
Showing 1-25 of 270
Date Title Type Full Text
2022-12 港珠澳高等教育发展特色与合作模式研究 article 說明頁(26)
2021-07 World class university publication pressure across different System article 說明頁(245)
2020-06 Evolving international academic exchanges: The shifting cross-strait university practices between Taiwan and China article pdf(152)
2020.05 Innovation Policy For Human Capital Investment In Taiwan`s Education book/chapter pdf(168)
2020 國際高等教育政策成效評估與案例分析 article pdf(152)
2020 十年蹤跡十年心 : 澳門培正中學課程改革 book pdf(147)
2019-09 Excellence vs. Equity: How Taiwan Higher Education is Caught in a Trap for ‘World Class’ Status book/chapter pdf(158)
2019-05 澳门高等教育发展成效探究 article pdf(485)
2019-03 How Taiwan Education Pursues Equity in Quality book/chapter 說明頁(541)
2018-02 翻轉性別教育 book/chapter 說明頁(730)
2017-08 Effects of the internet on teenage education book/chapter 說明頁(425)
2017-06 Caught in a Trap: Impact Factors and the Scramble for “World Class” Status article pdf(347)
2017-06 「全球時代中華人教育模式」的探索歷程 article pdf(815)
2017-05 中國大陸部分大學教育學院遭裁撤整並之研究 article 說明頁(765)
2017 Governance and Academic Culture in Higher Education: Under the Influence of the SSCI Syndrome. article pdf(364)
2017 Effects of the internet on teenage education book/chapter 說明頁(507)
2017 Taiwan Education at the Crossroad: When Globalization Meets Localization book/chapter 說明頁(479)
2017 Foreword book/chapter 說明頁(520)
2016 Chinese Education Models in a Global Age book/chapter 說明頁(801)
2016 Chinese Education Models in a Global Age: Myth or Reality? book/chapter pdf(1078)pdf(179)
2016 A Chinese Model of Citizenship Education in Taiwan: Under the influence of globalization, localization and cross-straitization book/chapter 說明頁(1295)pdf(640)
2016 Chinese Models of University Quality Assurance: Case Studies from China and Taiwan book/chapter 說明頁(807)pdf(448)
2016 優質中小學是什麼樣的:一位教育學教授的新西蘭之旅 (簡體字 再版) book/chapter 說明頁(633)
2016 Preface: Measuring up for what cause? article 說明頁(843)
2016 Trends in Publication in the Race for World Class University: The Case of Taiwan article pdf(499)