2023-09 |
我國資訊人力職能架構的核心內涵與彈性元素 |
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2022-06 |
Position Analysis of Internet Public Opinions - Reflection upon Nuclear Energy Issues in Taiwan |
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2021-09 |
Position Analysis from Internet Public Opinion: A Case Study of Taiwan Power’s Nuclear Waste Policy |
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2020-10 |
My Data 個案推動與服務模式之建構 |
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2020-10 |
公務體系訓練重設計:以臺北市政府推動專案管理訓練為例 |
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2019.08 |
From Sentiment Analysis to Policy Preferences: A Methodological Comparison of Manual, Automatic, and Crowdsourced Internet Public Opinion Analysis |
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2019-05 |
Towards Evidence-Based Policy Deliberation for Environmental Justice - The Case Study of Civil Forums on Nuclear Waste in Taiwan |
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2019-05 |
前瞻數位政策下文官跨域數位職能的發展與培訓 |
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2018-06 |
新時代文官數位治理:核心能力的界定與培訓 |
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2017-06 |
資料驅動創新的跨部門治理:以個資自主管理與個人化數位服務 |
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2017 |
Redesigning Digital Governance Institutions in the Public Sector |
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2014-05 |
政府如何感知與回應民意?以中央政府新聞聯絡人的調查研究為例 |
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2012-06 |
從數位落差到機會平等?縣市電子治理條件之檢視:空間的分析與比較 |
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2008-05 |
我國偏遠鄉鎮數位落差之跨年分析:兼論數位機會中心之設置基礎 |
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2008-05 |
電子化政府計畫評估架構之建立與運用:以數位台灣分項計畫為例 |
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2008 |
台灣文官意見調查的挑戰與反思–以「2008年台灣民主治理機制鞏固之研究」為例 |
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2008 |
發展循證基礎的文官研究與實務:「台灣文官調查資料庫」芻議 |
conference |
2008 |
Budget Management for Government IT Functions - Retrospect and Prospect |
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2007-06 |
Democratization of Government Websites: Indicators and Comparing Perceptions of Citizens and Public Officials in Taiwan |
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2006-10 |
數位治理之實踐:我國政府網站民主功能之評估 |
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2006-07 |
Stakeholder Participation in the Formation of Policy Solutions: An Exploratory Assessment of Political Feasibility in the “Second Generation National Health Insurance” Reform in Taiwan 2000~2003 |
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2006-06 |
Linking Citizen Satisfaction with E-Government and Political Efficacy in Taiwan |
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2006-04 |
The Effects of E-government on Political Trust and Efficacy: Case Study of Taiwan |
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2006-01 |
數位民主的永續經營:系統思考的觀點 |
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2005-12 |
資訊科技對審議民主的影響—線上與實體公民會議的比較 |
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