
Showing 1-25 of 38
Date Title Type Full Text Scopus▼ WOS
2011.08 Sustaining knowledge building as a principle-based innovation at an elementary school article pdf(1177) 155 96
2009-04 Towards an idea-centered, principle-based design approach to support learning as knowledge creation article pdf(803) 118 58
2015-05 Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) and Design Thinking: A Framework to Support ICT Lesson Design for 21st Century Learning article pdf(799) 114 63
2015-09 Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) and Design Thinking: A Framework to Support ICT Lesson Design for 21st Century Learning article pdf(448) 114 63
2012-05 How Learning about Scientists`` Struggles Influences Students`` Interest and Learning in Physics article pdf(813) 95 59
2012-05 How learning about scientists` struggles influences students` interest and learning in physics. article pdf(855) 93 62
2016-04 Schools as Knowledge Building Organizations: Thirty Years of Design Research article 說明頁(766) 91 56
2017-01 Two tales of time: Uncovering the significance of sequential patterns among contribution types in knowledge-building discourse article pdf(497) 75 57
2018-11 STEM Education in Asia Pacific: Challenges and Development. article pdf(196) 68 33
2014-02 Community knowledge assessment in a knowledge building environment article pdf(1134) 46 32
2015-11 A survey to examine teachers’ perceptions of Design Dispositions, Lesson Design Practices and their relationships with Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) article 說明頁(1421) 35 26
2014-05 Fostering a collaborative and creative climate in a college class through idea-centered knowledge-building article pdf(1174) 33 19
2018-12 Fostering design-oriented collective reflection among preservice teachers through principle-based knowledge building activities article pdf(376) 28 18
2016-07 Exploring the development of college students` epistemic views during their knowledge building activities article pdf(595) 24 19
2018-06 Elementary students enhancing their understanding of energy-saving through idea-centered collaborative knowledge-building scaffolds and activities article pdf(408) 23 14
2018-06 Elementary Students Enhancing their Understanding of Energy-Saving through Collaborative Knowledge-Building Activities article pdf(196) 23 14
2017-12 Principle-based design: Development of adaptive mathematics teaching practices and beliefs in a knowledge building environment article pdf(482) 21 16
2014-02 Development and Validation of the Knowledge-Building Environment Scale article pdf(1228) 20 16
2015-11 Fostering sustained knowledge building among elementary students through principle-guided use of analytical tools article pdf(837) 20 14
2015-09 Fostering sustained idea improvement with principle-based knowledge building analytic tools article pdf(751) 20 14
2018-10 Integrated STEM Learning in an Idea-centered Knowledge-building Environment article pdf(188) 16 9
2020-06 Advancing Third Graders` Reading Comprehension through Collaborative Knowledge Building: A Comparative Study in Taiwan article pdf(241) 15 7
2013.09 Exploring college students`` perceptions of learning and online performance in a knowledge building environment article pdf(1296) 11 8
2015-01 College students constructing collective knowledge of natural science history in a collaborative knowledge building community article pdf(1244) 10 7
2018 Fostering Students` Scientific Inquiry through Computer-Supported Collaborative Knowledge Building. article pdf(244) 10 5