
Showing 1-25 of 86
Date Title Type Full Text
2024-07 A Tool for Associative Text Analysis to Enhance Efficiency in Exploring Hstorical Texts conference web page(69)
2024-07 A Virtual 3D Chemistry Laboratory with an Enhanced AI Chatbot to Facilitate Learning Effectiveness conference web page(56)
2024-07 Developing a Meso-Viewpoint Discussion System to Promote Online Learning Performance conference web page(73)
2024-07 Empowering Elementary Students’ Scratch Programming Skills through a Jigsaw Collaborative Learning Method in a Metaverse Virtual Space conference web page(52)
2024-07 Exploring Relationships Between People and Organizations: A Digital Humanities Research Tool Based on AI Technology for Knowledge Graph Analysis conference web page(54)
2024-07 The Impact of Collaborative Digital Reading Annotation System on Learning Performance and Motivation in Solving Mathematical Application Problems conference web page(63)
2023-07 A Game-based Augmented Reality Navigation System to Support Makerspace User Education in a University Library conference web page(200)
2023-07 Developing a Collaborative Writing System with Visualization Interaction Network Analysis to Facilitate Online Learning Performance and Technology Acceptance conference web page(199)
2023-07 Enhancing Learning Performance with Interactive Test Dashboard and Diagnostic Feedback Mechanisms conference web page(149)
2023-07 Inquiry-based Learning with a Digital Humanities Research Platform’s Support to Facilitate Students’ Historical Learning Performance and Satisfaction conference web page(135)
2023-07 The Effects of Web-based Inquiry Learning Mode with the Support of Collaborative Digital Reading Annotation System on Information Literacy Learning Effectiveness and Technology Acceptance conference web page(158)
2020-07 A Semantic Network Instant Feedback System to Improve Online Discussion Performance conference web page(369)
2020-07 A Video-Annotated Learning Review System with Vocabulary Learning Mechanism to Facilitate English Listening Comprehension conference web page(394)
2020-07 An Image Retrieval System Based on Automatic Image Annotation to Facilitate Digital Humanities Research conference web page(451)
2020-07 Developing a Computer-Mediated Communication Competence Predicting Model Based on Learning Behavior Features conference web page(402)
2020-07 Developing a Topic Analysis Instant Feedback System to Facilitate Asynchronous Online Discussion Performance conference web page(355)
2020-07 The Effects of Collaborative Reading Annotation System with Gamified Mechanisms on Reading Comprehension Performance conference web page(324)
2020-07 The Effects of Sharing SOAR Study Note on English Reading Comprehension conference web page(375)
2019-07 Development and Evaluation of a Character Social Network Relationship Map Tool in an Ancient Book Digital Humanities Research Platform conference pdf(234)
2018-08 A Visual Interactive Reading System Based on Eye Tracking Technology to Improve Digital Reading Performance conference pdf(443)
2018-07 An Automatic Text Annotation System to Improve Reading Comprehension of Chinese Ancient Texts conference web page(789)
2018-07 An Effective Group Incentive Mechanism in a Collaborative Problem-based Learning System for Enhancing Positive Peer Interaction and Learning Performance conference web page(693)
2018-07 An English Vocabulary Learning APP with Self-regulated Learning Mechanism for Promoting Learning Performance and Motivation conference web page(769)
2018-07 Community Detection with Opinion Leaders’ Identification for Promoting Collaborative Problem-based Learning Performance conference web page(771)
2018-07 The Effects of Video-Annotated Listening Review Mechanism on Promoting EFL Listening Comprehension conference web page(746)