
Showing 1-25 of 35
Date Title Type Full Text Scopus WOS Altmetric
2022-07 Consumption indivisibility and the optimal tax mix article 說明頁(136)
2021-09 策略性的環境企業社會責任與民營化中立性定理 article 說明頁(203)
2021-08 Market Concentration and Superiority among Strategic Export Subsidy Policies with Taxation Distortion and Cost Heterogeneity article pdf(255)
2021-06 On the Neutrality of Profit Taxation in a Mixed Oligopoly article pdf(169)
2020-12 商品不可分割性與最適商品稅 兼論利益團體遊說的情況 article pdf(167)
2020-06 民營化程度、租稅競爭與公共財提供 article pdf(207)
2020-03 Privatization Neutrality with Quality and Subsidies article pdf(156)
2019-12 Privatization Neutrality with Quality and Subsidies article pdf(249)
2019-03 Privatization Neutrality with Quality and Subsidies article pdf(184)
2017-12 Specific versus Ad valorem taxation with tax evasion in imperfectly competitive markets article 說明頁(800)
2017-06 Non-equivalence of specific and ad valorem taxation in the competitive market with tax evasion article 說明頁(931)
2016-09 商品不可分割性與最適所得稅 article pdf(390)
2016-04 消費外部性、自我保險與最適租稅政策 article pdf(423)
2015-10 目標不一致、員工分紅與最適所得稅制 article pdf(728)
2012-04 公司稅的中立性與逃漏稅行為 article pdf(871)
2012-03 核課期間與租稅逃漏 article pdf(989)
2011-06 以未稽核所得申報資料推估短漏報所得 article pdf(1087)
2011-01 最適差別通路稅之分析 article pdf(1148)
2010-01 從價 V.S. 從量出口貿易政策的福利效果之比較 多家本國廠商的情況 article pdf(1350)
2010-01 Welfare Comparison between Specific and Ad Valorem Export Trade Policy: The Case of Multi-domestic Firms article 說明頁(964)
2009-09 柏瑞圖增進的查核機制改革 article 說明頁(1139)
2009-06 所得稅損失扣除政策有效率嗎? article pdf(455)
2009-03 A note on the neutrality of profit taxes and tax compliance with imperfect detection article pdf(1441)
2009-01 查核不確定下廠商之生產與逃漏決策 article pdf(1354)
2009-01 查核不確定下廠商之生産與逃漏決策 article pdf(712)