
Showing 1-18 of 18
Date Title Type Full Text
2023-09 Measuring Ownership Fragmentation of Farmland: A case study in Taoyuan City, Taiwan conference pdf(76)
2023-06 農地產權複雜度衡量與農地資源決策評估機制之建立 conference pdf(107)
2022-06 農地產權複雜分析:以嘉義縣為例 conference web page(135)
2020-12 容積移轉在不同公共設施服務水準地區對房價之影響 conference pdf(228)
2019-07 An analysis on land price after land readjustment conference web page(401)
2019-05 農地優惠課稅與農地利用之分析 conference web page(266)
2013.07 Are housings early demolished in urban renewal area? conference pdf(1280)
2008-10 An Analytical Network Process Approach (ANP) evaluation of alternative programs of farmland consolidation in Taiwan conference
2008-08 農村發展與周遭農地整合利用:土地重劃觀點 conference
2008-05 農地重劃與農村社區土地重劃結合辦理之探討:以十分塭地區為例 conference
2007-04 從新制度經濟學觀點檢視台灣地區之農地重劃制度 conference
2006-04 影響農地違規使用因素之探討 conference
2006-04 多功能農地重劃之探討 conference
2005-09 台灣地區農地重劃角色變遷之研究 conference
2005-04 以公私合營方式檢視台灣都市更新實施主體之研究 conference
2003-08 The Analysis of Urban Redevelopment in terms of Market Failure conference
1998-12 規劃管制決策之分析 conference
1998-09 羅吉特模型於土地使用分區決策市場實證分析之應用 conference
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