimation in generalized linear models when covariates are subject to errors article pdf(963)
2010-12 Sequential analysis of longitudinal data in a prospective nested case-control study article pdf(784)
2009-09 Constructing the best linear combination of diagnostic markers via sequential sampling article pdf(848)
2009-07 Online Calibration Via Variable Length Computerized Adaptive Testing article pdf(1016)
2009 接受者操作特徵函數線下面積之無母數迴歸分析 report pdf(414)
2007-09 A Stochastic Approximate View of Boosting article pdf(292)
2006 Estimate of ROC curve via kernel machine conference
2006 Estimate of ROC curve via kernel machine conference
2005-12 Application of Sequential Interval Estimation to adaptive mastery testing article pdf(1353)
2005 A Stochastic Approximation View of Boosting article pdf(987)
2005 Boosting Algorithm that maximizes the area under ROC curve conference
2005 Boosting Algorithm that maximizes the area under ROC curve conference
2005 Integrating Discrete Wavelet Transform and Neural Networks for Prostate Cancer Detection Using Proteomic Data conference