
起訖年月 計畫編號 計畫名稱 擔任職務
2010/08/01-2011/07/31 NSC99-2410-H-004-049- 中國資產投機對石油價格泡沫化之影響 計畫主持人
2009/08/01-2010/07/31 NSC98-2410-H-004-040- 石油價格波動對中國等金磚四國股票市場之影響 計畫主持人
2002/08/01-2003/07/31 NSC91-2415-H-004-009 匯率目標區理論的回顧:圖形解析 計畫主持人
2000/08/01-2001/07/31 NSC89-2415-H-004-046 產品價格目標區之經濟穩定性:聯立隨機微分方程之應用 計畫主持人
1999/08/01-2000/07/31 NSC89-2415-H-004-017 匯率目標區政策與經濟之穩定性---雙元匯率制度之分析 計畫主持人
1998/08/01-1999/07/31 NSC88-2415-H-004-012 最適利率與股價指標之選擇---目標區理論再詮釋 計畫主持人
1998/01/01-1998/12/31 NSC87-2418-H-004-014 物價目標區下經濟之穩定性---凱恩斯學派和新古典學派的比較 計畫主持人


起訖年月 計畫編號 計畫名稱 擔任職務


年度 內容 項目
102 The co-movement between oil and agricultural commodity prices: Evidence from an emerging market in China 外文編修
101 石油價格變動對金磚四國股票市場報酬之影響 投稿
100 The impact of oil price shocks on the China’s stock market 外文編修
100 The Impact of Oil Price Shocks on the Large Emerging Countries’ Stock Prices: Evidence from China, India and Russia 外文編修
099 Relationships between Oil Price Shocks and Stock Market: An Empirical Analysis from Greater China 外文編修
099 The Validity of the Exchange Rate Target Zones in Both Exchange Rate and Output Expectations Consideration. 投稿
099 The New Evidence of Stock Markets' Interrelationships in Greater China: A Revisit 外文編修
096 A graphical analysis of the validity in exchange rate target zones 外文編修
096 The stability performance of price target zones 投稿
096 The validity of dual exchange rates system in a financial crisis:a target zone perspective 外文編修
096 Is the Honeymoon Effect Balid in the Presence of Both Exchange Rate and Output Expectations? A Graphical Analysis 投稿
095 The Performance of Nominal Income Targeting Under Non-comventional Interest Rate Instrument:A Target Zone Perspective. 投稿
095 The Stability Performance of Price Target Zones 投稿
095 Volatility Trade-offs in Exchange Rate Target Zones. 投稿
095 Is the Honeyoon Effect Valid in the Presence of Both Exchange Rate and Output Expectations?A Graphical Analysis. 投稿