2023-10 |
南太平洋島國近期動向與美中競逐 |
article |
pdf(248) |
2022-08 |
澳洲新政府對外政策前景與區域安全局勢 |
article |
web page(239) |
2022-07 |
文在寅時代的南韓與印度政經關係 |
article |
web page(316) |
2022-07 |
Prospects for South Korea’s Economic Relations with Hungary and Poland under President Yoon Suk-yeol |
article |
web page(273) |
2022-07 |
文在寅時代的南韓與東協政經關係 |
article |
web page(270) |
2022-06 |
當前澳洲對太平洋地區島國的援助政策 |
article |
web page(155) |
2022-04 |
The Romance of Three Economic Blocs: EU-China Economic Relations Evolving in an Era of Uncertainty |
book/chapter |
pdf(272) |
2022-03 |
Taiwan-India Economic Relations in the Post-RCEP Era |
conference |
pdf(238) |
2022 |
South Korea and V4 in a New Asia-EU Era: Hungary and Poland as Dual Manufacturing Hubs |
book/chapter |
web page(338) |
2021-12 |
文在寅政府與伊朗關係:前有狼,後有虎 |
conference |
web page(303) |
2021-03 |
亞歐時代東北亞與中東歐國家關係:以韓國-波蘭經貿關係為例 |
article |
pdf(382) |
2021-03 |
氣候變遷、破壞性創新與日本-中東政經關係 |
article |
pdf(351) |
2021-03 |
亞歐時代東北亞與中東歐國家關係:以韓國-波蘭經貿關係為例 |
article |
pdf(268) |
2021-03 |
氣候變遷、破壞性創新與日本-中東政經關係 |
article |
pdf(228) |
2020-09 |
EU-China Economic Relations in an Era of Uncertainty: Germany as an Example |
article |
pdf(409) |
2020-09 |
南韓文在寅政府與伊朗關係之研究 |
web page(610) |
2020-09 |
南韓與伊朗關係的美國因素 |
article |
pdf(239) |
2020-03 |
不確定時代韓國對外經貿的挑戰與文在寅政府的因應對策 |
article |
pdf(384) |
2020-01 |
南韓與伊朗關係的美國因素 |
article |
pdf(260) |
2019-11 |
不確定時代韓國對外經貿的挑戰與文在寅政府的因應對策 |
conference |
pdf(284) |
2019-05 |
Enhancing Asia-EU Relations in an Era of Turbulence |
conference |
2019-05 |
美陸貿易戰影響下的全球與亞太區域政經發展 |
article |
web page(489) |
2019-03 |
Trumpism, Sino-US Trade War and its Implications for Global Economy |
article |
pdf(454) |
2018-10 |
澳洲對中國政策的新作法 |
article |
web page(536) |
2017-12 |
South Korea-Vietnam Economic Relations under President Park Geun-hye |
article |
pdf(438) |